James Bamford

James Bamford

出生 : 1967-02-26, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


James Bamford
James Bamford


Jade presents the story of a woman who comes between a powerful businessman and a gang leader in their search for a hard drive that could damage the operations of Interpol. Despite grieving for the brother she accidentally killed, the woman is required to use her unique set of skills to retrieve the drive and protect her brother's unborn child being carried by another woman.
Jade presents the story of a woman who comes between a powerful businessman and a gang leader in their search for a hard drive that could damage the operations of Interpol. Despite grieving for the brother she accidentally killed, the woman is required to use her unique set of skills to retrieve the drive and protect her brother's unborn child being carried by another woman.
Executive Producer
Jade presents the story of a woman who comes between a powerful businessman and a gang leader in their search for a hard drive that could damage the operations of Interpol. Despite grieving for the brother she accidentally killed, the woman is required to use her unique set of skills to retrieve the drive and protect her brother's unborn child being carried by another woman.
Jade presents the story of a woman who comes between a powerful businessman and a gang leader in their search for a hard drive that could damage the operations of Interpol. Despite grieving for the brother she accidentally killed, the woman is required to use her unique set of skills to retrieve the drive and protect her brother's unborn child being carried by another woman.
Air Force One Down
On her first assignment aboard Air Force One, a rookie Secret Service agent faces the ultimate test when terrorists hijack the plane, intent on derailing a pivotal energy deal. With the President's life on the line and a global crisis at stake, her bravery and skills are pushed to the limit in a relentless battle that could change the course of history.
Air Force One Down
On her first assignment aboard Air Force One, a rookie Secret Service agent faces the ultimate test when terrorists hijack the plane, intent on derailing a pivotal energy deal. With the President's life on the line and a global crisis at stake, her bravery and skills are pushed to the limit in a relentless battle that could change the course of history.
Stunt Coordinator
Death Do Us Part
Stunt Coordinator
A couple's pre-wedding party takes a deadly turn when an unknown assailant begins killing the guests one by one.
Concrete Blondes
Biker Gangster
Three down-on-their-luck, twenty-something female roommates are living paycheck to paycheck in a rundown apartment, when one night they stumble across $3 million dollars in a suitcase amidst the bloody aftermath of a drug shootout. Despite wanting to keep the money and smuggle it out of the country, the girls are forced into a final showdown and must face off against seasoned criminals who want the cash for themselves.
Ek Tha Tiger
Stunt Coordinator
An Indian agent is sent to observe the actions of a scientist but the mission becomes complicated when he falls in love with the scientist's Pakistani caretaker.
The Philadelphia Experiment
A secret government research project tries reviving the World War II "Philadelphia Experiment," which was an attempt to create a cloaking device to render warships invisible. When the experiment succeeds, it brings back the original ship (the Eldridge) that disappeared during the first test in 1943 - which brings death and destruction to the 21st century. It's up to the sole survivor of the first experiment and his granddaughter to stop it.
Stunt Coordinator
Granger, an ex-Special Forces soldier gets thrown back to medieval times to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Venturing through the now war torn Kingdom of Ehb, he teams up with an unlikely band of allies with the goal of slaying the leader of the "Dark Ones". Fighting against all odds, they must free the land from the grasp of the evil tyrant Raven and save the world.
The Killing Game
Eve Duncan is contacted, 10 years after the disappearance and murder of her 7-year-old daughter Bonnie, by a man claiming to be her killer. Taunted by his clues about Bonnie's case and his threats to kill again, she throws herself into her career as a forensic sculptor and works to close the case.
Stunt Coordinator
Officially, Apollo 17 was the last manned mission to the moon. But a year later in 1973, three American astronauts were sent on a secret mission to the moon funded by the US Department of Defense. What you are about to see is the actual footage which the astronauts captured on that mission. While NASA denies its authenticity, others say it's the real reason we've never gone back to the moon.
Frankie & Alice
A drama centered on a go-go dancer with multiple personality disorder who struggles to remain her true self and begins working with a psychotherapist to uncover the mystery of the inner ghosts that haunt her.
スティーヴ・オースティン ザ・ハンティング
Stunt Coordinator
A U.S. Border Patrol agent Jim Rhodes, a tough divorcée mourning the loss of his murdered partner while struggling to raise his rebellious daughter in the mountains of Montana. But when a crew of trigger-happy fugitives takes Rhodes and his daughter hostage, a rugged wilderness will explode in all-terrain vengeance. Is there any wounded animal more dangerous than a lawman left for dead? Daniels portrays one of the villains.
The Final Storm
Stunt Coordinator
A stranger named Silas flees from a devastating storm and finds refuge with Tom and Gillian on their farm. While struggling with the Storm, Silas seems to be the only one who can help Tom and Gillian to find their son but there are other more dangerous forces out there, that are waiting for the three.
