
Russkie Dengi (2006)

ジャンル : コメディ, 履歴

上映時間 : 1時間 55分

演出 : Igor Maslennikov


Хозяйка большого, но расстроенного поместья Меропия Мурзавецкая держит всю свою вотчину в железном кулаке: не спускает лести, подхалимства и слывет на всю округу святой строгой благодетельницей. Но и у нее есть своя слабость — племянник Апполоша, пропойца и неудавшийся хохмач, выгнанный с военной службы за мелкие пакости. Чтобы поправить своё положение и наконец-то пристроить племянника, Меропия решает женить его на богатой соседке, хорошенькой вдовушке Евлампии Купавиной, и ради этого идет на череду подлогов и лжи. Несмотря на то, что Апполон вместо решительного предложения руки и сердца лишь занимает у Купавиной пять рублей на «табачок-с», задумка Мурзавецкой близка к завершению, и наивная овечка Евлампия со всем своим капиталом и необъятными лесами почти оказывается в пасти деспотичной помещицы. Но когда Мурзавецкая уже не сомневается в успехе своей аферы, появляется Василий Беркутов, давний ухажёр Купавиной, прирожденный предприниматель и делец…


Alla Demidova
Alla Demidova
Yuriy Galtsev
Yuriy Galtsev
Aleksey Guskov
Aleksey Guskov
Zoya Buryak
Zoya Buryak
Nina Urgant
Nina Urgant
Oskar Kuchera
Oskar Kuchera


Igor Maslennikov
Igor Maslennikov


The Griswalds win a vacation to Europe on a game show, and so pack their bags for the continent. They do their best to catch the flavor of Europe, but they just don't know how to be be good tourists. Besides, they have trouble taking holidays in countries where they CAN speak the language.
Maggie Peyton, the new owner of Number 53 - the free-wheelin' Volkswagen bug with a mind of its own - puts the car through its paces on the road to becoming a NASCAR competitor.
Deuce Bigalow goes to Amsterdam after a little accident including two irritating kids and a bunch of aggressive dolphins. There he meets up with his old friend T.J. Hicks. But a mysterious killer starts killing some of Amsterdam's finest gigolos and T.J. is mistaken for the extremely gay murderer. Deuce must enter the gigolo industry again to find the real murderer and clear T.J.'s name.
Up in Smoke
An unemployed pot-smoking slacker and amateur drummer, Anthony Stoner ditches his strict parents and hits the road, eventually meeting kindred spirit Pedro de Pacas. While the drug-ingesting duo is soon arrested for possession of marijuana, Anthony and Pedro get released on a technicality, allowing them to continue their many misadventures and ultimately compete in a rock band contest, where they perform the raucous tune "Earache My Eye."
Martin Lawrence plays Jamal, an employee in Medieval World amusement park. After nearly drowning in the moat, he awakens to find himself in 14th century England.
When he finds out his longtime girlfriend is pregnant, a commitment-phobe realizes he might have to change his lifestyle for better or much, much worse.
天国から来たわんちゃん チャーリーのお話
1939年のアメリカルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズで雑種のシェパード犬チャーリーとブルドッグのカーフェイスは犬用カジノを経営していた。しかし儲けの半分を分けることに嫌気のさしたカーフェイスはチャーリーとその相棒であるダックスフンドのイッチーを嵌めて犬用の刑務所に収監させてしまう。 その後チャーリーとイッチーは脱獄に成功しカジノに舞い戻るが、カーフェイスに嵌められたと気付いていないチャーリーはカーフェイスの策略により車と共に川に突き落とされ死亡する。死んだチャーリーは犬の天国に行くが、カーフェイスに対する復讐の捻により死に切れず命の時計を奪い下界に舞い戻る。
エル・ドラド 黄金の都
After a failed swindle, two con-men end up with a map to El Dorado, the fabled "city of gold," and an unintended trip to the New World. Much to their surprise, the map does lead the pair to the mythical city, where the startled inhabitants promptly begin to worship them as gods. The only question is, do they take the worshipful natives for all they're worth, or is there a bit more to El Dorado than riches?
The story of the eventful life of George W. Bush—his struggles and triumphs, how he found both his wife and his faith—and the critical days leading up to his decision to invade Iraq.
Spy Hard
The evil Gen. Rancor has his sights set on world domination, and only one man can stop him: Dick Steele, also known as Agent WD-40. Rancor needs to obtain a computer circuit for the missile that he is planning to fire, so Steele teams up with Veronique Ukrinsky, a KGB agent whose father designed the chip. Together they try to locate the evil mastermind's headquarters, where Veronique's father and several other hostages are being held.
ロンドンのとある刑務所を出所したチャーリーは、ボスであるブリッジャーの指示により、トリノで400万ドルの金塊を手に入れる計画を立てる。 手練の泥棒仲間たちに加え、コンピュータの第一人者であるピーチ教授を仲間にしたチャーリーたちは、一路イタリアへ向かった。そして、当時のイギリスの象徴とも言うべき、赤、白、青のユニオンジャックカラーの小型車、ミニMK-Iが3台、作戦のためにトリノに送り込まれた。トリノの街は、イタリア警察のアルファロメオと、ミニのカーチェイスが展開されることになる――。
Where the Heart Is
Novalee Nation is a 17-year-old Tennessee transient who has to grow up in a hurry when she's left pregnant and abandoned by her boyfriend on a roadside, and takes refuge in the friendly aisles of Wal-Mart. Eventually, some eccentric but kindly strangers 'adopt' Novalee and her infant daughter, helping them buck the odds and build a new life.
After the Sunset
An FBI agent is suspicious of two master thieves, quietly enjoying their retirement near what may - or may not - be the biggest score of their careers.