Tatyana Ryabokon

Tatyana Ryabokon

出生 : 1974-03-20, Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR, USSR, [now Kharkiv, Ukraine]


Tatyana Ryabokon


Just Before
A drama about a 15-year-old teenager Maxim, who obsessively watches his father's mistress. Maxim wants to kill her, not realizing that this only complicates the situation.
Delayed Happiness Syndrome
40-year-old provincial Natalya Nikitina has been living in St. Petersburg for the seventh year. She works as a nurse for ailing old people and endures their countless quirks and humiliations. Once in her life, a new friend appears - a masseuse named Love, who plunges Natalia into the abyss of bright and risky adventures in search of love and happiness.
After the daughter’s death, Galina stays completely alone and loses the meaning of life. Suddenly she notices the incarnation of her daughter in a prostitute met in the elevator.
Petersburg: Only for Love
Petersburg. A Selfie comprises seven novellas about the beautiful city of St. Petersburg, Russia, shot by female directors. The film tells a story of a real, living and breathing city, rather than a mythical phantasm. Each novella tells its own story about love and loneliness, luck and hope.
Breaking Loose
Four best friends. They've been to war, they've seen life, but they are still passionate, young and willing to serve their country. They found their place at OMON - Russian Special Police Squad. They can count only on each other, and their real family is themselves. After working hours they become simple guys with ordinary dreams like family and comfort. But life changes when once in a night club the friends incidentally get in a fight with the local mafia. It turns out that they have no fear and they are ready to stand for each other whatever happens.
Shopping Tour
A group of Russian tourists go on a shopping spree to the neighboring Finland - only to be attacked by Finnish cannibals. We focus on a middle-aged woman and her teenage son who is shooting the film, as we watch it, on his cell-phone.
Young Chechnya war veteran alienates himself from his friends and family because of his burned face. When he has to help find his war-time friend, he manages to get back to life again.
A storry about a friendship between two very different women.
The Dry Valley
This story unites the destinies of the landowners and their servants, and is considered to be one of the most complete portraits of the Russian life in the late XIX century. It takes place in Dry Valley, a village owned by the noble family of Khrushevs. The story tells about Natalia, a young and naive girl who serves in their country house. We see and experience her love, dedication to her masters, mysticism, exile, betrayal and faith, while the Dry Valley is falling to pieces, slowly but inevitably, as well as the lives of its inhabitants.
A group of Russian noblemen want to maintain the monarchy and plan to kill Rasputin.
The Edge
The action takes place shortly after the end of the Second World War in the Siberian hinterland, among Russians and Germans with damaged personal stories and a strange transformation: the victors seem to be crawling into the skins of the defeated, and vice versa. Ignat, is the embodiment of the larger-than-life image of the Soviet victorious warrior who, in fact, proves to be shell-shocked, sick and broken, although not completely destroyed. Trains become fetish for the heroes of the film, and speed becomes a mania; they virtually become one with their steam engines, while the machines take on human names. The heroes set up an almost fatal race in the Siberian forest, risking their own lives and those of others.
Young Alisa is fed up with her life in Moscow, and moves to St. Petersburg. Her roommates in the collective flat are two junkies, Vel and her boyfriend Valera the Dead Man. First they fight, but soon the two women form a friendship. Together they even go after the Petersburg underworld when Dead Man is abducted because he can't pay his debts.
Pavel Shnyrev is a professional killer. He has many enemies and a lot of problems.
Your Own Alien Life
Director Andrey Kalistratov is making a multi-part television film about the literary life of Petrograd after the Civil War, about the House of Arts, which was created by the Bolsheviks to control the creative intelligentsia. Modern Petersburg and Petrograd of 1921 are intricately intertwined in the director's mind. The cruel, bloody, but romantic world of the first years of the revolution and the artistic and everyday environment of modern cinema coexist in one space. The main characters of the film that Kalistratov is shooting - the poet and former officer Pyotr Versilov, his girlfriend Olga, the French documentary cameraman Etienne Faberge and his wife Francoise - are as real to the director as the people around him-the film's producer Semyon Mikhailovich, the film crew, actors, friends, acquaintances, relatives. Despite the demands of the producer to be "simpler" and "more economical", Kalistratov wants to make a real historical film, not a standard TV series "soap".