Shinpei Asai

Shinpei Asai

出生 : 1937-07-01, Aichi Prefecture, Japan


Shinpei Asai


Camera Operator
ある日、俳優の井上侘助(山崎努)と妻で女優の雨宮千鶴子(宮本信子)は夫婦共演のCM撮影を行っていたが、そこに突然連絡が入る。千鶴子の父・真吉(奥村公延)が亡くなったのだ。親族代表として葬式を出さなくてはならなくなった侘助はマネージャー里見(財津一郎)の助けを借りつつも途方に暮れる。 千鶴子の母・きく江(菅井きん)や千鶴子の妹・綾子(友里千賀子)夫婦、そして真吉の兄・正吉(大滝秀治)とともに遺体を伊豆の別荘に運び、お通夜の準備に取り掛かる。葬儀屋・海老原(江戸家猫八)とともに、お通夜当日の朝を迎える侘助達。だがそこには、喪服を着た侘助の愛人・良子(高瀬春奈)がいた。
Director of Photography
A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.
A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.
A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.