Aya Matsui


ピカチュウ・ミジュマル・キバゴ・ヤナップはお花畑で出会ったニンフィアに誘われ、森の奥にあるという『イーブイハウス』に遊びに行くことに。 そこではイーブイとその進化系である甘えん坊のサンダース、恥ずかしがり屋のブースター、リーダー的存在のシャワーズ、ナルシストなエーフィ、無口で怪しいブラッキー、くつろぐことが好きな癒し系リーフィア、怒ると怖いグレイシアがいた。 他にも、家政夫として雇われた、ニャースとソーナンスが働いていた。にぎやかなお泊り会が始まろうとしていた。
このナゾを解いた者には、永遠の命が贈られる。 ある日、レイトンのもとにオペラのチケットが同封された1通の手紙が届く……。差出人はレイトンのかつての教え子でもあるオペラ歌手のジェニス。1年前に亡くなったはずの友人が『永遠の命を手に入れたの』と7歳の少女となって現れたという……。 この不可解な出来事を解明するために、ルークや助手のレミとともにオペラが上演される“クラウンペトーネ劇場”へと向かい調査に乗り出した。そこではレイトンの師、シュレーダー博士が研究していた不老不死王国“古代アンブロシア王国”の伝説を元にピアニストのウィスラーが作曲した新作オペラが上演されていた。しかし、そこに集まった観客たちの真の目的は『永遠の命』を手に入れることだった。舞台に現れた仮面の男デスコールが宣誓したのは『永遠の命』を手にいれるための命をかけたナゾトキゲームの開始の合図であった。そして、生けたゲームが幕を開けた……。
ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 空の探検隊 時と闇をめぐる 最後の冒険
映画!たまごっち うちゅーいちハッピーな物語!?
Mametchi and his friends must save Tamagotchi world from a book that is beginning to destroy reality, entitled "The World's Happiest Story".
えいがでとーじょー! たまごっち ドキドキ! うちゅーのまいごっち!?
On Tamagotchi planet, Mametchi has just finished his new creation. But on its first trial run, the mischievous Kuchipatchi manages to throw the machine's aim off course, which results in a child from Earth, Tampopo, being transported to the Tamagotchi Planet.
ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 時の探検隊・闇の探検隊
Welcome to a world...where Pokémon, and ONLY Pokémon, live. A world where Pokémon can talk -- just like we do. Meet a boy who has mysteriously turned into a Piplup! This Piplup soon meets a Chimchar, who dreams of joining a brave Exploration Team. And at that magical moment, an exciting new adventure begins! Join us... After all, a whole new world of mystery and exploration awaits! Life is full of adventure, so get ready to explore!
ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 出動ポケモン救助隊ガンバルズ!
Charmander's voice calls out from the darkness if Squirtle is okay. The sleeping boy wakes up, and can't believe himself when he sees a talking Charmander. Charmander then points out that he's a Pokémon too. The boy takes a look at his reflection at a river besides him, and sees that it is true! He has turned into a Squirtle, and has no recollection at all how this had happened.
ポケモン3Dアドベンチャー2 ピカチュウの海底大冒険
When Pikachu and friends decide to stop by a tropical island for some rest and relaxation, they got more than they had bargained for after Chatot discovers a Treasure Map! They follow the map to Wailord’s Tear, a mysterious place located in a sunken pirate ship. Will Pikachu and friends find the treasure? What mysteries and dangers are in store? Will our pals return safely? Find out in Pikachu’s Ocean Adventure!
Miki's lying in bed in the school's nursery after being hit in the face by a ball, supposedly asleep when Yuu comes in. Yuu asks her if she is asleep but she does not answer, so he looks at her as she sleeps. Then he kisses her and leaves. As soon as he has left, Miki jumps up, surprised and wonders what he is up to, since they have just met... or have they?
Dr.スランプ んちゃ!!わくわくハートの夏休み
The Norimaki Family, the Soramame Family, Suppaman, and Dr. Mashirito end up coming to a summer resort which is really a haunted castle filled with monsters. While enjoying the many facilities, such as the arcades and hot spring baths, they all end up falling into the clutches of Vandora, a female vampire who intends to feed off them.
Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん ほよよ!!助けたサメに連れられて..
While at the beach Arale Norimaki rescues a shark. In return, the shark invites her and the rest of the Norimaki to their underwater city. Meanwhile, Suppaman intends to follow them and get revenge. While in the city, Arale meets Urashima Tarō, who joins Arale while playing at the amusement park.
Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん んちゃ!ペンギン村はハレのち晴れ
At the Penguin Village, the dinosaurs styled monster named Dodongadon appeared. But he was small as Arale and did not have strong power. Arale defeat him very easily, and Dodongadon called his mother Mamangadon. She was huge and had a big power. How Arale can defeat this big monster?