Bill Johns

出生 : 1957-10-24, Orléans, France


Language Arts
Big Mal
The film follows Allison Forche-Marlow, a beautiful, bright, determined, and organized woman, who never gives up trying to heal her autistic son, whom she fiercely loves, no matter what it demands of everyone.
Kaveh and Raul are two b-movie co-writers who have suffered a bitter falling out. Kaveh's lost his girlfriend, and spends his days getting high in his apartment, while Raul is off studying at Columbia University. But when one of their films ("Islama-rama 2") is accepted by a film festival, the two ex-friends are forced to tentatively re-connect in order to pitch their script to the mysterious producer, Yukio Tai (James Hong). Along the way, they will have to brave brutish bodyguards, cutthroat colleagues, inept agents, romantic entanglements, prima donna actors, and the trials of their own bitter friendship.
Reverend Haggis
世界最大のホラー映画イベント“アフター・ダーク・ホラー・フェス”で大絶賛! 「ゾンビランド」「ショーン・オブ・ザ・デッド」に続く、ゾンビ・ホラー・コメディ最震作!【あらすじ】シアトル郊外の町ポートギャンブル。静かで平穏なこの町に、炭疽菌ならぬ“ゾンビ菌”がばら撒かれた! 一人また一人と感染し、ゾンビ化する町民。そしてその数はネズミ算式に拡大してしまう。そんな事とは知らない青年トムは、友人を連れ添い、故郷に帰って来た。まだ感染していない母に友人を紹介。そして自分がゲイである事を告白したその瞬間、母がゾンビになってしまった! 慌てて教会に逃げ込む二人。だが、そこにもゾンビの群れが襲いかかってきた……。
Slaves to the Underground
Joe Burke
The grunge girl band "No Exits" is just about to get a record deal. At this time Jimmy is appearing again, the former boy-friend of the band guitarist Shelly. She had left him because his friend had raped her. But he doesn't know that - up to now. Shelly has fallen in love with the band singer Suzy in the meantime. But she still loves Jimmy, too. So she moves to him again, what Suzy doesn't like that all. Especially because she is becoming a feminist.
The Decapitator
The Decapitator is the story of Bruce Seagal, an ex-Special Forces agent turned brilliant scientist. When an envious co-worker tries to ruin his career, Seagal leaps into action. Dodging death at every turn, he reveals startling secrets from the past, and exacts a deadly revenge against those who dared to betray him!
A series of mysterious accidents at a food company lead a manager to suspect his impressive new temporary secretary.