Lydia Tanji


The Massie Affair
Costume Design
A documentary about an important rape case in 1930 Hawaii
Costume Design
移民として故郷の中国から苦難の人生を背負って生き抜いてきた4人の母親と、アメリカ人として生まれ育った4人の娘たちの世代間の相違と心の絆を描いた群像劇。エイミー・タンの同名ベストセラー小説を、「夜明けのスローボート」の女性監督ウェイン・ワンが映画化。 ロサンゼルス。聡明なスーユアン、リーダー格のリンド、芯の強いアンメイ、気品あるインインの同世代の4人の女性は、マージャン卓を囲んで食事をしたりおしゃべりをしたりする会″ジョイ・ラック・クラブ″を作っていた。アメリカに移住して30年、2ケ月前に他界した母スーユアンの代わりに会合に出席したジューンは、故国に残してきた双子の姉の存在が、母の死に際し語られる。居ても立っても居られぬジェーンは、まだ見ぬ姉たちを訪ねる……。
Costume Supervisor
Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart
Costume Design
San Francisco's Richmond District. A widow welcomes the Chinese New Year. 62 years old, she wants to make a trip to China to pay last respects to her ancestors. A fortune teller has told her this is the year she'll die, and a daughter, Geraldine, remains unmarried. Geraldine's boyfriend lives in Los Angeles and she's not sure she's ready for marriage, nor does she want to leave her mother alone in her declining years. Mrs. Tan's cheerful brother-in-law, Uncle Tam, tries to help out.
Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart
Set Decoration
San Francisco's Richmond District. A widow welcomes the Chinese New Year. 62 years old, she wants to make a trip to China to pay last respects to her ancestors. A fortune teller has told her this is the year she'll die, and a daughter, Geraldine, remains unmarried. Geraldine's boyfriend lives in Los Angeles and she's not sure she's ready for marriage, nor does she want to leave her mother alone in her declining years. Mrs. Tan's cheerful brother-in-law, Uncle Tam, tries to help out.