Seiji Kamiya, a pottery craftsman who lives alone in a mountain village, temporarily returns to Japan with his fiancée, Nadia, who has been assigned to work in Algeria. Seiji opposes Satoru, who declares that Seiji should quit the company after marrying and Satoru should take over the pottery business. On the other hand, Marcos, a young Brazilian resident in Japan who lives in an apartment complex in the neighboring town to where Seiji lives, sees Seiji, who helped him when he was being chased and in whom Marcos sees the image of his late father, and he becomes interested in pottery work. Meanwhile, a tragedy strikes Satoru and Nadia, who has returned to Algeria.
Lyler Ibra
最終決戦から2年後の地球。平和を取り戻したはずの地球に、再び怪獣が頻出する。 時を同じくして世界各地で相次ぐ、超古代遺跡への侵入事件。トキオカ新隊長(演:中村優一)を迎えたエキスパートチーム「GUTS-SELECT」は、「ライラー」と名乗るその一味を確保して調査を進めていた―。 それはこの宇宙の運命を握る壮絶な戦いの序章だった。 立ち向かう「GUTS-SELECT」、さっそうと駆け付ける「ウルトラマンゼット」、そしてその中心で奮闘する主人公マナカ ケンゴ(演:寺坂頼我)こと「ウルトラマントリガー」の前に、影を継ぐ最悪の巨人「イーヴィルトリガー」がその禍々しい姿を現す! みんなの笑顔を守るため、ウルトラマントリガーが、ハルキ(演:平野宏周)=ウルトラマンゼットやイグニス(演:細貝圭)=トリガーダークが、新生「GUTS-SELECT」のメンバーたちとともに、光と影の大決戦へと挑んで行く!
Junpei Watanabe
Juzo Kimura is a wandering Ronin with a past. 15 years later, after winding up in Edo, he becomes a sword teacher to support his wife and daughter. But he has a dark side to him; at night, he becomes an assassin for hire. The fates of men living double lives cross in the shadows of Edo.
A film about an orphan kid in Japan in 1943
Yuichi Hayashi
Murasaki Nagisa
3 friends look to solve their respective cash-flow problems by making an adult film together. As the cameras roll, however, the trio begin to sense that they may have more feelings for each other than they previously thought.
A nameless gunfighter arrives in a town ripped apart by rival gangs and, though courted by both to join, chooses his own path.
Based on the best-selling novel by Alessandro Baricco, this visually stunning film tells the story of a French trader who finds unexpected love far away from home.
A businessman in pursuit of his missing colleague is lured into a forbidden world.