함께 CF 촬영을 하던 배우 부부 이노우에 와비스케와 아마미야 치즈코에게 치즈코의 아버지가 갑작스럽게 심장마비로 세상을 떠났다는 소식이 전해진다. 본가가 아닌 그들 부부가 살고 있는 이즈에서 장례를 치르자고 고집하는 장모의 제안에 따라 장례식을 차례 차례 준비해나간다. 문상객들로부터 고인의 살아 생전 이야기를 듣기도 하고, 와비스케의 내연녀가 찾아와 소동을 일으키기도 하면서 우왕좌왕 생전 처음 겪는 장례식을 치뤄나가던 그들은 장례식 마지막날 장모가 왜 이곳을 장례 장소로 고집했는지 깨닫게 되는데...
A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.
A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.
A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.