Stunt Coordinator
ナイト ミュージアム2
スターゲイト コンティニュアム
Stunt Coordinator
X-ファイル 真実を求めて
Six years after the events of The X-Files series finale, former FBI agent Doctor Dana Scully is now a staff physician at Our Lady of Sorrows, a Catholic hospital, and treating a boy named Christian who has Sandhoff disease, a terminal brain condition. FBI agent Drummy arrives to ask Scully’s help in locating Fox Mulder, the fugitive former head of the X-Files division, and says they will call off its manhunt for him if he will help investigate the disappearances of several women, including young FBI agent Monica Banan. Mulder and Scully are called back to duty by the FBI when a former priest claims to be receiving psychic visions pertaining to a kidnapped agent.
スターゲイト 真実のアーク
Stunt Coordinator
AVP2 エイリアンズ VS. プレデター
南極に存在したピラミッドでの死闘の末、宇宙船の中でプレデターの体内からチェストバスターが誕生するという衝撃のラストシーンで前作は終わった……。しかし、それはこれから地球で起こる惨劇の序章でしかなかった! プレデターから飛び出たチェストバスター=ニュー・エイリアンは、宇宙船の中で“プレデリアン”へと成長し、プレデターを次々と殺戮していく。コントロール不能となった宇宙船はコロラドの森へ墜落し、“プレデリアン”をはじめ、宇宙船に潜んでいた無数のエイリアンたちが獲物を求めて飛び出していった。一方、宇宙船の異変に気づいた、エイリアンを駆逐することを生業とするニュー・プレデター<ザ・クリーナー>が地球へと乗りこんでくる。そして遂に始まった、人類の眼前で次々と繰り広げられる壮絶かつ凄惨な戦い……。史上最も恐ろしい2大モンスターの激突の行方は? そして人類を巻き込んだ戦いの果てに待ちうける、驚愕の結末とは? 人類が最も恐れていた悪夢が現実となる……。果たして地球に明日はあるのか?
Four interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: an everyday high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the one guy for her; a group of teenagers pull a mean prank, and a bitter old recluse receives an uninvited guest.
Things We Lost in the Fire
A recent widow invites her husband's troubled best friend to live with her and her two children. As he gradually turns his life around, he helps the family cope and confront their loss.
ローグ アサシン
A Dog's Breakfast
Stunt Coordinator
If you've never been good at anything in your life, why would murder be any different? Patrick has always had a somewhat combative relationship with his little sister Marilyn, but when she brings home her new sci-fi soap star fiancé Ryan, it's all out war. When Patrick fails to drive a wedge between the happy couple, he reaches for sharper instruments.
ファイナルデッドコール 暗闇にベルが鳴る
An escaped maniac returns to his childhood home on Christmas Eve, which is now a sorority house, and begins to murder the sorority sisters one by one.
エラゴン 遺志を継ぐ者
Man About Town
A top Hollywood talent agent finds his cushy existence threatened when he discovers that his wife is cheating on him and that his journal has been swiped by a reporter out to bring him down.
X-MEN:ファイナル ディシジョン
時は20年前。ジーン・グレイは、プロフェッサーXに底知れない能力を見出され、それを操るべく「恵まれし者の学園」に彼女の居場所を与えた。 その10年後、とある大企業の社長の息子が思春期を迎え背中に翼が生え始めた。社長、ワージントンは、息子を普通の人間に戻そうとミュータント治療薬「キュア」を作り上げた。果たしてミュータントであることは病気なのか。ミュータント達の蟠りとマグニートーの作為が人類とミュータントの戦争を起こそうとしていた。
Best Friends
Beth Ferrier is happy in her life - fulfilled as a wife and mother, living in a beautiful home in a safe and tranquil neighborhood. Claudia Hartnell lives across the street and seems to be the perfect best friend - kind, compassionate, and a good listener. Nobody would ever guess that behind Claudia's charming facade lies an insatiable desire to live an idealized life. Nobody would suspect that her relentless childhood obsession is about to turn to murderous rage. Claudia wants everything that Beth holds dear and will use any means necessary to take it all away from her best friend.
