
EO (2022)

May all your dreams come true.

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 28分

演出 : Jerzy Skolimowski


The world is a mysterious place when seen through the eyes of an animal. EO, a grey donkey with melancholic eyes, meets good and bad people on his life’s path, experiences joy and pain, endures the wheel of fortune randomly turn his luck into disaster and his despair into unexpected bliss. But not even for a moment does he lose his innocence.


Sandra Drzymalska
Sandra Drzymalska
Isabelle Huppert
Isabelle Huppert
The Countess
Lorenzo Zurzolo
Lorenzo Zurzolo
Mateusz Kościukiewicz
Mateusz Kościukiewicz
Tomasz Organek
Tomasz Organek
Lolita Chammah
Lolita Chammah
Agata Sasinowska
Agata Sasinowska
Anna Rokita
Anna Rokita
Michał Przybysławski
Michał Przybysławski
Gloria Iradukunda
Gloria Iradukunda
Piotr Szaja
Piotr Szaja
Aleksander Janiszewski
Aleksander Janiszewski
Delfina Wilkońska
Delfina Wilkońska
Andrzej Szeremeta
Andrzej Szeremeta
Wojciech Andrzejuk
Wojciech Andrzejuk
Mateusz Murański
Mateusz Murański
Marcin Drabicki
Marcin Drabicki
Maciej Stępniak
Maciej Stępniak
Fernando Junior Gomes da Silva
Fernando Junior Gomes da Silva
Krzysztof Karczmarz
Krzysztof Karczmarz
Waldemar Barwiński
Waldemar Barwiński
Saverio Fabbri
Saverio Fabbri
Animal Trader
Katarzyna Russ
Katarzyna Russ
Kateřina Holánová
Kateřina Holánová


Michal Dymek
Michal Dymek
Director of Photography
Jerzy Skolimowski
Jerzy Skolimowski
Jeremy Thomas
Jeremy Thomas
Executive Producer
Ewa Piaskowska
Ewa Piaskowska
Jerzy Skolimowski
Jerzy Skolimowski
Jerzy Skolimowski
Jerzy Skolimowski
Ewa Piaskowska
Ewa Piaskowska
Agnieszka Glińska
Agnieszka Glińska
Marcin Kupiecki
Marcin Kupiecki
Production Manager
Eileen Tasca
Eileen Tasca
Teodoro Casani
Teodoro Casani
Executive Co-Producer
Miroslaw Koncewicz
Miroslaw Koncewicz
Production Design
Teo Casani
Teo Casani
Co-Executive Producer
Janusz Hetman
Janusz Hetman
Associate Producer
Ivan Kelava
Ivan Kelava
Co-Executive Producer
Alainée Kent
Alainée Kent
Co-Executive Producer
Tomasz Morawski
Tomasz Morawski
Line Producer
