
A Plumm Summer (2008)

ジャンル : アドベンチャー, ファミリー

上映時間 : 1時間 39分

演出 : Caroline Zelder


Based on a true-story - A Plumm Summer tells the remarkable tale of two young brothers, Elliott and Rocky Plumm, who go head-to-head with the FBI in order to crack the "frog-napping" case and get their beloved TV puppet, Froggy Doo back on the air, all the while become local heroes and best friends.


Jeff Daniels
Jeff Daniels
Henry Winkler
Henry Winkler
Happy Herb
Lisa Guerrero
Lisa Guerrero
Roxie Plumm
Chris Massoglia
Chris Massoglia
Elliott Plumm
Owen Pearce
Owen Pearce
Rocky Plumm
William Baldwin
William Baldwin
Micky Plumm
Fuschia Sumner
Fuschia Sumner
Morgan Flynn
Morgan Flynn
Haley Dubois
Brenda Strong
Brenda Strong
Tim Quill
Tim Quill
Wayne Dubois
Peter Scolari
Peter Scolari
Agent Hardigan
Rick Overton
Rick Overton
Agent Brinkman
Richard Riehle
Richard Riehle
Art Bublin
Clint Howard
Clint Howard
Binky the Clown
Gavin Black
Gavin Black
Ben Trotter
Ben Trotter


Caroline Zelder
Caroline Zelder
T.J. Lynch
T.J. Lynch
J.P. Gabriel
J.P. Gabriel
Wanda 'Beau' Peterson
Wanda 'Beau' Peterson
Set Decoration


