Nana Ekvtimishvili

출생 : 1978-07-09, Tbilisi, Georgia

프로필 사진

Nana Ekvtimishvili

참여 작품

마나나의 가출
두 아이의 어머니이자 아내로 살아온 중년 여인. 그녀가 독립을 선언한다. 삼대가 모여 살던 전통적인 가정은 충격에 빠지지만, 그녀의 진짜 삶은 지금부터 시작이다.
마나나의 가출
두 아이의 어머니이자 아내로 살아온 중년 여인. 그녀가 독립을 선언한다. 삼대가 모여 살던 전통적인 가정은 충격에 빠지지만, 그녀의 진짜 삶은 지금부터 시작이다.
In Bloom
Eka and Natia leave their childhood behind and ignore societal customs to escape from their turbulent family lives.
In Bloom
Eka and Natia leave their childhood behind and ignore societal customs to escape from their turbulent family lives.
In Bloom
Eka and Natia leave their childhood behind and ignore societal customs to escape from their turbulent family lives.
Waiting for Mum
A young man comes out of his apartment and forgets his key for the car at home. He shouts after his mother to make her throwing the key out of the window. He is waiting for his mum.
Waiting for Mum
A young man comes out of his apartment and forgets his key for the car at home. He shouts after his mother to make her throwing the key out of the window. He is waiting for his mum.
Fata Morgana