Paweł Mykietyn
Paweł Mykietyn
Original Music Composer
Jorgelina Depetris Pochintesta
Jorgelina Depetris Pochintesta
Paulina Krajnik
Paulina Krajnik
Robert Dyrcz
Robert Dyrcz
Set Decoration
Kamila Grzybowska-Sosnowska
Kamila Grzybowska-Sosnowska
Set Decoration
Katarzyna Lewińska
Katarzyna Lewińska
Costume Design
Aleksandra Dutkiewicz
Aleksandra Dutkiewicz
Makeup Artist
Weronika Zielinska
Weronika Zielinska
Makeup Artist
Alessandro Pieroni
Alessandro Pieroni
Unit Manager
Chiara Scardamaglia
Chiara Scardamaglia
Production Manager
Maja Astrid Diedenhofen
Maja Astrid Diedenhofen
First Assistant Director
Giorgio Melidoni
Giorgio Melidoni
Assistant Director
Pawel Powolny
Pawel Powolny
Assistant Director
Maria Wider
Maria Wider
Assistant Director
Sidharthan Aramban
Sidharthan Aramban
Assistant Foley Artist
Sound Assistant
Suraj Bardia
Suraj Bardia
Foley Editor
Suraj Bardia
Suraj Bardia
Foley Recordist
Olivier Chane
Olivier Chane
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Pawel Jazwiecki
Pawel Jazwiecki
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Marcin Matlak
Marcin Matlak
Production Sound Mixer
Radoslaw Ochnio
Radoslaw Ochnio
Sound Director
Pandiyan R.
Pandiyan R.
Foley Artist
Azzurra Stirpe
Azzurra Stirpe
Sound Mixer
Marta Weronska
Marta Weronska
Sound Editor
Paweł Jusiński
Paweł Jusiński
Michal Krzyzkowiak
Michal Krzyzkowiak
Tomasz Lewandowski
Tomasz Lewandowski
Stunt Coordinator
Lukasz Bak
Lukasz Bak
Still Photographer
Giuseppe Foderaro
Giuseppe Foderaro
Drone Cinematographer
Leonardo Kurtz
Leonardo Kurtz
Digital Imaging Technician
Luca Scarparo
Luca Scarparo
First Assistant Camera
Cecilia Minutillo Turtur
Cecilia Minutillo Turtur
Second Assistant Camera
Alessio Zanella
Alessio Zanella
Video Assist Operator
Gniewko Falana
Gniewko Falana
Casting Assistant
Julia Bogusławska
Julia Bogusławska
Post Production Supervisor
Jason Merle
Jason Merle
Assistant Editor
Jędrzej Sablinski
Jędrzej Sablinski
Post Production Supervisor
Paweł Juzwuk
Paweł Juzwuk
Music Supervisor
Maria Vittoria Daquino
Maria Vittoria Daquino
Script Supervisor




