Martin West

Martin West

出生 : 1937-08-28, Southampton, New York, USA

死亡 : 2019-12-31


Martin West
Martin West


La Classe américaine
Police Officer (archive footage) (uncredited)
George Abitbol, the classiest man in the world, dies tragically during a cruise. The director of an American newspaper, wondering about the meaning of these intriguing final words, asks his three best investigators, Dave, Peter and Steven, to solve the mystery. (Sixteen French actors dub scenes from various Warner Bros. films to create a parody of Citizen Kane, 1941.)
Manhunt: Search for the Night Stalker
Chief Daryl Gates
Based on the true story of Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez who terrorized California in 1985 and the two Los Angeles police detectives who try to track him down.
Mac and Me
A Mysterious Alien Creature (MAC) escaping from nefarious NASA agents, is befriended by a young boy in a wheelchair. Together, they try to find MAC's family from whom he has been separated.
Der Preis fürs Überleben
German director Hans Noever shot this crime drama in the U.S. in English, an unusual achievement at this time. The setting is Jefferson City, Missouri, and Joseph Randolph (Martin West), a VIP in a fictional electronics company, has just gotten the sack. The company bigwigs insist it is simply because of downsizing, but Randolph is not buying it. Enraged, he gets a handgun (this is the U.S.) and shoots five managers to death. Then he turns himself in and is eventually put in a psychiatric hospital by the police. His family suffers a series of tragedies that leave only his daughter to wonder about why her father was committed to an institution. She joins with a visiting reporter from Chicago and another interested man, and all three start digging deeper into the company's history.
The lone inhabitants of an abandoned police station are under attack by the overwhelming numbers of a seemingly unstoppable street gang.
Floyd Sanger
Soldier Blue
Lt. Spingarn
After a cavalry group is massacred by the Cheyenne, only two survivors remain: Honus, a naive private devoted to his duty, and Cresta, a young woman who had lived with the Cheyenne two years and whose sympathies lie more with them than with the US government. Together, they must try to reach the cavalry's main base camp. As they travel onward, Honus is torn between his growing affection for Cresta.
Sweet November
A woman refuses to let her romances last longer than one month.
主人公ハーパー役をポール・ニューマンが演じた、ロス・マクドナルドのハードボイルド小説「動く標的」に基づく大ヒット作。それまでに23本の映画に出演していたニューマンが初めて探偵役に挑み、ハードボイルドジャンルを再燃させた画期的作品である。うだつの上がらない探偵が、ある入り組んだ誘拐殺人事件をきっかけに活躍のチャンスをつかむ。脚本家ウィリアム・ゴールドマンによって粋な会話と新天地ロサンゼルスが“ハーパー流”に見事に脚色されている。資産家の女(ローレン・バコール)、銃を忍ばせる弁護士(アーサー・ヒル)、プールサイドに陣取るジゴロ(ロバート・ワグナー)、酒びたりの元女優(シェリー・ウィンタース)、熱狂的なジャズファン(ジュリー・ハリス)、ハーパーの別居中の妻(ジャネット・リー)、そして(ストローザー・マーティン率いる)“雲の寺”という謎の宗教団体。それぞれが謎を解く鍵を握っているのか? あるいは、ハーパーに向かって引き金を引くのは誰なのか?
Lord Love a Duck
Bob Bernard
From his prison cell, young Alan Musgrave relates his experiences of the previous year dedicated to fulfilling every whim of beautiful and self-absorbed high school senior Barbara Ann Greene.
The Girls on the Beach
The girls of Alpha Beta need to raise $10,000 in two weeks to save the sorority house. Among their schemes to raise the funds are a beauty contest, a newspaper puzzle, and a baking contest. But when three guys hit the beach with love on their minds, bragging that they know the Beatles, the girls plan a concert with the Fab Four as the main attraction.
A Swingin' Summer
Turk Wallace
Beach party escapade features a bookworm with glasses who learns to "groove", as she attempts to sing "Ready to Groove."
The Man from Galveston
Stonewall Grey
Circuit-riding Texas lawyer Timothy Higgins defends a former girlfriend against a murder charge stemming from an extortionist's threat to reveal her shady past. Through adroit courtroom work, Higgins is able to acquit her and reveal who actually shot the fatal bullet.
A young man with only one hand gets a job at a timber camp and falls for his boss's daughter.