
Predator: Celtic Days (2017)

ジャンル : サイエンスフィクション, ホラー

上映時間 : 24分

演出 : Marcin Skruch


Ireland XVIII c. Why is Predator hunting in Ireland, are those people that he's targeting really what they appear to be?


Martin O'Sullivan
Martin O'Sullivan
Kevin Hall
Jonas Piechnik
Jonas Piechnik
Nina Reilly
Nina Reilly
Kacper Borczuch
Kacper Borczuch
Boy 2
Paddy Kiely
Paddy Kiely
Rob O'Dwyer
Rob O'Dwyer
Predator (voice)
Paul Morrison
Paul Morrison


Marcin Skruch
Marcin Skruch


リープ・イヤー うるう年のプロポーズ
When yet another anniversary passes without a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, Anna decides to take action. Aware of a Celtic tradition that allows women to pop the question on Feb. 29, she plans to follow her lover to Dublin and ask him to marry her. Fate has other plans, however, and Anna winds up on the other side of the Emerald Isle with handsome, but surly, Declan -- an Irishman who may just lead Anna down the road to true love.
前作でウェクセル・ホール社の秘密研究施設から逃げ出した二匹の蛇は、唯一人生き残った女性科学者アマンダの手によって死んだ。だが、その腹の中に既に芽生えていた新たな生命を、密かに持ち出していた研究者がいた。やがて、蛇の子供たちは予想をはるかに上回るスピードで成長し、研究者を襲い脱走してしまう。 この事態に再びアマンダは立ち上がるが、時を同じくしてアナコンダ誕生のきっかけとなった『不死の蘭』から抽出した薬で不老不死の身体を得ようと企む ウェクセル・ホール社会長マードックも殺し屋を雇ってアマンダを追跡していた…
巨大企業であるウェクセル・ホール社の秘密の研究施設で、女性生物学者のアマンダは生物の老化を抑制する謎の成分が含まれた『不死の蘭』を研究するため、2匹の巨大なアナコンダを飼育し実験を続けていた。 実験は予想以上の成果を生み、アナコンダ達は突然変異によって18mもの巨体へと成長していたが、査察に訪れたウェクセル・ホール社会長のマードックの些細なミスが原因で、『クイーン』と呼ばれる雌のアナコンダと、もう1匹の雄のアナコンダが実験用のケージから逃走、数人のスタッフを殺害した後、森に逃げ出してしまう。 アマンダと施設責任者のピンカスは2匹のアナコンダを捕獲するために、腕利きのハンターであるハーマットらと共に追跡を開始するが…
傭兵のロイスは突如閃光に包まれ、気がつくとどこかの上空を落下していた。なんとかパラシュートを開き、着陸するがそこは得体の知れないジャングル。その後、すぐに同じように落下してきたエドウィン;クッチーロ;イサベル;ニコライ;ハンゾー;スタンズ;モンバサと合流し、医師と名乗ったエドウィン以外は、軍人や殺し屋など「殺人」のプロフェッショナルであるという共通点を持っていることが判明する。 8名はジャングルを脱出するため行動を共にし、やがて開けた場所に到着するが、空を見ると幾つかの大きな衛星が浮かんでおり、そこが地球でないことを理解する。さらに謎の狩猟動物の襲撃に遭い、自らが“狩りの獲物”であることに気づく。そしてロイス達は多数の生物が殺され展示されている場所に到達する。そこは謎の狩人の「狩猟キャンプ」であった。そこで奇怪なオブジェクトにくくりつけられたプレデターを発見する。イサベルによるとそれは、かつてアメリカの特殊部隊員を襲った生命体の特徴に酷似しているという。 その後、10シーズンもの間この惑星で生き抜いてきたというノーランドと合流、彼の隠れ家で敵の正体や特徴を知り、地球に帰還するために「彼ら」の宇宙船を奪うことを決意する。
Megan Is Missing
Fourteen-year–old Megan and her best friend Amy spend a lot of time on the internet, posting videos of themselves and chatting with guys online. One night Megan chats with a guy named Josh who convinces her to meet him for a date. The next day, Megan is missing—forever. Based on actual cases of child abduction.
エイリアン VS. プレデター
