This suspenseful Italian crime drama is set in a Colombian river town and chronicles the series of events that led up to murder. Based on a novel by distinguished author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the tale begins in the present as a middle-aged doctor returns to the village after a twenty-year absence to investigate the murder that occurred just before he left.
La femme de François Cortal
Jean-Louis and Anne have had their fling and separated. Now 20 years have passed. He is still dating various women. She is now a big-time director whose most recent film was a very expensive bomb. She comes up with the idea of making a romance based upon her fling with Jean-Louis. She contacts him to gain his permission. Jean-Louis is still in racing and goes away for a desert rally while she begins filming. She finds the mood of their romance difficult to recapture in her film.
「抵抗(レジスタンス) 死刑囚の手記より」「少女ムシェット」などの名作を残したフランスの名匠ロベール・ブレッソン監督が、ロシアの文豪トルストイの原作をもとに、偶然手にしてしまったニセ札を知らずに使ってしまったことから、一家惨殺事件を引き起こし転落していく人生を歩む青年イボンの姿を描いた。