Belka, the amazing flying dog is unexpectedly hurdled into the streets of Moscow when the rocket she is in malfunctions during one of her circus routines. Fortunately the crash leads her to meet a streetwise dog named Strelka and her irredeemable rat friend Venya. Together with other amusing friends found along the way, the three find themselves in a space program-training center where they get sent away in a rocket, leaving planet Earth...
In the hunting lodge on the outskirts of one-of-a-kind natural reserve lives game warden, Vasily Klintsov (Igor Lifanov), a young former captain from the special task force. A rich German businessman, in the company of the governor, comes to the nearby small town for hunting. Wild boar hunting is a risky and dangerous business. In addition, as ill luck would have it, a very dangerous criminal escapes from the closely located nearby maximum security penal colony. The hunt should be canceled. But the stakes for the bureaucrats are too high - the 'money bag' is prepared to invest in several large projects. Relying on the traditional Russian blind trust in sheer luck, the governor gives his OK for the hunt.