
Menace from Outer Space (1956)

ジャンル : サイエンスフィクション, アドベンチャー, テレビ映画

上映時間 : 1時間 18分

演出 : Hollingsworth Morse


A nontheatrical (16mm) film comprise of three contiguous episodes of the TV series "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger".


Richard Crane
Richard Crane
Rocky Jones
Scotty Beckett
Scotty Beckett
Sally Mansfield
Sally Mansfield
Vena Ray
Robert Lyden
Robert Lyden
Maurice Cass
Maurice Cass
Professor Newton
Leonard Penn
Leonard Penn
Ranger Griff
Charles Meredith
Charles Meredith
Drake - Secretary of Space
Patsy Parsons
Patsy Parsons
Queen Cleolanta
Guy Prescott
Guy Prescott
Cliff Ferre
Cliff Ferre
Ranger Marshall
Walter Coy
Walter Coy
Nestor Paiva
Nestor Paiva
Prof. Cardos
Patsy Iannone
Patsy Iannone
Joanne Jordan
Joanne Jordan
The Vonsoom - Soravac's Wife
Charles Horvath
Charles Horvath
Symitar - Cardos Henchman


Hollingsworth Morse
Hollingsworth Morse
Warren Wilson
Warren Wilson
Walter Strenge
Walter Strenge
Director of Photography
Roland D. Reed
Roland D. Reed
Guy V. Thayer Jr.
Guy V. Thayer Jr.
Executive Producer
Arthur Pierson
Arthur Pierson
Associate Producer
Fred Maguire
Fred Maguire
Bill Tinsman
Bill Tinsman
McClure Capps
McClure Capps
Art Direction
Richard L'Estrange
Richard L'Estrange
Production Manager
Dick Moder
Dick Moder
Assistant Director


Aliens have landed and are hiding on Earth, but need Earth’s scientists to help them fight an inter-planetary war.
スペース カウボーイ
スターゲイト コンティニュアム
スターゲイト 真実のアーク
スター・トレック イントゥ・ダークネス
ホーム 宇宙人ブーヴのゆかいな大冒険
Officially, Apollo 17 was the last manned mission to the moon. But a year later in 1973, three American astronauts were sent on a secret mission to the moon funded by the US Department of Defense. What you are about to see is the actual footage which the astronauts captured on that mission. While NASA denies its authenticity, others say it's the real reason we've never gone back to the moon.
ホワイトハウスの女性スキャンダルを追っていたテレビ局のジェニーは、「エリー」という名に行き当たる。だがそれは女性の名ではなく、「Extinction Level Event(種の絶滅を引き起こす事象)」の略だった。大統領は、1年後に未知の彗星が地球に衝突する可能性があることを公表。これを阻止すべく彗星を核爆発させて軌道修正するプロジェクトが実行されたが、結果は失敗。衝突が刻一刻と迫る中、ついに大統領は地下に選ばれた100万人だけを移住させる計画を発表するのだった。
A three-person crew on a mission to Mars faces an impossible choice when an unplanned passenger jeopardizes the lives of everyone on board.