Walk the Walk
A young black theological student battles against his heroin addiction and alcoholism.
前作から数年後、大戦が世界各地で勃発し文明は衰退し世界は貧困と荒廃が進んでいた。復讐を遂げたものの虚無感に囚われ荒野を目的もなく走り続けるマックス。ある日捕らえた男ジャイロキャプテンより今も稼動し続けガソリンが取り放題の石油精製所があると聞かされる。しかしそこにはガソリンを独占しようとするヒューマンガス率いる暴走族集団と精製所に立てこもる市民が日々攻防戦を繰り返していた。 なんとか精製所にもぐりこんだマックス。中の市民は豊富なガソリンを持って脱出をしたいがガソリンタンクを牽引する車を持って来ればガソリンを好きなだけ渡すという取引を行う。群がる凶悪暴走族の中、マックスは一人で突破を試みるが・・
デス・プルーフ in グラインドハウス
舞台は近未来。凶悪化する暴走族の犯罪が問題となり警察も武装化が進んでいた。特殊警察「M.F.P.(Main Force Patrol)」の所属警官マックス・ロカタンスキーはある日追跡中の暴走族ナイトライダーを追い詰め事故死させてしまう。これが元でトーカッター率いるグループのターゲットとして狙われてしまう。親友グースや家族までもを無残な殺され方をされ、全てを奪われたマックスの復讐が今始まる。
The Big Bird Cage
Women rebel against slave labor in a filthy jungle prison where they feed sugar cane to a mechanical maw.
Set in London in the early 1970's, supposedly for teen thrills, Johnny organises a black magic ceremony in a desolate churchyard. The culmination of the ritual, however, is the rejuvenation of Dracula from shrivelled remains. Johnny, Dracula' s disciple, lures victims to the deserted graveyard for his master's pleasure and one of the victims delivered is Jessica Van Helsing. Descended from the Van Helsing line of vampire hunters her grandfather, equipped with all the devices to snare and destroy the Count, confronts his arch enemy in the age-old battle between good and evil.
人間と植物を融合させた理想的新生物の創造に勤しむ狂人博士は、見世物小屋の男に協力させて、誘拐してきた学生たちを被験者に禁断の実験を行っていた。実験に失敗して生まれた無残な怪物は、見世物小屋の出し物になっていく...。 ヒット作『あの胸にもういちど』の監督であり、『黒水仙』では撮影監督としてアカデミー賞受賞、アカデミー賞名誉賞も受賞している名手、“色と光の魔術師"といわれたジャック・カーディフ監督が何を血迷ったのか作ってしまった奇形人間炸裂SFホラー。
Zorba the Greek
An uptight English writer traveling to Crete on a matter of business finds his life changed forever when he meets the gregarious Alexis Zorba.
オズの国から戻ったドロシーはオズの国の事ばかり気になり眠れない。ドロシーが流れ星を見た翌朝、めんどりのビリーナが庭に落ちていた"OZ"の印がある鍵を見つける。エムおばさんはドロシーに最新式の電気治療を受けさせようと病院へ連れて行き入院することになる。 その晩は激しい嵐にで電気治療が始まりかけた時に停電し見知らぬ少女が助けに現れる。ドロシーは病院から脱出するが、2人とも川の濁流に飲まれてしまい翌朝ドロシーが目を覚ますとオズの国に戻っていた。
一人暮らしのゼペットじぃさんは、木でつくった人形に【ピノキオ】と名づけ、星に「自分の子どもになりますように…」と願いをかける。するとブルーフェアリーが現れ、魔法でピノキオに命を授け「勇気を持って生き、正直で優しければいつか本当の人間になれる」と言い残して去って行く。 学校へ通うようになったピノキオだが、いろいろな誘惑に惑わされてしまい…。
It's not unusual for alcoholic cop Lou to black out and wake up in unfamiliar surroundings, but lately things have taken a turn for the strange...and hairy. WolfCop is the story of one cop's quest to become a better man. One transformation at a time.
Deadly Strangers
After she misses her train, a young woman is forced to hitch a ride back to town. After managing to get away from a lecherous trucker, she is given a ride by a good-looking but somewhat mysterious young man, who she comes to suspect may be a dangerous escapee from a mental asylum.
Hell Ride
Two rival bikers gangs, the Victors and the Six-Six-Six's, refuel their decades-old rivalry.
Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story
Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story takes you beyond the factory farm walls and follows an intrepid group of undercover investigators as they enter some of Britain's biggest factory farms for the very first time.
The Big Doll House
Female prisoners in a Phillippine jail are being subjected to sadistic torture. Five of the women--along with the help of two men--plot an escape.
A Stranger Among Us
Detective Emily Eden is a tough New York City cop forced to go undercover to solve a puzzling murder. Her search for the truth takes her into a secret world of unwritten law and unspoken power, a world where the only way out is deeper in.


