Kathie Hersch


Since You've Been Gone
The story of a 10th anniversary High School reunion, told through the eyes of a doctor who was humiliated on graduation day by being badly beaten up by a fellow graduate.
Wishful Thinking
A story told from three angles. Max meets Elizabeth; they live together, but when she talks of marriage, he balks. He becomes extremely jealous, probably without cause, and thinks she's taken up with a friend of his, Jack. Elizabeth, stung by Max's refusal to marry, catches Jack's eye, but the friendship seems innocent. Lena, who works with Max, likes him and realizes she can manipulate his jealousy and maybe engineer his split from Elizabeth. When she's sure Elizabeth is with a man, she calls Max at work, sending him home to confront the lovers. Then, Lena feels guilty and takes off for Max's apartment. What's really going on? Who's with Elizabeth?
Line Producer
マンハッタンのミッションスクールに通うジムたちは、バスケットボールに夢中な無垢な不良少年であったが、教師である神父にいじめられたのをきっかけにドラッグを始めてしまい、やがて退学、泥棒、ホームレス、果ては殺人と、彼らを破滅の道へと招いていく…。 ジム・キャロルの実体験にもとづく全米ベストセラー青春文学『マンハッタン少年日記』の映画化。レオナルド・ディカプリオが堕ちていく純粋な少年を迫真の演技で体現している。全体的に乾いたシンプルな演出が施されており、ウェットなセンチメンタルになることを巧みに避けているのが、逆に悲劇のリアリティを高めている。共演もマーク・ウォールバーグなど、後にブレイクした若手俳優が多数出演。(的田也寸志)
Thank You and Good Night
Director Jan Oxenberg's docu-fantasy narrative about aging and death, and how it affects her family.
Love or Money
Line Producer
A lucrative real estate deal, or romance with the boss' daughter--that's the dilemma facing a yuppie in this comedy.
Production Manager