In a patriarchal society, an ordinary Georgian family lives with three generations under one roof. All are shocked when 52-year-old Manana decides to move out from her parents’ home and live alone. Without her family and her husband, a journey into the unknown begins.
In a patriarchal society, an ordinary Georgian family lives with three generations under one roof. All are shocked when 52-year-old Manana decides to move out from her parents’ home and live alone. Without her family and her husband, a journey into the unknown begins.
A young man comes out of his apartment and forgets his key for the car at home. He shouts after his mother to make her throwing the key out of the window. He is waiting for his mum.
A young man comes out of his apartment and forgets his key for the car at home. He shouts after his mother to make her throwing the key out of the window. He is waiting for his mum.