The Committee
The Committee, starring Paul Jones of Manfred Mann fame, is a unique document of Britain in the 1960s. After a very successful run in London’s West End in 1968, viewings of this controversial movie have been few and far between. Stunning black and white camera work by Ian Wilson brings to life this “chilling fable” by Max Steuer, a lecturer (now Reader Emeritus) at the London School of Economics. Avoiding easy answers, The Committee uses a surreal murder to explore the tension and conflict between bureaucracy on one side, and individual freedom on the other. Many films, such as Total Recall, Fahrenheit 451 and Camus’ The Stranger, see the state as ignorant and repressive, and pass over the inevitable weaknesses lying deep in individuals. Drawing on the ideas of R.D. Laing, a psychologically hip state faces an all too human protagonist.
Prescription: Murder
In Columbo's first outing, a psychiatrist uses a patient he is having an affair with to help him kill his wife, but his perfect alibi may come apart at the hands of a seemingly befuddled LAPD lieutenant.
京都市内で起きた爆弾騒ぎを見事に収束させた様子がネットで拡散された上、新聞に京都府警本部長・高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)のインタビューが掲載され、宅間善人(草彅剛)の能力が話題に。京都府内の各所轄署から未解決事件捜査の依頼が殺到する。一方で高倉は、宅間を復職させるために急造した『特別捜査係』を解体することを示唆。姉小路千波(南果歩)に警察学校教官のポストを打診するなど、謎めいた行動に出ていた。そんな中、嵐山市の非公認キャラ・ニシンバァ~が誘拐され、特別捜査係に捜査の依頼が入る。はじめは「着ぐるみが盗まれただけの盗難事件」と高を括る姉小路たちだったが、宅間が語った話から誘拐の可能性を視野に入れ、捜査を開始する。その矢先、姉小路の自宅にニシンバァ~の着ぐるみの指が送られてくる! 送り主は『ハウプトマン』というクラウドファンディングのサイト。クラウドファンディングとは、群衆と資金調達を組み合わせた言葉で、インターネット上で資金提供を呼びかけ、賛同した人に財源の提供や協力を募るというもので、今回の場合、賛同者には“フラッシュモブ”が行なわれる時間と場所が通知される、という趣旨のものだったが、そこに姉小路の義母・小枝(江波杏子)が誤って12万円もの大金を出資してしまっていたのだ! 『ハウプトマン』のサイトを見た宅間は、それがイベント出資募集ではなく犯罪への出資の募集だと指摘。ほかにも“Dillinger(デリンジャー)”“Ponzi(ポンジ)”“Young(ヤング)”といった実在する海外の凶悪犯罪者の名を冠した同様のサイトが存在することから、資金が目標額に達した際は、その犯罪者に倣った犯罪が起こるのではないかと推測する。そしてこれは『クラウドファンディング』ではなく、『クライム(犯罪)ファンディング』であると、宅間は命名するのだった。アメリカには、ブルーノ・リチャード・ハウプトマンという誘拐犯が実在し、今回のニシンバァ~誘拐事件とファンディングサイトの出資募集が関連していたことを知った姉小路たちは、誘拐事件の再捜査を開始。・・・宅間善人がシリーズ史上最悪の殺人計画に挑む!
The story of a boy made of trash, built by his creator Gordon Grott as a surrogate for his estranged son. When Scraps comes to life one day and sees what a perfect family looks like, he decides to try and bond with the only father figure he has.
A failing writer loses his grip on reality as his wife grows pregnant with their child.
Workers Con
Adding insult to injury
A wooden puppet embarks on a thrilling adventure to become a real boy.
Manifest Destiny
A man is visited by the physical manifestation of his inner demon of alcoholism - an adorable 2-foot blue puppet.
高校生活を過ごす常磐ソウゴ / 仮面ライダージオウを明光院ゲイツ / 仮面ライダーゲイツとツクヨミが追いかけていた。その途中、アナザーデンライナーが墜落、その中からアナザー電王が出現した。しかし、ソウゴはジオウとしての記憶を無くしていたが、偶然取り戻しゲイツと共にアナザー電王に立ち向かう。 同じ頃、1人の少年シンゴを襲うアナザーWに桐生戦兎 / 仮面ライダービルドと万丈龍我 / 仮面ライダークローズが応戦。その途中、前の世界の記憶を失ったはずの猿渡一海 / 仮面ライダーグリスと氷室幻徳 / 仮面ライダーローグが加勢する。戦いの後、幻徳は突然戦兎たちのことを、ツクヨミはソウゴたちのことを忘れてしまう。 一方、ソウゴは仮面ライダーが大好きな少年、久永アタルと出会う。だが、アタルは謎のイマジン、フータロスと契約していた。 アナザー電王、アナザーWを裏で操っているスーパータイムジャッカーのティードが「仮面ライダークウガから始まった平成ライダーの歴史が今、終わりを告げる」と宣言し暗躍を始め、シンゴを狙っていた。そして、シンゴを保護した戦兎は、ティードに洗脳されてしまう。
ナイブズ・アウト 名探偵と刃の館の秘密
Villagers are shocked by the sudden death of Mary. Father Prem Fernandes gets legal permission to conduct a postmortem on Mary's body by removing it from her grave.
Golden State Killer : Main Suspect
Hosted by NBC News investigative journalist Stephanie Gosk, this brand new two-hour special will offer an intimate look into the life of Joe DeAngelo, the suspect in custody, through new and exclusive interviews from those who were closest to him and offering a gripping depiction of the prime suspect in a decades-long manhunt. To his family, friends, and former colleagues, DeAngelo lived the life of the classic “average Joe” - a father, grandfather, veteran, and even former police officer. DeAngelo now stands accused of being the man behind one of the most ruthlessly enduring crime sprees of all time and is believed to have raped more than 45 women and murdered at least 12 people. He is currently charged with 12 counts of first degree murder and has so far not entered a plea. Joining Gosk is Bay Area detective Paul Holes, who helped search for the Golden State Killer for nearly a quarter-century and played a key role in the arrest of Joe DeAngelo.
Additional Trace
The Dream
A young poet is driven mad by his internal demons.
A picture-perfect family is torn apart after Tyler finds a cache of disturbing images in his father's possession. He begins to suspect that the man he trusts most in the world may be responsible for the murder of 13 women ten years prior.
Mount. NABI
In October 2013, several video cameras and 8 bodies of men and women were found in the mountain known as "Mount. Nabi" located in the Chubu region of Japan. Many of the investigators fainted at the scene as the bodies were gruesomely decapitated by the wild animals. A police investigation was carried but the killer was never found till this day. What happened in the depth of a mountain?
A detailing of the plight of white South African farmers.
Puppet Master
A lonely woman, yearning to be caressed, allows a man to transform her into a puppet. The Puppet Master is a fantasy drama that combines actors and puppets in a poetic story about longing for love, living in an objectifying relationship and clinging to another person.
The Biko Inquest
Based on the official transcripts of the investigation that followed after the very suspicious notorious death in prison of one of the most important leading men of the South African anti-apartheid movement, Steven Biko.