Saturn Bowling
When their father dies, the ambitious police officer Guillaume offers the management of the bowling alley he inherited to his outcast half-brother Armand. The inheritance is cursed, and the two men wind up in a world of violence.
花き農家の息子のレオと幼馴染のレミ。昼は花畑や田園を走り回り、夜は寄り添って寝そべる。24時間365日ともに時間を過ごしてきた2人は親友以上で兄弟のような関係だった。 13歳になる2人は同じ中学校に入学する。入学初日、ぴったりとくっついて座る2人をみたクラスメイトは「付き合ってるの?」と質問を投げかける。「親友だから当然だ」とむきになるレオ。その後もいじられるレオは、徐々にレミから距離を置くようになる。 ある朝、レミを避けるように一人で登校するレオ。毎日一緒に登下校をしていたにも関わらず、自分を置いて先に登校したことに傷つくレミ。二人はその場で大喧嘩に。その後、レミを気にかけるレオだったが、仲直りすることができず時間だけが過ぎていったある日、課外授業にレミの姿はなかった。心ここにあらずのレオは、授業の終わりに衝撃的な事実を告げられる。それは、レミとの突然の別れだった。 移ろいゆく季節のなか、自責の念にかられるレオは、誰にも打ち明けられない想いを抱えていた…。
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All That Breathes
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Black Is Beltza II: Ainhoa
Ainhoa is born by chance in La Paz (Bolivia); but she grows up in Cuba and, at the age of 21, in 1988, she travels to the Basque Country (Spain) to discover the land of Manex, her father. In the midst of political struggle, she meets Josune, a committed journalist, and her group of friends.
How Do You Measure a Year?
Each year, a father films his daughter on her birthday, asking her the same questions. In just 29 minutes, we watch her grow from a toddler to a young woman with all the beautiful and awkward stages in between. Each phase is fleetingly captured but leaves an indelible mark. Her answers to her father’s questions are just a backdrop for a deeper story of parental love and independence.
Stranger at the Gate
A U.S. Marine plots a terrorist attack on a small-town American mosque, but his plan takes an unexpected turn when he comes face to face with the people he sets out to kill.
The Flying Sailor
The Flying Sailor is based on the Halifax explosion of 1917 when two ships collided in the Halifax Harbour causing the largest accidental explosion in history. Among the tragic stories of the disaster is the remarkable account of a sailor who, blown skyward from the deck of a British cargo steamer, flew over 2 km before landing completely unharmed, but naked except for his boots.
Ice Merchants
Every day, a father and his son jump with a parachute from their vertiginous cold house, attached to a cliff, to go to the village on the ground, far away where they sell the ice they produce daily.
The Takeover
Cédric works in a company specialized in precision mechanics. Its management, run by an investment fund, is disastrous. As another fund is about to buy it again, Cédric decides to take the company over, giving it to the employees.
A House Made of Splinters
A temporary house for abandoned children near the front line in eastern Ukraine is run by a small group of social workers determined to provide comfort and safety. It may be humble and somewhat run-down, but this house is filled with love and offers up to nine months of refuge to kids whose fate will be determined by the system. During this short time, the caretakers try to nurture within them a sense of stability and normalcy.
An Ostrich Told Me the World Is Fake and I Think I Believe It
When a young telemarketer is confronted by a mysterious talking ostrich, he learns that the universe is stop motion animation. He must put aside his dwindling toaster sales and focus on convincing his colleagues of his terrifying discovery. It's scary business living in a stop motion world, where your faces come off and a giant hand controls your every move.
To Leslie
A West Texas single mother wins the lottery and squanders it just as fast, leaving behind a world of heartbreak. Years later, with her charm running out and nowhere to go, she fights to rebuild her life and find redemption.
My Year of Dicks
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On a remote coast of the Russian Arctic in a wind-battered hut, a lonely man waits to witness an ancient gathering. But warming seas and rising temperatures bring an unexpected change, and he soon finds himself overwhelmed.
The Innocent
The story centres on Sylvie, a nearly sixty-year-old woman who has fallen in love with Michel, a thug she marries in prison. The two of them dream of starting again with a clean slate by opening a flower shop. But Sylvie’s son Abel, convinced that Michel will fall into a life of crime, disapproves of this relationship…
Nora and Leo, 16, live in the same town, in the same suburbs, go to the same highschool, but everything opposes them: their social backgrounds, their families religions, their everyday lives. Yet, they fall in love at first sight. But from a theft accusation bringing into conflict their respective families, their love story will have to face a series of trials and dramas.
Forever Young
At the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.
An Irish Goodbye
In rural Northern Ireland, following the untimely death of their mother, a young man with Down syndrome and his estranged brother discover her unfulfilled bucket list.
Saint Omer
A novelist attends the trial of a woman accused of killing her 15-month-old daughter by abandoning her to the rising tide on a beach in northern France. But as the trial continues, her own family history, doubts, and fears about motherhood are steadily dislodged as the life story of the accused is gradually revealed.