億万長者の実業家ウェイランド(ランス・ヘンリクセン)は、考古学者、科学者、セキュリティのエキスパートからなる国際チームを招集し、環境問題専門家で女性冒険家のレックス(サナ・レイサン)にガイドを頼み、南極の地下深くから放出されている謎の“熱源”の調査を敢行する。そして、600mの地底で目撃したものに、彼らは興奮し、次に恐れを抱く。彼らが発見したのは、アステカ、エジプト、カンボジアの各文明が交じりあった巨大なピラミッドだった。ピラミッドの内部に様々な部屋を見つけ、その進んだ技術が数千年前から地球外文明の影響を受けてきたことが明らかになる。 そのとき突如、部屋の壁が動いて閉じこめられただけでなく、その動く壁の迷路によってチームのメンバーは分断されてしまう。部屋から部屋へと移動しているうち、象形文字からついに恐ろしい真実が明かされる。プレデター種族は、100年周期で生きたまま凍らせたクイーン・エイリアンに卵を産ませ、若いプレデターの戦士は、生まれたエイリアンと対決する試練を受ける。この信じがたい成長の儀式――エイリアン対プレデターの戦いの真っ直中に、レックスたちは足を踏みこんでしまったのだ、生け贄として……。
AVP2 エイリアンズ VS. プレデター
南極に存在したピラミッドでの死闘の末、宇宙船の中でプレデターの体内からチェストバスターが誕生するという衝撃のラストシーンで前作は終わった……。しかし、それはこれから地球で起こる惨劇の序章でしかなかった! プレデターから飛び出たチェストバスター=ニュー・エイリアンは、宇宙船の中で“プレデリアン”へと成長し、プレデターを次々と殺戮していく。コントロール不能となった宇宙船はコロラドの森へ墜落し、“プレデリアン”をはじめ、宇宙船に潜んでいた無数のエイリアンたちが獲物を求めて飛び出していった。一方、宇宙船の異変に気づいた、エイリアンを駆逐することを生業とするニュー・プレデター<ザ・クリーナー>が地球へと乗りこんでくる。そして遂に始まった、人類の眼前で次々と繰り広げられる壮絶かつ凄惨な戦い……。史上最も恐ろしい2大モンスターの激突の行方は? そして人類を巻き込んだ戦いの果てに待ちうける、驚愕の結末とは? 人類が最も恐れていた悪夢が現実となる……。果たして地球に明日はあるのか?
科学的な探検隊が、ボルネオ島の深いジャングルに咲く珍しい黒蘭を探して、強力な製薬会社のグループに加わります。 この花への関心は、永遠の若さ、さらには不滅の秘密を保持する強力な物質を含んでいるという事実によるものです。 しかし、彼らはすぐに蘭がそのサイズと活力を高めるために巨大なヘビによって使用されることを発見します。
FRANK ーフランクー
A young wannabe musician who discovers he has bitten off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank.
P.S. アイラヴユー
The Hallow
Deep within the darkness of secluded forest land in rural Ireland dwells an ancient evil. Feared by the nearby superstitious villagers as cursed creatures who prey upon the lost, their secrets have been kept from civilization and remain on their hallowed ground. But when a conservationist from London moves in with his wife and infant child in order to survey the land for future construction, his actions unwittingly disturb the horde of demonic forces. Alone in a remote wilderness, he must now ensure his family's survival from their relentless attacks.
Power Rangers
The Machine Empire defeats the Power Rangers in battle, destroying the Megazord. It is revealed that Earth's governments then negotiate a truce with the Machine Empire and the Power Rangers are disbanded. Years later, Rocky, the second Red Ranger has defected to the Machine Empire, is critical of Zordon's use of Power Rangers as child soldiers, and now sports a prosthetic leg. He interrogates a restrained Kimberly, the former Pink Ranger, about the location of Tommy Oliver, the former Green Ranger. He details the fates of the other Rangers in flashback.
La bestia
A South American president's daughter is kidnapped by revolutionary insurgents and taken to the jungle. He hires a group of mercs to rescue her, but a being from another planet is lurking...
My Son
When a man's only son goes missing, he travels to the town where his ex-wife lives in search of answers. To play a man whose life is clouded by mystery, McAvoy will not be given a script of dialogue.


