
死霊のえじき (1985)


ジャンル : ホラー, 謎, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 42分

演出 : George A. Romero
脚本 : George A. Romero




Lori Cardille
Lori Cardille
Anthony Dileo Jr.
Anthony Dileo Jr.
Pvt. Miguel Salazar
Phillip G. Kellams
Phillip G. Kellams
Debra Gordon
Debra Gordon
Featured Zombie
John Amplas
John Amplas
Joseph Pilato
Joseph Pilato
Captain Rhodes
Jarlath Conroy
Jarlath Conroy
William McDermott
Richard Liberty
Richard Liberty
Dr. Logan
Terry Alexander
Terry Alexander
Sherman Howard
Sherman Howard
Taso N. Stavrakis
Taso N. Stavrakis
Ralph Marrero
Ralph Marrero
Gary Klar
Gary Klar
Gregory Nicotero
Gregory Nicotero
Don Brockett
Don Brockett
Featured Zombie
William Cameron
William Cameron
Featured Zombie
Deborah Carter
Deborah Carter
Featured Zombie
Winnie Flynn
Winnie Flynn
Featured Zombie
Jeff Hogan
Jeff Hogan
Featured Zombie
Barbara Holmes
Barbara Holmes
Featured Zombie
David Kindlon
David Kindlon
Featured Zombie
Bruce Kirkpatrick
Bruce Kirkpatrick
Featured Zombie
'Wild Bill' Laczko
'Wild Bill' Laczko
Featured Zombie
Susan Martinelli
Susan Martinelli
Featured Zombie
Kim Maxwell
Kim Maxwell
Featured Zombie
Barbara Russell
Barbara Russell
Featured Zombie
Gene A. Saraceni
Gene A. Saraceni
Featured Zombie
John D. Schwartz
John D. Schwartz
Featured Zombie
Mark Tierno
Mark Tierno
Featured Zombie
Mike Trcic
Mike Trcic
Featured Zombie
John Vulich
John Vulich
Featured Zombie
Terry Adams
Terry Adams
2nd Dirty Pink Collared Shirted Zombie chasing Steel (uncredited)
Howard Berger
Howard Berger
Spinaround Cave Zombie Shot by John (uncredited)
Joe Abeln
Joe Abeln
Mustachioed Zombie biting Rickles' fingers off (uncredited)
Tom Ardolino
Tom Ardolino
Mine Zombie Chasing Steel (uncredited)
Al Anderson
Al Anderson
Mine Zombie Chasing Steel (uncredited)
Everett Burrell
Everett Burrell
Surgeon Zombie in Cave (uncredited)
Vini Bancalari
Vini Bancalari
Zombie Feasting on Fisher's Dead Body (uncredited)
Gary A. Jones
Gary A. Jones
Zombie with Yellow Apron (uncredited)
Michael Deak
Michael Deak
Rhodes' Tallest Zombie Attacker (uncredited)
George A. Romero
George A. Romero
Zombie with Scarf (uncredited)
Geoff Burkman
Geoff Burkman
Pink Collared Zombie / Umpire Masked Zombie (Uncredited)
Tom Savini
Tom Savini
Zombie with Scarf (uncredited)
Peter Iasillo Jr.
Peter Iasillo Jr.
Elevator Zombie (uncredited)
Al Magliochetti
Al Magliochetti
Bathrobe Zombie / Sunglasses Zombie (uncredited)
Gabriel Bartalos
Gabriel Bartalos
Camouflage Hat Zombie (uncredited)


George A. Romero
George A. Romero
George A. Romero
George A. Romero
Richard P. Rubinstein
Richard P. Rubinstein
Michael Gornick
Michael Gornick
Director of Photography
Pasquale Buba
Pasquale Buba
Salah M. Hassanein
Salah M. Hassanein
Executive Producer
John Harrison
John Harrison
Christine Forrest
Christine Forrest
Tom Savini
Tom Savini
Makeup Artist
Taso N. Stavrakis
Taso N. Stavrakis
Christine Forrest
Christine Forrest
Stunt Coordinator
Tom Savini
Tom Savini
Stunt Coordinator




