Shunichiro Miki

Shunichiro Miki

出生 : 1968-02-02,


Shunichiro Miki


Settle into your chair and be transported to a place both familiar and alien; where a giant shop-girl can barely fit in her store, there's a weird green pod in every bedroom, and terrifying wood nymphs provide a heartbroken woman with the anatomically correct fruit everyone seems to covet. In the end we are left, like Alice, with the Red King's conundrum: are we dreaming them or are they dreaming us?
Settle into your chair and be transported to a place both familiar and alien; where a giant shop-girl can barely fit in her store, there's a weird green pod in every bedroom, and terrifying wood nymphs provide a heartbroken woman with the anatomically correct fruit everyone seems to covet. In the end we are left, like Alice, with the Red King's conundrum: are we dreaming them or are they dreaming us?
Miki (voice)
A group of college students staying in a hostel close to a beach, practice their dance routine in a training camp for an upcoming dance competition.
A group of college students staying in a hostel close to a beach, practice their dance routine in a training camp for an upcoming dance competition.
山のあなた 徳市の恋
Hokuro Kyodai Full Throttle!!!!
One of the most wildly creative filmmakers working in Japan today, Ishii Katsuhito seems to take joy in dropping whimsical, unpredictable works onto unsuspecting audiences. His last film Nice no Mori (a.k.a. Funky Forest), an omnibus offering co-directed with Ishimine Hajime and Miki Shinichiro, was an ode to pure, unadulterated insanity. The Mole Brothers and their Beatles hairdos serve up plenty of chaos and laughter in this riotous seven-episode series that is just about required viewing for fans of the film. Ishii returns once again to his animation roots, and the results are as head-scratchingly brilliant as ever. This release comes with the seven animated shorts, Nice no Mori trailer, and Hokuro Brothers Full Throttle!!!! making of and filmography.
ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜
An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs largely revolving around Guitar Brother, his randy older sibling, and the pair's portly Caucasian brother.
ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜
An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs largely revolving around Guitar Brother, his randy older sibling, and the pair's portly Caucasian brother.
ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜
An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs largely revolving around Guitar Brother, his randy older sibling, and the pair's portly Caucasian brother.
Camera Boy
「鮫肌男と桃尻女」の石井克人監督が、一見普通に見える一家のちょっとおかしな日常をユーモラスに描いた異色ホームドラマ。それぞれ心にモヤモヤを抱えた家族が繰り広げるユニークなエピソードの数々を、アニメやCG映像を織り交ぜつつ、美しい田園風景をバックにゆったりとした時間の流れの中で優しく綴ってゆく。2004年カンヌ国際映画祭の監督週間オープニング作品。  山間の小さな町に暮らす春野家の人々。彼らはそれぞれ悩みを抱え悶々としていた。内気な高校生の長男・一は恋に悩み、小学校に入学したての妹・幸子は時折ふと現われる巨大な自分の分身に困惑している。母・美子は子育てが一段落したことでアニメーターに復帰しようと奮闘中。催眠治療士の父・ノブオは、そんな美子に不満な様子。東京で音楽ミキサーをやっている叔父のアヤノは元恋人に未練タラタラ、ノブオの弟で漫画家の轟木一騎は仕事に行き詰まっていた。それでも春野家の祖父・アキラはそんな家族をいつも温かく見守っていた…。
Frog River
Record shop clerk and aspiring DJ Tsutomu searches for his masculinity when challenged to a kendo duel.
A middle-aged push-over has an argument with two friends at the hotel he reserved for their holiday. They pick on him until an unexpected protector starts defending him.
SMAP Short Films
Short films by top CM directors and CG creators: MUSIC POWER GO! GO! ダモン君の巻; BUS PANIC!!!; GAME SHINGO; 治療; Good-bye, cruel world; ROLLING BOMBER SPECIAL; 菅原さん ・コンセント ・トイレ ・のれない ・脱出不可能. Produced for and aired together as TV special of SMAPxSMAP
SMAP Short Films
Short films by top CM directors and CG creators: MUSIC POWER GO! GO! ダモン君の巻; BUS PANIC!!!; GAME SHINGO; 治療; Good-bye, cruel world; ROLLING BOMBER SPECIAL; 菅原さん ・コンセント ・トイレ ・のれない ・脱出不可能. Produced for and aired together as TV special of SMAPxSMAP