Set in a dark, heightened world against the backdrop of late 80s counter culture, Deadly Class follows the story of Marcus, a teen living on the streets who is recruited into Kings Dominion, an elite private academy where the world’s top crime families send their next generations. Maintaining his moral code while surviving a ruthless curriculum, vicious social cliques and his own adolescent uncertainties soon proves to be vital. Based on the best-selling 2014 Image Comics graphic novel, Deadly Class is a coming of age journey full of ancient mystery and teen angst.
Two 20-somethings take the next step in their long-distance cyber romance: meeting in person for the first time during an exotic vacation in W Doha. Will their tech-enabled feelings hold true in real life?
Two 20-somethings take the next step in their long-distance cyber romance: meeting in person for the first time during an exotic vacation in W Doha. Will their tech-enabled feelings hold true in real life?
Celeste and Jesse met in high school and got married young. They laugh at the same jokes and finish each other’s sentences. They are forever linked in their friends’ minds as the perfect couple – she, a high-powered businesswoman and budding novelist; he, a free spirit who keeps things from getting boring. Their only problem is that they have decided to get divorced. Can their perfect relationship withstand this minor setback?
A man tries to warn his brother away from the new girlfriend he brings home during Thanksgiving, but ends up becoming infatuated with her in the process.
A man tries to warn his brother away from the new girlfriend he brings home during Thanksgiving, but ends up becoming infatuated with her in the process.