ホット・ショット2 (1993)
ジャンル : アクション, コメディ, 戦争
上映時間 : 1時間 26分
演出 : Jim Abrahams
脚本 : Pat Proft, Jim Abrahams
サダムの別荘に海軍特殊部隊が潜入したが全員が捕まってしまうというアクシデントが発生。大統領選の真っ最中の現政権ベンソン大統領の支持率は大幅に下がってしまう。 政府は捕虜奪回のためコマンド部隊派遣を決定し、その指揮官としてトッパー・ハーレーが選ばれる。ペルシャ湾へ向かったトッパーは、そこで昔の恋人ラマダと再会したが彼女の夫デクスターが捕虜として捕らえられていることを知る。
人気ロック歌手のエレン・エイムが地元で凱旋ライブ中にストリートギャング“ボンバーズ”に拉致される。ダイナーを営む彼女のファンのリーヴァは、かつて地元で鳴らしたワルで、今は流れ者の弟トムに助けを求める。トムは、陸軍あがりの女兵士マッコイを相棒に、ボンバーズのアジトを急襲しエレンを救い出す。 実は二人はかつて恋仲だったが、エレンが歌手を目指すために心ならずも別れていた。しかし今回の救出をきっかけにトムとエレンの間にふたたび愛の炎が燃え上がる。一方、エレンを連れ去られたボンバーズのボス、レイヴェンはボンバーズを率いて街を襲撃しようとしていた。レイヴェンはトムに一騎打ちを申し出、トムも受けて立つ。
Charles Dobbs is a British secret agent investigating the apparent suicide of Foreign Office official Samuel Fennan. Dobbs suspects that Fennan's wife, Elsa, a survivor of a Nazi Germany extermination camp, might have some clues, but other officials want Dobbs to drop the case. So Dobbs hires a retiring inspector, Mendel, to quietly make inquiries. Dobbs isn't at all sure as there are a number of anomalies that simply can't be explained away. Dobbs is also having trouble at home with his errant wife, whom he very much loves, having frequent affairs. He's also pleased to see an old friend, Dieter Frey, who he recruited after the war. With the assistance of a colleague and a retired policeman, Dobbs tries to piece together just who is the spy and who in fact assassinated Fennan.
戦乱の時代。 明国の武装集団に追われる仔太郎という少年がいた。 逃げこんだ荒寺で仔太郎は、名を捨て刀を封印した不思議な浪人「名無し」と出会う。 赤池の領主と連携をとりながら仔太郎を追ってきた武装集団は、そこで名無しと対峙する。 仔太郎に隠された秘密はあまたの野心を触発し、名無しはのちの宿敵となる男、羅浪と巡り会う。 それぞれの思惑が一気に激流へと変化していく中、果たして仔太郎と名無しの運命は・・・
A low-budget film crew working in New York City find themselves being preyed upon by a sexually conflicted serial killer.
Many kids might say their best friend is a puppy or a pony. But for 12-year-old Sandy, the most special pet of all is the exuberant dolphin he rescues and who returns the favor by rescuing Sandy from sharks.
In Camelot, kingdom of Arthur and Merlin, Lancelot is well known for his courage and honor. But one day he must quit Camelot and the Queen Guinevere's love, leaving the Round Table without protection.
When famous detective Nick Carter visits Prague, he becomes involved in strange case of a missing dog and even stranger carnivorous plant. He becomes convinced that he is standing against his greatest enemy, the Gardener, who supposedly died years ago in a swamp...
FBI Agents Bullit and Riper investigate the murder of a young dancer called Pamela Rose, found dead in her motel room in Bornsville, a small american town. Despite their differences, they must team up: the local police is hostile and they can only count on themselves to solve the crime. They meet Ginger, Pamela's best friend, and discover soon enough she knows more than she says.
A chronicle which provides a rare window into the international perception of the Iraq War, courtesy of Al Jazeera, the Arab world's most popular news outlet. Roundly criticized by Cabinet members and Pentagon officials for reporting with a pro-Iraqi bias, and strongly condemned for frequently airing civilian causalities as well as footage of American POWs, the station has revealed (and continues to show the world) everything about the Iraq War that the Bush administration did not want it to see.
Strange things happen in a revue theatre. The dancer Maria seems to be hunted by an invisible admirer. When the body of a probable FBI agent is found in a trunk the police asks FBI man Joe Como for help. Como gets interested in the revue theatre and an ominous transport firm soon. When he is receiving mysterious threatening letters he is sure that Dr. Mabuse has risen again. But what is going on at "Enterprise X" so that both the goverment and the mad genius in crime are interested in it?
The ultimate disaster film parody. A nuclear-powered bus is making its maiden non-stop trip from New York to Denver. The journey is plagued by disasters due to the machinations of a mysterious group allied with the oil lobby. Will the down-on-his-luck driver, with a reputation for eating his passengers, be able to complete the journey?
Nothing stirs up the competitive spirit in haggard Hollywood has-been Evie Harris like having to share a house with a younger actress like Varla. Especially since Varla happens to be the daughter of Evie's now-deceased rival! But even as their saner roommate, Coco, attempts to keep the peace, Evie's jealousy over Varla's burgeoning infomercial career is about to explode... in the most spectacular, showstopping way possible!