Milos, a retired porn star, leads a normal family life trying to make ends meet. Presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to financially support his family for the rest of their lives, Milos must participate in one last mysterious film. From then on, Milos is drawn into a maelstrom of unbelievable cruelty and mayhem.
Mike, an experienced stripper, takes a younger performer called The Kid under his wing and schools him in the arts of partying, picking up women, and making easy money.
21世紀末の世界大戦により人類は大量の化学兵器を使用した。その結果地上の大半は居住不可能となり富裕層はヨーロッパを中心としたブリテン連邦(the United Federation of Britain、通称UFB)に住み、貧困層は反対側のオーストラリアを中心としたコロニーに居住する事になり、コロニーの住民はUFBの労働力の為にフォールと呼ばれる巨大なエレベーターに乗りUFBに通勤し働いていた。やがてUFBからの独立と解放を目的とするリーダーのマサイアスを中心としたレジスタンスと呼ばれる反体制派のテロ活動が盛んになり、UFB代表のコーヘイゲンはロボット警官のシンセティックの増産を唱える。
L.A. screenwriter David Sumner relocates with his wife, Amy, to her hometown in the deep South. There, while tensions build between them, a brewing conflict with locals becomes a threat to them both.
Zombie Apocalypse
Months after a zombie plague has wiped out 90 percent of the American population, a small group of survivors fight their way cross-country to a rumored refuge on the island of Catalina.
日本未公開。 作家のポールは、愛する妻が4年前に彼のもとを去ってから、書くことができなくなっていた。ある日、魅力的な不動産屋のローラと行きつけのダイナーで待ち合わせをしていた彼は、そこで男と口論になってしまい、ジャックという名の男に助けられる。礼としてポールは寝床のない彼を家に泊めることにした。素性の分からない男との生活が続くなか、状況が一変。ジャックはポールを人質にとり「2人の物語を書け」と脅迫する。ジャックは一体、何者なのか?そして、窮地に立たされたポールの予想だにしない真実が明かされることになるが…。
ウーマン・イン・ブラック 亡霊の館
The story follows a young lawyer, Arthur Kipps, who is ordered to travel to a remote village and sort out a recently deceased client’s papers. As he works alone in the client’s isolated house, Kipps begins to uncover tragic secrets, his unease growing when he glimpses a mysterious woman dressed only in black. Receiving only silence from the locals, Kipps is forced to uncover the true identity of the Woman in Black on his own, leading to a desperate race against time when he discovers her true identity.
アメリカの田舎町にパラシュート部隊が襲来し、瞬く間に町を制圧。 休暇で帰郷していた海兵隊員ジェドは弟やその友人たちと共に森に逃げ込み、アメリカ全土が北朝鮮軍に占領されたことを知る。やがて敵の襲撃に遭い目の前で兄弟の父を殺されたことから、愛する人々を守り祖国を取り戻すため、若者たちは徹底抗戦を決意する。
A teenager suspects his new neighbour is a vampire. Unable to convince anyone, he tries to enlist the help of a self-proclaimed vampire hunter and magician.
A zombie outbreak has fallen upon the land in this reimagining of Jane Austen's classic tale of the tangled relationships between lovers from different social classes in 19th century England. Feisty heroine Elizabeth Bennet is a master of martial arts and weaponry and the handsome Mr. Darcy is a fierce zombie killer, yet the epitome of upper class prejudice. As the zombie outbreak intensifies, they must swallow their pride and join forces on the blood-soaked battlefield in order to conquer the undead once and for all.
After a zombie becomes involved with the girlfriend of one of his victims, their romance sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world.
The Paperboy
As investigative reporter Ward Jansen and his partner Yardley Acheman chase a sensational, career-making story with the help of Ward's younger brother Jack and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless, the pair tries to prove violent swamp-dweller Hillary Van Wetter was framed for the murder of a corrupt local sheriff.
Porn Star Zombies
A group of adult film cast and crew members must discover what is causing their fellow stars to rabidly attack them.
アメリカに正義をもたらした男 エイブラハム・リンカーンの知られざる裏の顔。 それは死者の軍団に戦いを挑む“最強のゾンビ・ハンター” 偉大なる大統領の衝撃の秘密が今明かされる!
Michael Jackson's Thriller
A night at the movies turns into a nightmare when Michael and his date are attacked by a horde of bloody-thirsty zombies.
『ロボコップ』の舞台は2028年。ロボット技術において世界をリードする企業オムニコープは、何十億ドルもの利益をもたらす千載一遇のチャンスを見つける。犯罪都市デトロイトで愛する妻と息子と共に暮らし、犯罪と腐敗を食い止める優秀な熱血警官であるアレックス・マーフィ が瀕死の重傷を負ったとき、オムニコープは半分人間、半分ロボットの警官を開発。全米中の都市にロボコップを配備することを目論むオムニコープは、たとえアレックスがどんな犠牲を支払うことになろうとも、この計画を成功させようとする。ただオムニコープにとって計算外だったのは、ロボットの身体の中で生き残った脳が、消された記憶をよみかえらせていったことだった。


