Seiji Kamiya, a pottery craftsman who lives alone in a mountain village, temporarily returns to Japan with his fiancée, Nadia, who has been assigned to work in Algeria. Seiji opposes Satoru, who declares that Seiji should quit the company after marrying and Satoru should take over the pottery business. On the other hand, Marcos, a young Brazilian resident in Japan who lives in an apartment complex in the neighboring town to where Seiji lives, sees Seiji, who helped him when he was being chased and in whom Marcos sees the image of his late father, and he becomes interested in pottery work. Meanwhile, a tragedy strikes Satoru and Nadia, who has returned to Algeria.
Lyler Ibra
Set two years after the events of Ultraman Trigger, an ultra-ancient threat re-emerges, leading to the return of Ultraman Trigger and Ultraman Zett to save the day, but all is not as it seems.
Junpei Watanabe
The background to and depiction of a watershed battle in Japanese history, at Sekigahara in 1600, when Tokugawa Ieyasu's Army of the East defeated the Army of the West of Ishida Mitsunari. The story includes the intrigues and shifting loyalties of the various retainers, family members, and samurai.
Juzo Kimura is a wandering Ronin with a past. 15 years later, after winding up in Edo, he becomes a sword teacher to support his wife and daughter. But he has a dark side to him; at night, he becomes an assassin for hire. The fates of men living double lives cross in the shadows of Edo.
A film about an orphan kid in Japan in 1943
Yuichi Hayashi
In 1907, a group of men climb an unconquered peak in the last unmapped region of Japan.
Murasaki Nagisa
3 friends look to solve their respective cash-flow problems by making an adult film together. As the cameras roll, however, the trio begin to sense that they may have more feelings for each other than they previously thought.
Há séculos o clã branco Genji, liderado por Yoshitsune, e o clã vermelho Heike, liderado por Kiyomori, batalham por um lendário tesouro enterrado em uma remota montanha. Esta guerra permanente acabou por esvaziar o lugar, que é praticamente habitado apenas pelos remanescentes dos grupos. Um dia, um estranho sem nome, taciturno e solitário, chega à cidade. Suas habilidades com a arma são impressionantes e seus tiros, certeiros. Os dois clãs fazem de tudo para cooptá-lo para o seu lado da guerra. Mas o forasteiro tem motivos bem mais profundos para estar naquele lugar.
Século XIX. Hervé Jancour (Michael Pitt) vivia feliz ao lado de sua amada Hélène (Keira Knightley), até que a próspera indústria da seda européia é atacada por uma praga. Isto faz com que Hervé tenha que viajar até o Japão, onde precisará negociar a mercadoria em uma ilha misteriosa e lendária. Lá ele conhece o temido barão local, Hara Jubei (Kôji Yakusho), e também sua concubina, uma jovem sem nome de grande beleza. Logo Hervé fica obcecado pela jovem, mesmo lutando para esquecê-la a qualquer custo.
A businessman in pursuit of his missing colleague is lured into a forbidden world.