パティエンスフィリップス(ハル・ベリー)は、常に人々を喜ばせようとする従順な女性であり、専属のジョージヘダーレ(ランバートウィルソン)と彼の妻であるスーパーモデルローレル(シャロンストーン)が運営する巨大なヘダーレビューティ化粧品研究所のグラフィックデザイナーとして働いています。 恥ずかしがり屋の忍耐は、すぐに発売され、陰謀に関与している会社からの革新的なアンチエイジング製品に関する不吉な秘密を偶然知ります。 ちょうどその時、彼女は猫の強さ、速さ、敏ility性、鋭い感覚で生まれ変わって死から救われました。 キャットウーマンとしての復venの彼女の新しい人生で、彼女はオフィーリア・パワーズ(フランシス・コンロイ)という名前の神秘的な女性に導かれます。
Connie and Carla
After accidentally witnessing a mafia hit in the Windy City, gal pals Connie and Carla skip town for L.A., where they go way undercover as singers working the city's dinner theater circuit ... as drag queens. Now, it's not enough that they become big hits on the scene; things get extra-weird when Connie meets Jeff -- a guy she'd like to be a woman with
スクービー・ドゥー2 モンスターパニック
Stunt Coordinator
春休みの間に、若者のグループがレイブに参加する島に旅行します。 神秘的な島は「死の島」と呼ばれ、何世紀も前、伝説にはそれがあり、魔術師は死をごまかすためにエリキシルを試しました。 島に着くと、若者たちは魔法使いがまだ生きていて、彼が手に落ちる人間を食べていることを発見します。 島に閉じ込められた今、彼らは邪悪な魔法使いの影響下にある殺人ゾンビの大群と戦うために彼らが利用できるあらゆる武器を使用しなければなりません。
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
Jonathan Ecks, an FBI agent, realizes that he must join with his lifelong enemy, Agent Sever, a rogue DIA agent with whom he is in mortal combat, in order to defeat a common enemy. That enemy has developed a "micro-device" that can be injected into victims in order to kill them at will.
Stunt Coordinator
Ariel is a troubled girl with more than the usual teenage problems. When her emotion and temper get the best of her, she is drawn into a world where she can take out her anger with her fists. In the tradition of 'Girlfight' comes a wildly original story of rage and redemption.
Stunt Coordinator
Dead in a Heartbeat
Stunt Coordinator
An unlikely duo, Lieutenant Tom Royko of the Seattle Bomb Squad and renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Gillian Hayes, find themselves in a race against time to track down a disturbed bomber who is inexplicably causing Dr. Hayes' patients to explode.
Deadly Little Secrets
A federal agent and ex-detective attempt to bring a physician with murderous tendencies to justice.
Class Warfare
Stunt Coordinator
In a remote cabin in the woods, Kristen tries to convince her boyfriend to kill fellow classmate Richard to gain possession of his winning lottery ticket.
Say It Isn't So
Stunt Coordinator
Boy meets girl; boy falls in love (and had wild, non-stop sex) with girl; boy loses girl... when they discover they are brother and sister! But when he learns that he's the victim of the ultimate case of mistaken identity, the lovesick young man -- whom everyone still thinks is after some taboo thrills -- must race across the country to stop her from marrying another man.
Head Over Heels
Ordinary single girl Amanda Pierce unexpectedly finds herself sharing an awesome Manhattan apartment with four sexy supermodels. Determined to bring Amanda into their world, the models give her the ultimate makeover. The plan works fabulously as Amanda connects with next door charmer Jim Winston. That is, until one night...
Crash and Byrnes
Retired CIA operative Jack "Crash" Riley is called back into action when a deadly and beautiful bio-terrorist threatens to loose a virus that could destroy an entire nation. Paired with a young DEA agent named Roman Byrnes who has a reputation for being a loose canon, Riley must stop this wily terrorist before she unleashes one of the world's deadliest viruses
Special Delivery
Stunt Coordinator
A bumbling courier at a private adoption agency botches the delivery of a baby to its new parents in time for Christmas when he misplaces their baby en route. Special Delivery was a 2000 television film starring Andy Dick. It premiered on Fox Family on their 25 Days of Christmas programming block.
Jack Carter, a mob enforcer living in Las Vegas, travels back to his hometown of Seattle for his brother's funeral. During this visit, Carter realizes that the death of his brother was not accidental, but a murder. With this knowledge, Carter sets out to kill all those responsible.
An avid detective is assigned to investigate the heist of a batch of precious coins that end up in the hands of a suicidal barber.
Sole Survivor
A reporter loses his wife and daughter to a plane crash, but when the sole survivor appears, the reporter realizes that it wasn't a mere accident, but a mysterious conspiracy involving children.
The Man Who Used to Be Me
A burned-out ex-cop travels back in time and teams up with his younger self to catch his father's murderer.
突如起こった飛行機墜落事故。だが予知夢によって一命を取りとめたアレックスと6人のクラスメートは書き換えることができない《死》の定めに再び直面する。運命は、未来は変えられるのか? そして迫りくる《死》の呪縛から逃れることはできるのか?姿の見えない《死》が人々を襲うサスペンスホラー。
Stunt Double
Utility Stunts
In the not too distant future, a new deadly sport is the only way to stop a war that will kill millions. Fix is the creator of the sport, but the spotlight has always been on Ramzey. Now this hothead must use the game to stop the Revolution.
In the not too distant future, a new deadly sport is the only way to stop a war that will kill millions. Fix is the creator of the sport, but the spotlight has always been on Ramzey. Now this hothead must use the game to stop the Revolution.