Caroline Lang


Chronicle of a Death Foretold
This suspenseful Italian crime drama is set in a Colombian river town and chronicles the series of events that led up to murder. Based on a novel by distinguished author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the tale begins in the present as a middle-aged doctor returns to the village after a twenty-year absence to investigate the murder that occurred just before he left.
Um Homem e Uma Mulher: 20 Anos Depois
La femme de François Cortal
Jean-Louis and Anne have had their fling and separated. Now 20 years have passed. He is still dating various women. She is now a big-time director whose most recent film was a very expensive bomb. She comes up with the idea of making a romance based upon her fling with Jean-Louis. She contacts him to gain his permission. Jean-Louis is still in racing and goes away for a desert rally while she begins filming. She finds the mood of their romance difficult to recapture in her film.
O Dinheiro
Uma nota falsa de 500 francos é fabricada, e cai nas mãos de um jovem cuja mesada foi cortada. Como num efeito caótico, a nota vai passando de mão em mão, e sua importância vai aumentando, até que explode nas mãos de um empregado de uma petrolífera, que é detido e perde o emprego. Mas a espiral não pára, e esse acontecimento vai crescendo, lenvando-o ao endividamento, vida do crime e assassinato.