Laurent Tangy


Just The Two Of Us
Director of Photography
When she first crossed paths with Greg, Blanche thought she'd found the one she’d been looking for. They quickly formed an attachment, but their relationship is marred by Greg's quick temper. Blanche ignores her niggling doubts and distances herself from her family, convinced that she's reinventing herself. And little by little, she finds herself caught in the trap of a possessive and dangerous man. A man she’s too ashamed and frightened to report. Because there are only two possible exit routes from control: either the victim breaks free or they fall apart…
Director of Photography
Paris 2052. Julia, 80 years old, had a fulfilled life. On her birthday, she reflects on the decisions and circumstances that could have led her on different paths. From the age of 17 to this day, her life was full of small but critical moments. Each was a turning point with dramatic consequences. What would have happened if she had forgotten her passport, chosen a different line at the store, driven the scooter this one time...? Is her life a succession of coincidences and accidents or a ready-made path?
Director of Photography
Adrien, an attractive dancer whose career was shattered by a motorbike accident, wastes his youth in the laziness of the French Riviera, where he is looked after by Martha, a former movie star. Adrien’s life is turned upside down when he meets Margot, a captivating beauty who lives for the thrill of scams and romantic entanglements. Together, they fantasise about a better life and set up a diabolical scheme, an emotional masquerade.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
OSS 117 アフリカより愛をこめて
Director of Photography
1981. Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, aka OSS 117, is back. For this new mission - more delicate, more dangerous and more torrid than ever - he is forced to team up with a young new colleague, the promising OSS 1001.
Get In
Director of Photography
When the Diallo family return home from their holiday, they find the locks have been changed and the new occupants maintain they are in "their home". With no one to turn to, patriarch Paul gets closer to Mickey, a shady local man with a penchant for all things extreme and illegal. Soon the once anti-violent teacher is approaching the point of no return…
シンク・オア・スイム イチかバチか俺たちの夢
Director of Photography
40-year-old Bertrand has been suffering from depression for the last two years and is barely able to keep his head above water. Despite the medication he gulps down all day, every day, and his wife's encouragement, he is unable to find any meaning in his life. Curiously, he will end up finding this sense of purpose at the swimming pool, by joining an all-male synchronised swimming team.
Director of Photography
ヒトラー、ヒムラーに次ぐ、“ナチス第三の男”ラインハルト・ハイドリヒ。その冷徹極まりない手腕から、ナチス党内でもとりわけ忌まわしい人物として“金髪の野獣”と渾名され、ヒトラーさえもが恐れた男。ハイドリヒはナチス政権の高官として華々しい出世を遂げるが、第二次世界大戦に至るまでの年月とその戦時下において、ヨーロッパの人々に残忍で容赦ない恐怖をもたらした。貴族階級の妻リナによってナチスのイデオロギーを吹き込まれたハイドリヒは、<ユダヤ人大量虐殺>の首謀者として、誰も止めることのできない絶大な権力を手にしていく。だが、英国政府から訓練を受け、チェコスロバキア亡命政府によって送り込まれたチェコのレジスタンスグループが、この抑止不能な男を止めようとしていた。大胆にもパラシュートで潜入したヤン・クビシュとヨゼフ・ガブチーク率いる暗殺部隊が、綿密な計画の過程を経て、プラハの街を移動するハイドリヒの一行を襲撃し、致命傷を負わせる。これにより、ハイドリヒは第二次世界大戦中に殺害された唯一のナチス最高幹部となった。ナチス政権に揺さぶりをかけた歴史的瞬間は、それぞれの信念を貫いた、両極に位置する人々によって生み出された。史上唯一成功した、ナチス高官の暗殺計画の真実が今、明かされる――<フランス・イギリス・ベルギーの伝記映画。 第二次世界大戦中、その冷徹極まりない手腕から「金髪の野獣」と呼ばれナチス親衛隊No.2となったラインハルト・ハイドリヒを描いた映画>
The Pyramid
Director of Photography
An archaeological team attempt to unlock the secrets of a lost pyramid only to find themselves hunted by an insidious creature.
フレンチ・コネクション 史上最強の麻薬戦争
Director of Photography
Newly transferred to the bustling port city of Marseille to assist with a crackdown on organized crime, energetic young magistrate Pierre Michel is given a rapid-fire tutorial on the ins and outs of an out-of-control drug trade. Pierre's wildly ambitious mission is to take on the French Connection, a highly organized operation that controls the city's underground heroin economy and is overseen by the notorious —and reputedly untouchable— Gaetan Zampa. Fearless, determined and willing to go the distance, Pierre plunges into an underworld world of insane danger and ruthless criminals.
Director of Photography
38-year-old Alice has everything to become the next editor-in-chief of Rebelle magazine except for her uptight image. But when the young and charming Balthazar, barely 20, crosses Alice's path, she realizes that he holds the key to her promotion.
The Incident
Director of Photography
A group of cooks at an asylum for the criminally insane get locked in with the inmates during a massive thunderstorm