The Marrying Man
Charley Pearl, wealthy heir and gadabout, is slated to marry Adele, the daughter of a Hollywood tycoon. But, during a wild bachelor party in Las Vegas, Charley strikes up a flirtation with nightclub crooner Vicki Anderson that soon leads to her bedroom. When the couple are discovered by Vicki's beau, infamous gangster Bugsy Siegel, he makes a surprising pronouncement -- they'd better marry, or Charley is a dead man.
A group of young film students run into real-life zombies while filming a horror movie of their own.
The Dead 2: India
An infectious epidemic spreads through India as an American turbine engineer learns that his pregnant girlfriend is trapped near the slums of Mumbai. Now he must battle his way across a 300mile wasteland of the ravenous undead.
Fear of the Dark
Twelve year old Ryan Billings has been diagnosed with an acute fear of the dark. He spends each night lying awake in torment, waiting and watching as the evil in the darkness grows stronger, feeding off his fear. His older brother Dale, suspects that there is nothing wrong with Ryan and that this is just a ploy for more attention. Regardless, he promises to watch over his little brother as their parents head off to a party for the night. Outside a storm rages and when the power goes out, darkness envelops the house. Ryan knows that tonight the evil has finally come to claim him. Dale desperately tries everything to try and calm him down, until the horrors in the dark make him realize Ryan had good reason to be so afraid!
On an island off the coast of North America, local residents simultaneously fight a zombie epidemic while hoping for a cure to return their un-dead relatives back to their human state.
Bloodlust Zombies
A military weapons manufacturer creates a chemical weapon that causes victims to become blood-lusting killers. A lab accident causes the building to go into lock-down and the employees are trapped inside with the crazed killers.
ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド 死霊創世記
In this remake of the classic 1968 film, a group of people are trapped inside a farmhouse as legions of the walking dead try to get inside and use them for food.
After a doctor kills his mistress and himself while researching the mysterious previous owner of his Boston home, his colleague, Dr. Norman Boyle, takes over his research and moves his family from New York City to the Boston mansion. Soon after, Boyle's young son Bob becomes plagued by visions of a young girl, who warns him of the danger within the house.
Eager to start afresh, the unsuspecting couple of Anthony and Dolores Montelli, along with their four children, move into their dream house in Amityville. However, right from the very first night, strange paranormal experiences shatter the Montellis' fantasy, as the restless spirits of the dead and the new home's dark secrets open the unfathomable black portal of hell. Now, the family's older child, Sonny, has become the perfect vessel of destruction, as the invisible demonic forces claim his soul. Can Father Frank Adamsky cleanse the infernal Amityville House?
Zombie 3
When a terrorist's body, infected with a stolen chemical, is recovered by the US military, the corpse is cremated, unintentionally releasing the virus/bacteria into the atmosphere over a small island. Soon the infected populace mutate into flesh-hungry zombies, and a trio of soldiers on leave must team up with a group of tourists and board themselves up in an abandoned hotel as they try to fend off the agile and aggressive living dead.
マサチューセッツ州の某大学の脳外科医ヒルの研究室で助手を務めるハーバート・ウェストはある日、死体を蘇生させる血清の発明に成功する。 ハーバートは血清の信用性を確かめるため、同僚のダンと共に死体置場で実験を試みるが、ゾンビとなって暴れだす死体の噂を聞きつけてやって来た学長のホルジーを殺してしまう。ハーバートとダンが血清でホルジーを生き返らせたところ、彼は狂暴なゾンビと化す。 さらに、ハーバートの血清の技術を奪おうとして彼に殺され、実験台にされていたヒルもゾンビと化して暴れ出したため、事態は混乱していく。
A group of people are trapped in a West Berlin movie theater infested with ravenous demons who proceed to kill and possess the humans one-by-one, thereby multiplying their numbers.
休暇を過ごす為、アッシュは恋人リンダと共に森深くたたずむ別荘にやって来る。 退屈しのぎに別荘の地下室に入りそこで見つけた古いテープレコーダーを再生すると、そこからは かつて別荘の住人だった学者の古文書解読の経緯を伝える音声が流れてくる。 古文書の呪文の一節を朗読するその音声は唱えてはならない古代の死霊を呼び出す禁句であった。 突如リンダの様相は豹変しアッシュに襲い掛かってくる。防ごうと必死になりついにはリンダを殺して しまう。リンダを埋葬している最中アッシュ自身に死霊が憑依するが夜が明けたため死霊はアッシュから はなれてしまう。その隙に別荘から脱出を図るが唯一の帰り道にかかる橋が壊れていたためやむなく 別荘に戻ることになる。死霊との戦いに供えているアッシュの別荘に現れたのはテープの声の主の娘 だった。死霊との戦いで血まみれになったアッシュを殺人犯と勘違いした娘は仲間と共にアッシュを 袋叩きにし拘束するがその時、またしても死霊が森の奥からアッシュ達を襲うべく別荘を囲み始めるのだった。
The Dead
When the last evacuation flight out of war-torn Africa crashes off the coast, American Air Force Engineer Lieutenant Brian Murphy emerges as the sole survivor in a land where the dead are returning to life and attacking the living.