Noboru Kaneko

Noboru Kaneko

出生 : 1974-10-18, Nagasaki, Japan


Born 1974 in Nagasaki, Japan, Noboru Kaneko (金子 昇) is a Japanese actor.


Noboru Kaneko


灰色の壁 ─大宮ノトーリアス─
1996年関東の郊外埼玉県大宮周辺では巨大暴走族が蔓延り、日々若者の抗争が絶えなかった。 そこで一躍名を上げていたのが、県下一の勢力を誇る暴走族「桜神會」(おうじんかい)の吉田正樹(奥野壮)だ。 しかし、その活躍を面白く思わない青葉会と、その傘下に入った暴走族「魅死巌」(みしがん)の企みにより正樹は少年刑務所に送られてしまう。 少年刑務所での酷い仕打ちに抵抗する正樹だったが、娑婆に残った桜神會のメンバーが次々と青葉会に買収され、妻や娘も不当なゆすりに遭っていることを知る。 正樹は青葉会や魅死巌への復讐を誓い、一刻も早くこの灰色の壁を出るべく、まずは模範囚となることから始めるのだった。 いま、ある男の人生を賭けたリベンジが静かに始まった。
ねばぎば 新世界
A former boxing gym owner and his younger brother rise up to help a boy and his teacher's daughter from a vicious religious group that preys on good people.
逃げるは恥だが役に立つ ガンバレ人類! 新春スペシャル!!
Mikuri and Hiramasa both work and share housework duties. They have peaceful days together. One day, Mikuri learns that she is pregnant. They decide to marry, but they soon face problems. Mikuri suffers from pregnancy sickness and Hiramasa decides to take a paternity leave before an important project is finished. The couple experience unfamiliar situations involving childbirth and rearing. They go through difficult times.
スーパー戦隊最強バトル!! ディレクターズカット版
Kakeru Shishi / Gao Red
A mysterious girl named Rita gathers heroes from Super Sentai teams to the planet Nemesis. The heroes are told that any wish they desire will come true if they can win the "Super Sentai Strongest Battle" tournament. A director's cut of the mini-series as a full-length feature.
6th entry in the Conflict series
5th entry in the Conflict series
CONFLICT 〜最大の抗争〜 第四章
Chondohoe, which was disbanded after the death of the 6th president Washio, due to the attack of Akinari Myojin, whom the Panwanghoe had looked after. Three years later, Date, the director of the Chondohoe, became a member of the rival organization, Panwanghoe, and when its biggest rival, the Chondohoe, was disbanded, the Panwanghoe was making huge profits by successfully attracting casinos.
CONFLICT -最大の抗争- 第三章
西村京太郎サスペンス 鉄道捜査官16
Six high school tennis clubmates, including railroad investigator Noriko Hanamura, are going on a day trip to Kawaguchi Lake. However, one of them, Ayako Hirayama, does not show up even after the arranged time for the meet-up has passed. Magazine writer Yumi Tachiki, who planned the trip, calls Ayako but gets no answer, so Noriko and the others, believing Ayako will catch up with them, proceed to their destination. Even though Yumi and Noriko call Ayako many times, she does not answer. Yumi receives an urgent work request after arriving at Tenjozan Park by ropeway, so Noriko and the others return to Tokyo leaving Yumi at the mountain. None of them had any contact with Ayako the entire day. That night, Noriko receives a call from the Yamanashi Prefectural Police informing her that Yumi's body has been found stabbed in Tenjozan Park. One of the ropeway employees happened to witness a mysterious woman wearing a hat and a mask following Yumi down the mountain trail that evening...
Masayoshi Shima
Kagerô Ezu
After the sudden death of her adoptive father Shimada Mataemon, Nui, whose own father met an untimely death when he was about to expose the corruption of the shogunate becomes determined to expose the collusion between Kannouji, and the unforgivable relationships between the ladies in waiting of the inner palace and the monks. Nui is undertaking this undercover investigation without regard for the danger she is putting herself in, for the sake of Shinnosuke whom she secretly loves
Eita Ashigara
The members of Girls Bar, which is also the strongest female detective agency, confront the evil, and a movie of the same name novel by Fuyuki Shindo. Women who work at the girls bar "W Lounge" at night while working as office ladies, underground idols, teachers, etc. The "W Lounge" had another face, the strongest female detective agency fighting female enemies. A university student, a bud's friend, Airi disappears while leaving a debt of 3 million yen, and Airi's debt guarantor, Bud decides to work at "W Lounge" to repay the debt. According to a survey by the manager, Mona, who heard about the situation from the buds, and colleagues in the store, Airi gets information about being in a secret club called "Ruby Soul."
ソ満国境 15歳の夏
