Ratko Miletić

Ratko Miletić


Ratko Miletić


When Day Breaks
The story of a retired music professor, Misha Brankov, who under unusual circumstances discovers his true origins. At the place where once stood a Nazi concentration camp for Jews during World War II, a metal box filled with documents is found. It was buried by an inmate Isaac Weiss in the year 1941. The professor finds out that his real parents, the Weiss's, gave him away to their friends, the Brankovs, just before they were taken into the camp. Inside the box there is an unfinished musical score, called "When day breaks", composed by the inmate Isaac Weiss. Searching for the truth about himself and his origins, Misha discovers the little-known truth about Judenlager Semlin camp, one of the worst Nazi execution sites in the heart of contemporary Belgrade. At the same time, the professor's obsession is to complete the composition, started by his father, and to perform it on the site of the former camp... which he, after many vicissitudes, finally succeeds.
'Honeymoons' shows us that the distance between Eastern and Western Europe is more than a question of kilometers. The films follows two couples, one is Albania, one in Serbia, who in the midst of wedding celebrations decide to leave their respective countries to realize their dreams in Western Europe. They soon find themselves trapped between their countries' past and their future lives together.
The Optimists
Five scenarios in which people have trouble distinguishing truth from illusions. Each segment reflects the motto of Voltaire's Candide: "Optimism is insisting everything is good, when everything is bad."
Midwinter Night's Dream
A simple story of an ex-convict who comes home after 10 years, only to find two squatters in the form of a woman and her autistic daughter. Though Lazar initially plans to kick out Jasna and Jovana, he changes his mind after seeing the squalid conditions of the shelter they are to move into. It is an allegory of the Balkan wars. When first released in Serbia, it caused some public outrage because of the sharp criticism of Serbia's role in the war.
Cabaret Balkan
20 people's paths crisscrossing one night in violent mid-'90s Belgrade.
People Will Reward All This
A story about war-disabled combatants that fought in Serbo-Turkish wars in 1876-1878. Left on their own and without limbs, they became beggars – a burden for the state that doesn’t pay attention about them. Their destiny depends exclusively on people who feel sympathy.
Desire Named Streetcar
Političarev šofer
In a rough time, Serbian people in Belgrade travel by a streetcar and serious things happen in a comic way.
Sugar Loaf
It describes the social process of stratification in the Serbian countryside during late 19th century, which occurs with the penetration of the commodity-money in the countryside. Under new conditions, peasants and farmers are unable to adapt, and rot under the burden of debts.
Hi, Inspector 2 - Vampires Are Among Us
Švarcov asistent 1
In the first sequel of "Hi Inspector", the cops Boki and Pajko get bored in their quite little town until the arrival of foreign visitors. These people reside at the local hotel where international conference on organ transplantation takes place. At the same time, the fresh corpses of deceased people begin to disappear, while the rumors about the vampires at the graveyard start spreading. The cops try to solve the riddle.
Guardian Angel
A journalist investigates the smuggling of gypsy children on the black market and tries to save a young boy.
Jaguar Jump
The movie protagonist is an ordinary man from Belgrade. His daughter was stolen by his junkie wife and later sold to a rich American family. Our hero goes to America in order to find her.
The Moth
Radnik obezbeđenja
The story of a man called "Moth", who becomes an entertainment star. Burdened with great popularity and entertainment events, he can not find his way around, and gets in series of comic situations.
The Elusive Summer of '68
For the young man who lives in Serbian province town, the maturing coincides with the turbulent political events of the year 1968.
Import Export
Two men involved in mining business, exporter and importer, find in a bar to make deals about their future transaction plans. Instead of business, they end up stuffing themselves, drinking and singing all night.
Twilight Time
Second Worker
After spending 20 years in America, aging widower Marko Sekulovic (Karl Malden) returns to his Yugoslavian homeland to take care of his two young grandchildren. But Marko's quiet life is in for a shake up when he meets the pretty new village schoolteacher, Lana (Jodi Thelen). Malden pays tribute to his Yugoslav heritage in this affecting 1982 drama.
The Adventures of Borivoje Surdilovic
Kondukter Rale
Fascinated by his friend's success abroad, an out-of-work barber Šurda tries his luck in Germany. Incapable to accept any job that would suit him, he returns to his homeland in disappointment. Based on a popular TV serial "Hot Wind" ("Vruć vetar").
The Pals
The war is over, and a group of young Partisans returns to their town to continue their interrupted education. They are doing everything in their way, because they are young enough to go to school and to horse around, but mature enough to react to lies and injustice. Loud, ready to fight, they are a problem in school, in youth organization, in town's command. And when they get used to normal life, one of them gets killed by Chetnik renegades' ambush. The comrades wear their uniforms again, take their weapons and succeed in revenging their comrade. When they return to school again, they are determined to pass the maturity test as well...
Cross Country
Milicioner #1
A priest’s daughter from a small town falls in love with cross country running over TV. She starts to train. She runs, meets a local boy and falls in love. She runs again, meets a black man and starts flirting. The local boy kills a black man out of jealousy and the police kills him.
The lives of many people in one Serbian town are changed after Tito's breakup with Stalin.
To Come and Stay
Gavrilov drug
Three villagers try their luck in the big city.
A mysterious person is killing pro-Nazi officials in a small Serbian town. A group of children accidentally reveal his identity.