Charles Thorson

出生 : 1890-08-29, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

死亡 : 1966-08-07


Political cartoonist, character designer, children's book author and illustrator of Icelandic descent, best known as the man who designed and named Bugs Bunny, but in a 10-year career (1935–45) in America's great animation studios he created hundreds of cartoon characters, including Snow White, Elmer Fudd, Little Hiawatha, Sniffles the Mouse, 'Inki and the Mynah', The Lady Known as Lou, and Twinkletoes. The two children's books he wrote were Keeko and Chee-chee and Keeko, stories about the adventures of Keeko, the little Indian (Native American) boy.


Wynken, Blynken & Nod
An elaborate dream fantasy based on the popular children's poem of three children playing and floating among the stars. The three sleepy children sail in their shoe-boat; they stall briefly on a cloud, then have various troubles with their fishing lines (one lands a fish-like star that ends up squirming in his pants).
Little Hiawatha
The "fearless warrior" of the poem is a very small child whose pants keep falling down. He tries to shoot a grasshopper with his arrow, but the grasshopper spits in his eye. He tries to shoot a bunny rabbit, but the rabbit is too cute and pathetic. He tracks a bear, and runs after its cub and right into the mother. But the rest of the animals, thankful for him saving the rabbit, come to his rescue.
Elmer Elephant
Little Elmer Elephant has a crush on Tillie Tiger and his affection is reciprocated. Trouble is, the pint-sized pachyderm is beset by bullies who ridicule his trunk and make his life miserable. Then a conflagration breaks out at Tillie's tree house.