Do you prefer to wax on or wax off? Preacher won't let you dance? Well then, put Baby in the corner and come on down, 'cause VH1 is bringing back more of the'80s you love in this feature-length film, Totally Awesome. The Gundersons have just moved across the country and the kids - Charlie, Lori, and Max - are trying their best to acclimate themselves into a new school and all kinds of dilemmas therein: the need to dance, the pitfalls of young love, the quest for popularity, scientific genius and of course the quirky but loveable Japanese gardener. Totally Awesome takes all your favorite '80s-flick mainstays and weaves them into the biggest and baddest plotline ever conceived. Tot say it is radical would be an understatement.
This zany send-up of teen slasher flicks features a maniacal psycho known as the Breather, who stalks –and murders– promiscuous students at a suburban high school. The fanatical killer's unusual weapons include paper clips, blackboard erasers and eggplants.
One day Sammy and his younger sister Ellie happen upon a cabin where Alice, a young, partially deaf girl with epilepsy is being kept by her abusive stepfather. The three soon become friends and hope to get Alice an education and help her escape from the torture she undergoes daily. However, Alice's stepfather soon finds out about the friendship Alice has struck up and punishes her brutally. This story of friendship and youth shows that everyone is human and deserves to be treated so, no matter their disability or weakness.
Bennie, a clumsy criminal who's touchy about his weight, teams up with his adoptive father's biological (serial killer) son, his employees who in his absence turned his snack-bar into a quiche bakery, a suicidal manic-depressive woman and a Yugoslavian who keeps blowing things up unintended. They need to get 300000 Euro to get Bennies father a new liver.
Barry McKenzie's Aunt Edna is kidnapped by Count Von Plasma, the vampire head of an isolated Eastern European dictatorship who mistakes her for the Queen of England and thinks that kidnapping her will draw tourists to his country. Barry and his mates set out to rescue her and bring her back to Australia.
20年前、バズとメイルマンの乗る戦闘機がバズの無謀な操縦で故障しバズは脱出したがメイルマンの脱出装置が作動しなかった。 そして現代。バズの息子ショーンは海軍の優秀なパイロットだったが、父親に対する負い目と度重なる軍規違反で除隊処分となり、とあるネイティブアメリカンの部落で静かに暮らしていた。ある日、海軍の使者が現れ、重要作戦の為に軍への復帰を求められて戻ったが、そこには一癖も二癖もある連中ばかりいた。
Sir Ranulph Fiennes is credited as being the World’s Greatest Living Explorer. Among his extraordinary achievements, he was the first to circumnavigate the world from pole to pole, crossed the Antarctic on foot, broke countless world records, and discovered a lost city in Arabia. He has travelled to the most dangerous places on Earth, lost half his fingers to frostbite, raised millions of pounds for charity and was nearly cast as James Bond. But who is the man who prefers to be known as just ‘Ran’?
Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
A couple, cheated by a vile businessman, kidnap his wife in retaliation—without knowing that their enemy is delighted they did.
12世紀。十字軍の遠征による国王の不在をいいことに、弟のジョン王子 と悪代官ロッティングハム は結託して悪政を敷いていた。神経症の王子は魔女ラトリーン に頼りきり。その魔女はロッティングハムにゾッコンだが、代官は王族の娘マリアン に恋している。マリアンは、いつか本当の恋人が現れると信じ、貞操帯を付けてその人を待ち続けていた。十字軍に参加した若き英国貴族、ロビン はイスラエルで捕虜となるが、ムーア人のアスニーズ の協力で脱走に成功。イングランドまで泳いで帰った彼は、盲目の従者ブリンキン、アスニーズの息子アチュー、大男のリトルジョン、ナイフの名手スカーレット らを連れて反乱ののろしを上げた。城中に乗り込んだロビンはマリアンとひと目で恋に落ちる。彼は圧政にあえぐ庶民を集めてゲリラ隊「メン・イン・タイツ」を組織し、特訓を開始した。一方、ロッティングハムはひそかに殺し屋の親分ドン・ジョヴァンニ を呼び、ロビンを暗殺する計画を練る。城内のアーチェリー大会に変装して忍び込んだロビンは、敵と大立ち回りを演じる。その時リチャード国王 が帰還し、王子と代官をいさめる。国内には平和が戻り、ロビンとマリアンも結ばれた。
The evil Gen. Rancor has his sights set on world domination, and only one man can stop him: Dick Steele, also known as Agent WD-40. Rancor needs to obtain a computer circuit for the missile that he is planning to fire, so Steele teams up with Veronique Ukrinsky, a KGB agent whose father designed the chip. Together they try to locate the evil mastermind's headquarters, where Veronique's father and several other hostages are being held.
Ray Tango and Gabriel Cash are narcotics detectives who, while both being extremely successful, can't stand each other. Crime Lord Yves Perret, furious at the loss of income that Tango and Cash have caused him, frames the two for murder. Caught with the murder weapon on the scene of the crime, the two have no alibi. Thrown into prison with most of the criminals they helped convict, it appears that they are going to have to trust each other if they are to clear their names and catch the evil Perret.
Ryan Harrison, a violin god, superstar and sex symbol does not want to cheat on sexy Lauren Goodhue's husband with her. Mr. Goodhue is found murdered and Ryan suddenly finds himself being the main suspect. After being sentenced to death he manages to flee while being transferred to his execution site. Now, all the world is after him as he stumbles from one unfortunate incident to the next in order to prove himself innocent - by finding a mysterious one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged man...