Sei Ando
出生 : 1983-12-25, Tokyo, Japan
直木賞作家・佐藤正午の同名ベストセラーを藤原竜也主演で映画化。都内のバー。かつて直木賞を受賞した天才小説家・津田伸一は、担当編集者の鳥飼なほみに執筆中の新作小説を読ませていた。その内容に心を踊らせる鳥飼だったが、津田の話を聞けば聞くほど小説の中だけの話とは思えない。この小説が本当にフィクションなのか検証を始めた鳥飼は、やがて驚きの真実にたどり着く。謎めいた小説家・津田を藤原、津田に翻弄される担当編集者・鳥飼を土屋太鳳、津田とコーヒーショップで出会った日に失踪したバーのマスター、幸地秀吉を風間俊介、津田の行きつけのコーヒーショップ店員・沼本を西野七瀬、彼らが暮らす街の裏社会を仕切る倉田健次郎を豊川悦司が演じる。監督は「ホテル ビーナス」のタカハタ秀太。
Ririko Yamanaka
Ogura Akane is twenty six years old and wants to become a designer. However, things go awry when in a double whammy she loses her job and finds her boyfriend cheating on her.
Even though Kumiko realizes that she won’t be able to patch things up with her former lover, she ends up preparing a meal for him. Though she lives only for going to the concerts of her favorite band, Mie curses her nonexistent luck when she’s forced to do overtime on the day of a concert. Although Tsuda somehow lives off of doing day labor, he does not have any friends and is unable to establish interaction with society. In his indolent lifestyle, Rikuo only knows how to express himself through violence. The clumsy lives of these characters intersect.
Katsutoshi is forced to flee his hometown and ends up at a rundown nightclub called "Tokyo Playboy Club." His hot-headedness gets him into further trouble, and the club's waiter Takahiro and his girlfriend Eriko also get caught up in it as their underworld predicament worsens to the point of no return.
Live action film "Shibyo Osen Dead Rising" based on the zombie action game "Dead Rising." Set in Japan and directed by Keiji Inafune. Produced by Capcom, the game studio that also produced the popular Resident Evil series, the Xbox 360/Wii game Dead Rising was a George Romero-inspired third-person shooting game that followed a reporter's effort to fend off a zombie attack in a mall. The game was immensely popular, expanding to downloadable content and multiple spin-off versions on other platforms. Four years later, the sequel of the game has arrived, and Capcom is hyping up the release with a live-action feature film. Directed by game producer Inafune Keiji (Onimusha, Mega Man) in his directorial debut, Shibyo Osen - Dead Rising promises to create a never-before-seen type of third-person-style action film that also features the over-the-top zombie violence that made the games so popular.
1990年代初頭、クヒオは、自分はアメリカ軍特殊部隊のパイロットで、エリザベス女王とも血縁関係にあたるなどと吹聴し、次々と女性たちをだましていた。だが、実際彼は純粋な日本人で、華麗な経歴もすべて自ら作り出したものだった。弁当店を営むしのぶ(松雪泰子)も彼の立派な軍服姿にころりとだまされ、懸命にクヒオに尽くすが……。<吉田和正原作の「結婚詐欺師 クヒオ大佐」を映画化した、型破りな人間ドラマ。日本人でありながら西洋人のような容ぼうを生かし、自分はアメリカ空軍のパイロットなどと偽って女性たちから約1億円を巻き上げた実在の結婚詐欺師の真の姿に迫る。どこか憎めない詐欺師役に『南極料理人』の堺雅人。彼に無償の愛をささげる女性を『余命』の松雪泰子らが熱演する。付け鼻をして、何とも不思議な主人公に成り切った堺と3人の女性たちの物語に夢中になる。>
The opening bust-shot, with its frequent use of cut-away shots and blurred dialogue, is like a campus version of Ozu's films. As the story progresses, however, the film itself breaks away from a style that was as borrowed (but still very fitting) as the protagonist. The way the film acquires its own rhythm and flavour is more than just a pleasurable experience, it is a cinematic pleasure.