Bill Johns

출생 : 1957-10-24, Orléans, France

참여 작품

랭귀지 아트
Big Mal
미국의 베스트 셀러 작가인 스테파니 캘로스의 동명 소설을 원작으로 하는 영화로, 자폐 아들을 가진 언어 전문가 찰리가 제자인 롬미의 제안으로 자폐아와 치매 노인들의 보도사진 작업을 하게 되고, 이후 자신의 어린 시절 자폐아 친구와 보냈던 과거를 되짚어가며 상처를 극복해나가고 아들을 이해해나가는 이야기
Kaveh and Raul are two b-movie co-writers who have suffered a bitter falling out. Kaveh's lost his girlfriend, and spends his days getting high in his apartment, while Raul is off studying at Columbia University. But when one of their films ("Islama-rama 2") is accepted by a film festival, the two ex-friends are forced to tentatively re-connect in order to pitch their script to the mysterious producer, Yukio Tai (James Hong). Along the way, they will have to brave brutish bodyguards, cutthroat colleagues, inept agents, romantic entanglements, prima donna actors, and the trials of their own bitter friendship.
ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction
Reverend Haggis
An idyllic island town is under attack by that most invasive of pests: zombies! Port Gamble is being overrun with braineaters, and the people seem powerless to stave them off. But wait, a rag tag band of rebels is trying to turn the tide and push the invading hordes of undead back.
Slaves to the Underground
Joe Burke
The grunge girl band "No Exits" is just about to get a record deal. At this time Jimmy is appearing again, the former boy-friend of the band guitarist Shelly. She had left him because his friend had raped her. But he doesn't know that - up to now. Shelly has fallen in love with the band singer Suzy in the meantime. But she still loves Jimmy, too. So she moves to him again, what Suzy doesn't like that all. Especially because she is becoming a feminist.
조지아는 어린 시절부터 언니 조지아와 함께 음악에 대한 열정을 공유해 왔다. 천부적인 재능을 타고난 조지아는 컨트리 포크 가수로 성공해 고향집에서 자상한 남편과 두 아이들과 행복한 가정을 꾸리고 있는 반면, 새디는 알콜중독자가 되어 싸구려 술집 무대에서 노래를 부르며 근근히 살아간다. 어느날 조지아의 대형 콘서트장에서 언니의 배려로 무대에 오른 새디는 정상적인 리듬을 무시하고 절규하듯 노래를 불러 관객들에게 외면당하고, 조지아와 다투게 된다. 남편과도 이별한 채 모든 것에 실패하고 심각한 마약중독증세에 시달리는 새디는 조지아를 찾아간다.
The Decapitator
The Decapitator is the story of Bruce Seagal, an ex-Special Forces agent turned brilliant scientist. When an envious co-worker tries to ruin his career, Seagal leaps into action. Dodging death at every turn, he reveals startling secrets from the past, and exacts a deadly revenge against those who dared to betray him!
The Temp
A series of mysterious accidents at a food company lead a manager to suspect his impressive new temporary secretary.