Predator: Dark Ages
Follows a group of war-torn Templar knights who are put to the test against a strange beast that stalks the lands of England. This battle is what Myths and Legends are made of. An independent fan film.
Wolf Blood
Dick Bannister is the new field boss of the Ford Logging Company, a Canadian logging-crew during a time when conflicts with the powerful Consolidated Lumber Company, a bitter rival company, have turned bloody, like a private war. His boss, Miss Edith Ford, comes to inspect the lumberjack camp, bringing her doctor fiancé with her. Dick is attacked by his rivals and left for dead. His loss of blood is so great that he needs a transfusion, but no human will volunteer, so the surgeon uses a wolf as a source of the blood. Afterwards, Dick begins having dreams where he runs with a pack of phantom wolves, and the rival loggers get killed by wolves. Soon, these facts have spread through the camp. (via YouTube)
The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu
The villainous master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu sets out to destroy the people he holds responsible for the death of his family.
I Don't Want to Be a Man
A teenage tomboy, tired of being bossed around by her strict guardian, impersonates a man so she can have more fun. She quickly discovers that being the opposite sex isn’t as easy as she had hoped for. What ensues is a gender-bending comedy decades ahead of its time.
Molly, the eldest child of a group of orphans being used as slaves on a farm hidden deep in a swamp, must rescue the others when their cruel master decides that one of them will be disposed of.
Two young men, one rich, one middle class, both in love with the same woman, become US Air Corps fighter pilots and, eventually, heroic flying aces during World War I. Devoted best friends, their mutual love of the girl eventually threatens their bond. Meanwhile, a hometown girl who's the lovestruck lifelong next door neighbor of one of them, pines away.
Little Annie Rooney
A feisty little girl, the daughter of a beat cop, faces the challenges of growing up in a tough city neighborhood.
The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu
A Chinese doctor vows revenge against the allied troops who killed his wife and child during the Boxer Rebellion.
Little Lord Fauntleroy
An American boy turns out to be the long-lost heir of a British fortune. He is sent to live with the cold and unsentimental lord who oversees the trust.
The Poor Little Rich Girl
Gwen's family is rich, but her parents ignore her and most of the servants push her around, so she is lonely and unhappy. Her father is concerned only with making money, and her mother cares only about her social position. But one day a servant's irresponsibility creates a crisis that causes everyone to rethink what is important to them.
The Bishop Murder Case
The murders start with the body of Robin. He is found with a arrow through the heart, but Vance deduces that the body was placed and not found where he was killed. The note found dealing with the murder was part of a nursery rhyme and signed by 'Bishop'. The only witness may have been Mrs. Drukker and Adolph, but they are not talking. As the murders progress, each one is accompanied by a nursery rhyme. It is up to Philo Vance to unravel the clues and unmask the identity of the murderer 'Bishop'.
Poor Little Peppina
Holding a grudge against Robert Torrens and his wife, who live in Italy, a member of the Mafia kidnaps their infant daughter Lois. Fifteen years later, after having been raised by Italian peasants, Lois, now called Peppina, dresses as a boy and stows away on a ship to America in order to avoid a marriage to a particularly loathsome count. While aboard ship she befriends Hugh Carroll, an assistant district attorney, who arranges first-class transportation for the "boy." In New York, she once again meets her kidnapper, who fled to America after the crime. He forces Peppina to maintain the masculine disguise and to pass counterfeit bills for him, for which she is arrested. Peppina gladly exposes the kidnapper's operation to the authorities, one of whom, Hugh, recognizes her as the "boy" he met on the ship. Then, once the kidnapper has been apprehended, Peppina is reunited with her parents, after which she and Hugh, who has finally discovered that she is female, get married.
Amanda Afflick is a lovesick laundress who daydreams about customer Horace Greensmith and cherishes the shirt he brought in for washing eight months and sixteen days ago. She tells her fellow workers that the garment belongs to her fiancé, a lord. Just wait, Amanda boasts, one day his lordship will return for his wash — and for her.
Stella Maris
Stella Maris is a beautiful, crippled girl, who is cared for by a rich family. They shield her from the harsh realities of the world, so that she has no idea of the cruel things that some people do. Unity Blake is a poor orphan all too familiar with the harsh realities of the real world. These two young women both fall in love with John, love which is complicated by the fact that he is still married to (though separated from) a bad wife.
Nomads of the North
A Canadian Mountie allows an innocent fugitive to escape with the women he loves.
Good Night, Nurse!
Roscoe's wife, tired of his endless drunkenness, reads of an operation that cures alcoholism and has him admitted to No Hope Sanitarium to get the surgery. Roscoe, wanting out, eventually disguises himself as a nurse to effect his escape.
A judge who had taken part in the gold rush of 1849 hires an acting troupe to recreate the experience in this rather fanciful silent Western. The make-believe turns serious when a real gold mine is discovered nearby and a local girl is kidnapped by a nasty gambler.
The favorite slave girl of a tyrannical sheik falls in love with a cloth merchant. Meanwhile, a hunchback clown suffers unrequited love for a traveling dancer who wants to join the harem.
The Bat
A masked criminal who dresses like a giant bat terrorizes the guests at an old house rented by a mystery writer.