Keisuke, 15-year-old junior-high school boy, has been forced to live as refugees with his family in temporary housing apart from a hometown as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake.In 2012, he belongs to a broadcasting club of his junior-high, to which he has to be admitted for the earthquake. He spends time with some fellows of a club. But all equipment to make their works of it has been washed away by the tsunami. He decides to give up his filmmaking in this summer, which will be the last time of his junior-high days to make a work.But one day a man who lives in a small village in Heilongjiang, China donates the equipment for filmmaking to Keisuke's school. Also Keisuke, his fellows and his teacher have been invited by him to shoot a film in China. And they are travelling to shoot around the boundless Chinese land.
『松本清張 黒い画集-草-』。2015年3月25日(21:00 - 23:08)、テレビ東京系列にて、テレビ東京開局50周年特別企画として放送された。撮影は、新築建物に移転した後の、仙台市立病院旧建物で行われた。
DANGER DOLLS follows a quartet of cute idol singers who moonlight as butt-kicking action heroines. When extraterrestrial invaders threaten the safety of the Earth after an earthquake unleashes them from an alternate dimension, the Danger Dolls become humanity's only hope for survival. The team infiltrates the evil cult behind the invasion and must use their swords and their fists to smash the invading army.
忠臣蔵 その義その愛
Chuushingura from the perspective of Horibe Yasubee.
ドリフト6 -Z-
The sixth film in the 'Drift' series.
釣りバカ日誌16 浜崎は今日もダメだった♪♪
魁!!クロマティ高校 THE★MOVIE
Takeshi Hokuto
When a good student named Kamiyama gets placed in a high school filled with disobedient kids, he steps up to the plate and takes a position of leadership. Urging the young slackers and rebels to clean up their act, Kamiyama is in store for a lot of resistance.
新・影の軍団 第四章 地雷火
Shippuu (Hayate) appeared suddenly dead. However, he fell into the hands of Sarutobi for due to his loss of memory.
Yoshito Chûjô
New Shadow Warriors II
Iga ninja led by Hattori Hanzo took back Princess Fuji who was kidnapped by Fuma Clan at the end of the war. However, there were three of them - one being the real Princess Fuji and the others doubles. Not knowing which is the real one, the Iga ninja has no choice but to separate into three teams to deliver the princess to her wedding. The evil hands of the Fuma and the Koga are trying to reach Princess Fuji and the Iga ninja. Their difficult journey has begun.
In the time of the peaceful Toyotomi Era, Shinotada, the master of Kochi Family, a source of revenue for the Tokugawa, is trying to marry his younger sister Princess Fuji to Akinobu Sunekazura, who has connections with the rival Toyotomi, in order to bring peace. One of sixteen great warriors of Tokugawa, Hattori Hanzo, entrusts his wish and gathers the remnants of Iga Village, which was destroyed by Oda Nobunaga, and orders them to guard Princess Fuji. The Council of Elders of Sunekazura, hire the Fuma Ninja led by Fuma Kotaro, joined by the Koga Ninja, led by Sarutobi Sasuke, who is serving Hideyoshi Toyotomi, to assassinate Princess Fuji! Can Hanzo Hattori with the Iga remnants prevent this evil plot and protect the princess? Once again, Shinichi "Sonny" Chiba plays the leading role of Hanzo Hattori with his old enemy, Sarutobi Sasuke, played by Hiroki Matsukata. The presence of both famous actors will overwhelm any audience!
Kakero Shishi / Gao Red
いつものようにジャカンジャと戦うハリケンジャーの3人。しかし、彼らの前にオルグと戦い、正義の戦士であったはずのガオレンジャーの5人がジャカンジャの味方として立ちふさがる。正義の戦士であるはずのガオレンジャーの行動に戸惑うハリケンジャー。 このガオレンジャーは、実はチュウズーボを除いた暗黒七本槍の5人が化けていた偽者だった。彼らは本物のガオレンジャーのGフォンとガオの宝珠を奪い、悪に利用してハリケンジャーに挑んでいたのである。本物のガオレンジャー5人とガオの巫女・テトムは、チュウズーボの弟であるチュウボウズとガオレンジャーに滅ぼされたオルグ残党のツエツエとヤバイバの2人に誘拐されていた。唯一脱出できた大河冴と共に、ハリケンジャーはガオレンジャー救出作戦に乗り出す。無事救出されたガオレンジャーとハリケンジャーの反撃が始まる。
Masûru hîto
In the year 2009, a young policeman must collapse a Yakuza family whose members make a large profit with a new drug.
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger Super Video: Showdown! Gaoranger vs. Gao Silver
Kakeru Shishi / Gao Red
The five GaoJewels of the Gaorangers are pulled into the Holy Spring. GaoSilver appears and his GaoJewel also flies into it. He challenges the five Gaorangers, wanting them to tell him what the five "Gao Teachings" were.
百獣戦隊ガオレンジャー 火の山、吼える
Kakero Shishi / Gao Red
The theatrical adaptation of Gaoranger that was a double bill with the Kamen Rider Series film Kamen Rider Agito: Project G4. The film features Gao Kong and the Gao Knight combination.
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger VS Super Sentai
Kakero Shishi / Gao Red
いつものようにオルグと戦うガオレンジャーの5人の前に、はぐれハイネス・ラクシャーサが復活し、ガオイエロー(鷲尾岳)、ガオブルー(鮫津海)、ガオブラック(牛込草太郎)は“戦士の魂”を奪われてしまう。魂を奪われなかったガオレッド(獅子走)は、3人をガオホワイト(大河冴)に託してラクシャーサに立ち向かう。 一方、残された4人のガオレンジャーの前に現れたのは、かつて悪と戦った歴代スーパー戦隊の5人であった。