A Plumm Summer (2008)
장르 : 모험, 가족
상영시간 : 1시간 39분
연출 : Caroline Zelder
Based on a true-story - A Plumm Summer tells the remarkable tale of two young brothers, Elliott and Rocky Plumm, who go head-to-head with the FBI in order to crack the "frog-napping" case and get their beloved TV puppet, Froggy Doo back on the air, all the while become local heroes and best friends.
The Committee, starring Paul Jones of Manfred Mann fame, is a unique document of Britain in the 1960s. After a very successful run in London’s West End in 1968, viewings of this controversial movie have been few and far between. Stunning black and white camera work by Ian Wilson brings to life this “chilling fable” by Max Steuer, a lecturer (now Reader Emeritus) at the London School of Economics. Avoiding easy answers, The Committee uses a surreal murder to explore the tension and conflict between bureaucracy on one side, and individual freedom on the other. Many films, such as Total Recall, Fahrenheit 451 and Camus’ The Stranger, see the state as ignorant and repressive, and pass over the inevitable weaknesses lying deep in individuals. Drawing on the ideas of R.D. Laing, a psychologically hip state faces an all too human protagonist.
In Columbo's first outing, a psychiatrist uses a patient he is having an affair with to help him kill his wife, but his perfect alibi may come apart at the hands of a seemingly befuddled LAPD lieutenant.
Yoshito (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi) becomes famous in Kyoto because of his ability to solve cases. The special investigation unit receives a request to investigate a case revolving around the kidnapping of a costumed performer. He plays a non-official character of the Arashiyama area, located on the western outskirts of Kyoto. Nobody takes the kidnapping case seriously, but Yoshito says the case could be real and it might be related to a crowdfunding site.
The story of a boy made of trash, built by his creator Gordon Grott as a surrogate for his estranged son. When Scraps comes to life one day and sees what a perfect family looks like, he decides to try and bond with the only father figure he has.
A failing writer loses his grip on reality as his wife grows pregnant with their child.
Adding insult to injury
목수 ‘제페토’의 간절한 소원으로 태어난 나무 인형 ‘피노키오’는 진짜 사람이 되기 위해 자신의 양심이 되어줄 귀뚜라미 ‘지미니’와 함께 진실되고 용감한 마음을 가지기로 약속한다. 그러나 거리의 교활한 여우의 꾀임에 넘어간 피노키오는 서커스단에 들어가게 되고, 이기적인 어른들의 욕심으로 철장에 갇혀버리고 만다. 한편, 사라진 피노키오를 찾기 위해 길을 나선 ‘제페토’는 폭우 속에 목숨을 잃을 위기에 처하고 마는데…
A man is visited by the physical manifestation of his inner demon of alcoholism - an adorable 2-foot blue puppet.
가면라이더를 사랑해주신 당신에게. 토키와 소고와 키류 센토의 세계에 이변이 일어났다. 마치 딴사람으로 바뀐거처럼 동료들이 서서히 기억을 잃어가는 것이었다. 거기다 두 사람 앞에 나타난 슈퍼 타임재커 티드. 그는 어나더 덴오와 어나더 W이라는 강력한 부하를 내세워 1명의 소년, 신고를 추적하고 있었다. 신고를 지키려는 싸움속에서 소고는 가면라이더를 좋아하는 청년 아타루와 만난다. 한편, 티드에게 혼자 도전한 센토는 세뇌당해 조종당하고... 강대한 적을 앞에두고 신고를 구하려한 소고 일행이었지만 그러던중 아타루가 어느 고백을 한다. "가면라이더는, 현실의 존재가 아냐" 그는 수수께끼의 이매진 후타로스와 몰래 계약하고 있었다. 그 말의 진의란 대체? 왜, 언제부터 가면라이더는 허구(픽션)의 존재가 되버린걸까? 의문이 깊어지던 중 소고와 센토가 쫓던 티드는 초대 헤이세이 가면라이더 탄생의 땅. 쿠로가오카 유적지에 있었다. 당신의 기억속엔 그들은 살아있을까?
미스터리 소설의 대가인 작가 할란이 자신의 85살 생일에 자신의 방에서 날카로운 단검으로 목이 그인 채 발견된다. 외딴 저택에 모인 할란의 간병인과 자식 내외, 그리고 3세들은 유산 상속을 놓고 대거 혼란에 빠진다. 파견된 형사들은 가족과의 면담을 할 수록 자살로 의견이 모이지만, 면담 중 멀찍이 떨어져 상황을 전망하는 푸른 눈의 사내는 형사들마저 압도하며 심문을 주도해나간다. 남자의 이름은 바로 브누아 블랑. 챔피언 사건을 해결해서 이름이 높아진 유명한 사립탐정이다.
Villagers are shocked by the sudden death of Mary. Father Prem Fernandes gets legal permission to conduct a postmortem on Mary's body by removing it from her grave.
Hosted by NBC News investigative journalist Stephanie Gosk, this brand new two-hour special will offer an intimate look into the life of Joe DeAngelo, the suspect in custody, through new and exclusive interviews from those who were closest to him and offering a gripping depiction of the prime suspect in a decades-long manhunt. To his family, friends, and former colleagues, DeAngelo lived the life of the classic “average Joe” - a father, grandfather, veteran, and even former police officer. DeAngelo now stands accused of being the man behind one of the most ruthlessly enduring crime sprees of all time and is believed to have raped more than 45 women and murdered at least 12 people. He is currently charged with 12 counts of first degree murder and has so far not entered a plea. Joining Gosk is Bay Area detective Paul Holes, who helped search for the Golden State Killer for nearly a quarter-century and played a key role in the arrest of Joe DeAngelo.
과도한 업무로 지친 중환자실 간호사. 다행히 새로 온 동료가 직장과 집에서 힘이 되어주고 있다. 하지만 한 환자가 의문사를 당하면서 좋은 사람인 줄 알았던 동료 간호사가 달리 보이기 시작하는데.
A young poet is driven mad by his internal demons.
10년 전, 미제 연쇄살인사건이 일어났던 마을에서 살고 있는 타일러는 우연히 아버지의 차 안에서 이상한 사진을 발견한다. 사진을 계기로 아버지를 연쇄살인범으로 의심하기 시작한 타일러는 마을 괴짜인 캐시와 증거를 찾아다니게 된다. 점점 증거가 쏙아져 나오는 상황에서 타일러는 이를 아버지에게 들키게 되는데…
In October 2013, several video cameras and 8 bodies of men and women were found in the mountain known as "Mount. Nabi" located in the Chubu region of Japan. Many of the investigators fainted at the scene as the bodies were gruesomely decapitated by the wild animals. A police investigation was carried but the killer was never found till this day. What happened in the depth of a mountain?
A detailing of the plight of white South African farmers.
A lonely woman, yearning to be caressed, allows a man to transform her into a puppet. The Puppet Master is a fantasy drama that combines actors and puppets in a poetic story about longing for love, living in an objectifying relationship and clinging to another person.
Based on the official transcripts of the investigation that followed after the very suspicious notorious death in prison of one of the most important leading men of the South African anti-apartheid movement, Steven Biko.