Faun - Lichtbilder

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上映時間 : 2時間 0分


Having performed over 250 concerts at various festivals, markets, concert halls and churches throughout Europe, "Lichtbilder" offers the debut digital DVD offering from enchanting Medieval / Gothic Dark Folk act Faun. Performing amplified sets Faun offer a collection of medieval acoustic musics further augmented by pyrotechnic / fire dance shows offering a symbiosis of theatre, dance, music and more ! FAUN perform with three vocal chants and utilize many different instruments including celtic harp, nickelharpa, lyres, pipes, drums, cister, pagan zither, flutes and Arabic instruments such as the dombra, rebab, riq, oud darabukka and bendir.




Black Death
As the plague decimates medieval Europe, rumours circulate of a village immune from the plague. There is talk of a necromancer who leads the village and is able to raise the dead. A fearsome knight joined by a cohort of soldiers and a young monk are charged by the church to investigate. Their journey is filled with danger, but it's upon entering the village that their true horror begins.
Martin Lawrence plays Jamal, an employee in Medieval World amusement park. After nearly drowning in the moat, he awakens to find himself in 14th century England.
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse
When aspiring knight Gareth goes in search of a fallen comet rumored to contain gold, he is shocked to instead find the dragon Drago. After Drago saves Gareth's life the two become intricately bonded, and must work together to defeat an evil sorcerer and stop his reign of terror. Along the way, Gareth learns the true meaning of being a knight in this fantasy action-adventure for the ages.
DragonHeart: A New Beginning
When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true. Together, they soon face challenges that turn them into heroes. But caught up in the excitement of their new lives, Geoff and Drake fail to see the hidden dangers that surround them.
アーサー王をめぐる伝説をベースにしたアクション。王であった父を殺されてスラム街で生きてきた男が、聖剣エクスカリバーを手に親の敵である暴君に立ち向かう。メガホンを取るのは、『シャーロック・ホームズ』シリーズなどのガイ・リッチー。出演に、テレビシリーズ「サン・オブ・アナーキー」などのチャーリー・ハナム、『コールド マウンテン』などのジュード・ロウ、『イン・アメリカ/三つの小さな願いごと』などのジャイモン・フンスーらが結集。壮絶なソードバトルの数々に圧倒される。
A 14th century Crusader returns with his comrade to a homeland devastated by the Black Plague. The Church commands the two knights to transport a witch to a remote abbey, where monks will perform a ritual in hopes of ending the pestilence.
Arthur & Merlin: Knights of Camelot
King Arthur returns home after fighting the Roman Empire. His illegitimate son has corrupted the throne of Camelot and King Arthur must reunite with the wizard Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table to fight to get back his crown.
『ドラゴンハート』(英語: Dragonheart)は、1996年に公開されたロブ・コーエンによるアメリカ合衆国の映画作品。ドラゴンが存在する中世のヨーロッパを舞台としたファンタジー映画。続編として、『ドラゴンハート 新たなる旅立ち』『ドラゴンハート 最後の闘い』が製作されている。
William Thatcher, a knight's peasant apprentice, gets a chance at glory when the knight dies suddenly mid-tournament. Posing as a knight himself, William won't stop until he's crowned tournament champion—assuming matters of the heart don't get in the way.
Garfagnana, Italy, 1347. The handsome servant Masseto, fleeing from his vindictive master, takes shelter in a nunnery where three young nuns, Sister Alessandra, Sister Ginevra and Sister Fernanda, try unsuccessfully to find out what their purpose in life is, a conundrum that each of them faces in different ways.
魔法の剣 キャメロット
アーサー王が統治する平和な王国、キャメロット。その誉れある円卓の騎士である父親を殺された少女ケイリーが、王国に渦巻く陰謀に立ち向かう! アーサー王伝説を下敷きに制作された、ワーナー・ブラザーズ初の劇場用長編アニメ。
Ash, a handsome, shotgun-toting, chainsaw-armed department store clerk, is time warped backwards into England's Dark Ages, where he romances a beauty and faces legions of the undead.
ペストが流行し終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパ、10年に及ぶ十字軍遠征から帰還し疲弊し切った騎士アントーニウス(マックス・フォン・シドー)の前に死神(ベント・エーケロート)が出現する。死の宣告を悟った彼は、自らの命を懸けチェス対決を申し出るが、夜が明け死神は姿を消す。故郷を目指すアントーニウスの旅には常に死の気配がつきまとい、残酷な現実が待ち受けていた……。 名だたる映画作家たちに多大な影響を与え続けるスウェーデンの巨匠イングマール・ベルイマンが、人間の生と死、神の存在をテーマにした異色作。終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパを舞台に、十字軍遠征から帰還し生きる意味や信仰に懐疑的になり、死神にとりつかれた騎士の姿を幻想的な映像で描く。
The Kid Who Would Be King
Old-school magic meets the modern world when young Alex stumbles upon the mythical sword Excalibur. He soon unites his friends and enemies, and they become knights who join forces with the legendary wizard Merlin. Together, they must save mankind from the wicked enchantress Morgana and her army of supernatural warriors.
The plot of his illegitimate son Mordred to gain the throne, and Guinevere's growing attachment to Sir Lancelot, threatens to topple King Arthur and destroy his "round table" of knights.