The Bloody Brood
Two beatniks get their kicks by dealing drugs and violence.
A Close Call for Boston Blackie
Blackie runs into a woman he formally loved who now is married with a kid. When her husband gets out of prison he's killed in Blackie's apartment and of course the police thing Blackie pulled the trigger. Blackie must set out to prove his innocence as well as capture the real killers.
Swamp Fire
Highlights in this one include a fist-fight between Johnny Weissmuller and Buster Crabbe (I won't give away the winner, but check the cast order); a cat-fight between Virginia Grey and Carol Thurston that the male cast of Sienfeld would pay to see and, just to keep things moving, Weissmuller wrestles an alligator, and there are two mid-water collisions between small-craft boats, a big ship wreck and a blazing swamp fire finale. Toss in a plot that has Weissmuller as a psycho-neurotic war veteran who, because he piled up his Navy destroyer on the rocks, now dreads returning to his pre-war occupation of a pilot guiding ships through the channels at the mouth of the Mississippi. Throw in icy Virginia Grey as a spoiled heiress out to take Johnny away from his job, his friends and the girl he loves (who knows why), and you have enough plot and action for two Pine-Thomas jewels.
A young woman is hired to take care of an eerie old mansion, where she finds herself entangled with an enigmatic murderer.
Hot Rod Girl
After his kid brother is killed in a street race, a champion drag-racer quits racing. However, a new kid comes to town determined to force him back into racing so he can take his title--and he's already taken his girlfriend.When his younger brother, Steve, is killed racing a hot-rod, Jeff Northup blames himself for the accident since he had built the car for his brother and had encouraged him to race it, with other boys on a special course provided by police detective Ben Merrill, who is working to reduce the city's hot-rod fatalities by providing supervision for the dangerous hobby. Jeff withdraws from participating in races on Merrill's course and, without his leadership, reverts to racing on the streets. "Bronc" Talbott, a newcomer, makes a play for Jeff's girlfriend, Lisa Vernon. Eventually, the taunting-Talbott forces Jeff into a race which results in the death of a bicycling child, and evidence seems to indicate Jeff was at fault.
The Choppers
A gang of teenage delinquents terrorize a small community by stealing cars and stripping them for parts, then selling the parts to a crooked junkyard owner. The police and an insurance company investigator set out to break up the gang.
The Ghost Camera
When a photograph is taken at the scene of a murder, the camera is tossed out of a castle window to destroy the evidence and lands in the back of a passing car belonging to chemist John Gray who becomes amateur sleuth after developing the film and goes in search of the woman captured by the photograph. When the camera is stolen from his laboratory, Gray's suspicions are further aroused.
The Young Land
An American gunslinger kills a Mexican man in California immediately after the Mexican-American war. The killer is arrested and put on trial for murder with the Hispanic population waiting to learn of American justice.
Flight to Nowhere
A couple on board a plane find themselves mixed up in a plot to steal atomic secrets.
Planet Outlaws
A 20th Century pilot named Buck Rogers and his young friend Buddy Wade awake from 500 years in suspended animation to find that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Feature version of the film serial Buck Rogers by Universal Pictures, 1940.
The Island Monster
An Italian government agent is assigned to break up a drug smuggling ring on the island of Ischia but his daughter is kidnapped by the gang.
The Wild Ride
A rebellious punk of the beat generation spends his days as an amateur dirt track driver in between partying and troublemaking.
The Big Wheel
The ambitious son of an accomplished race driver struggles to outrun his father's legacy and achieve his own successes.
The Bushwhackers
Confederate veteran Jeff Waring arrives in Independence, Missouri shortly after the Civil War, intending never again to use a gun. He finds that rancher Artemus Taylor and his henchmen are forcing out the settlers in order to claim their land for the incoming railroad.
Back Door to Hell
During WWII, a three-man commando team places its trust in the hands of a band of Filipino resistors, as they try to knock out a Japenese communication center.
Pororo: The Racing Adventure
Curious little penguin Pororo and his friends accidentally cause an airplane to make an emergency landing in their home of Pororo Village. On the airplane are some turtles being shipped to Northpia to deliver ice sleds, or racing ice cars. Nevertheless, Pororo and his friends believe that the turtles are racers, and the turtles end up giving the gang at Pororo Village some lessons and passing on the championship spirit. In the end, Pororo and his friends follow the turtles to Northpia to participate in the race. Upon arriving at icily beautiful Northpia's race, Pororo and his friends wind up unlikely front-runners, ahead of the polar bears, and make it to the finals. However, a more complicated course awaits Pororo and his friends- as does their strongest adversary yet.
A Morning Stroll
In three distinct eras, a man walking down the street has an unexpected encounter with a chicken.
Thor and the Amazon Women
A race of Amazon warriors is enslaving the men of a country, and the mighty Thor is called upon to help them regain their freedom.
Bosko's Fox Hunt
Bosko joins a wacky fox hunt. But if the hunt worries anyone, it isn't the fox.
Teenage Thunder
Teenagers rebel and race cars.