Ken'ichi Ishii

Ken'ichi Ishii


Ken'ichi Ishii


Yoichi Adachi
The body of Shinsuke Maeda, a wealthy older man, is discovered in his garden. While at first glance it appears that he missed his step while exiting into the garden and hit his forehead on a flowerbed rock, it is established that a safe installed in the living room has been emptied. It seems that, the night before, Maeda left the hospital he was staying at of his own will and came home, and was robbed immediately after returning. His daughter Yumie Nagano insists that Chikako Inui, a woman her father had been seeing, must be the perpetrator. She says that Maeda was thinking of getting married to Chikako soon. However, Chikako finds Yumie and her husband suspicious. Troubled by debts incurred by opening their ramen store, they pestered Maeda and he pushed them away. She calmly points out that Maeda gave her a will in which he left all of the 50 million plus yen hidden in the safe to her, so she had no reason to steal from him.
「松本清張生誕100年記念作品・駅路」。2009年4月11日21:00-23:10、フジテレビ系列の「土曜プレミアム」枠にて放映。松本清張生誕100年と向田邦子生誕80年を記念し、向田の脚本に脚色・演出を加え制作された作品。 銀行の営業部長を定年で退職した小塚貞一は、その年の秋の末、簡単な旅行用具を持って家を出たまま、行方不明となった。家出人捜索願を受けて、呼野刑事と北尾刑事は捜査を始める。家庭は平和と見えたし、子供も成長し、一人は結婚もした。人生の行路を大方歩いて、やれやれという境涯に身を置いていたように思える。自殺する原因もない。自分から失踪したとすれば、何のためにそのような行動を取ったのか……。
Aihyôka: Chi-manako
Misaki is a popular bar hostess whose policy is to 'live on presents'. She is haughty and wants nothing but the most expensive and exclusive. One night, she finds a rabbit and takes it home, setting off the story of an unimaginable tragedy. It is an 'animal panic horror' film with a new edge presenting an allegory of the worst in the modern materialistic world. This is the first full-length feature film for Yuichi Kanemaru, who has worked as assistant director to Kaneto Shindo, Yasuo Furuhata and Takashi Miike. And Tomoko Tabata's dynamic performance in her first horror movie is a definite highlight.
難波金融伝 ミナミの帝王35 銀次郎VS夜逃げ屋
Fujiwara no Kaneie
あ・キレた刑事(デカ)2 決闘
Fight fiercely with a duo of hitmen to protect the witnesses of the trial!
Kuroki is crazy about gambling and Shirakawa loves unrivalled women. The pair are investigating a bank robbery.
ゴジラ2000 ミレニアム
In the streets of ultra-modern Shinjuku, Sosuke, a young would-be detective, all of a sudden attacked by a monster robot and falls unconscious. Determined to unravel the mystery, Sosuke joins forces with four members to fight against the robot. Will they be successful?
秋桜 コスモス
Akiko returns to her home village in Japan after seven years in South America, where she contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. The town, thick with paranoia, is quick to ostracize the ailing Akiko. With only her best friend and her mom in her corner, Akiko suffers awful discrimination at school and at home.
五星戦隊ダイレンジャー THE MOVIE
Duke of Cards (voice)
Part two of twelve.
When a team of detectives lose the trail of a murderer, they decide to keep an eye on the suspect’s ex-lover, who is trapped in an abusive marriage.
Shinpachi Namakura
Part one of a twelve part direct to video film series. Based on the comic by Tatsuo Nitta.
Furuchi and Hama are two unsuccessful repair agents and electronic engineers. One day Furichi finds a so-called Kotatsu heater. Soon after this Furichi dies in a traffic accident. But with the help of a stun gun succeed Hama Furichi bring back to life, but also Kotatsu heater comes alive then.
In the far-off future of 2001, a young boy from outer space lands on earth inside a flying peach. The boy (named Apple) is adopted by a Catholic priest, but soon disappears. Three schoolgirls decide to search for him, and soon find evidence that he is being held captive in a trendy dance club. What is the club owner doing with him, and will his adopted father ever see him again?
男はつらいよ 望郷篇
男はつらいよ フーテンの寅
喜劇 女は度胸
An uptight young man comes to suspect that his factory worker girlfriend has a secret involving his boorish older brother.
「男はつらいよ」シリーズ第1作。 20年振りに故郷、東京は葛飾柴又に帰ってきた車寅次郎(渥美清)。ちょうど庚申の祭りの最中で、早速祭りに参加する寅次郎。そんな中、懐かしいおいちゃん(森川信)、おばちゃん(三崎千恵子)や妹さくら(倍賞千恵子)に涙の再会を果たす。翌日、さくらの見合いに出席した寅次郎だが、酔ったあげくの大失態。見合いをぶち壊した寅次郎はおいちゃんらと大ゲンカし、柴又を去っていく。その後、寅次郎は旅先の奈良で旅行中の御前様(笠智衆)とその娘・坪内冬子(光本幸子)と再会。幼なじみゆえ、気さくな冬子に恋をした寅さんは、帰郷してからも冬子のもとへ日参する。一方、裏の印刷工場につとめる諏訪博(前田吟)は、さくらへ想いを寄せていた・・・