Jung Hae-kyun

Jung Hae-kyun

出生 : 1968-08-16, South Korea


Jung Hae-kyun (정해균) is a South Korean film and stage actor.


Jung Hae-kyun
Jung Hae-kyun


Director Kim
Carter, who awakens two months into a deadly pandemic originating from the DMZ that has already devastated US and North Korea. He who has no recollections of his past finds a mysterious device in his head, and a lethal bomb in his mouth. A voice in his ears gives him orders to avoid getting killed and he's thrown into a mysterious operation while the CIA and North Korean coup chase him close.
The Box
Debt Collector
A drama about a young man aspiring to become a singer and a washed-up former hit producer. The two men head off on a road trip filled with music and jamming sessions.
Me and Me
In a small South Korean village, while investigating the death of two people in strange circumstances, a grumpy policeman will live an overwhelming experience beyond the reality he has known so far.
王の願い ハングルの始まり
Go Yak-hae
The Culprit
Detective Jo Sang-pil
Someone brutally murders Young-hoon’s wife. A hair sample was found on his wife’s body and the detectives use it to trace it back to his friend Joon-sung and locks him up. Seemingly becoming a murder’s wife overnight, Da-yeon asks Young-hoon to testify on his behalf but when he doesn’t show up for the trial, she goes to visit him at his house.
Union Representative
神と共に  第二章:因と縁
Byeon-seong / God of Murder Hell
神と共に 第一章:罪と罰
Byeon-seong / God of Murder Hell
Jang Chun
犯罪組織の殺し屋として育てられたスクヒは、いつしか育ての親ジュンサンに恋心を抱き、やがて2人は結婚するが、ジュンサンが敵対組織に殺害される。怒りにかられたスクヒは復讐を果たすが、国家組織に拘束されてしまい、国家の下すミッションを10年間こなせば自由の身になるという条件をのみ、国家直属の暗殺者として第2の人生を歩み始める。やがて、新たな運命の男性と出会い、幸せを誓ったスクヒだったが、結婚式当日に新たなミッションが下され……。<「渇き」のキム・オクビンが女暗殺者を熱演したスタイリッシュアクション。日本で「22年目の告白 私が殺人犯です」としてリメイクされた映画「殺人の告白」で知られるチョン・ビョンギル監督が手がけた。>
パーフェクト・プロファイラー 命がけの恋愛
President Ji
Je-In is a mystery novel writer. She chases after a serial killer with her longtime friend Rok-Hwan. Rok-Hwan is a detective. A handsome and mysterious man, Jason, appears in front of them. 
Missing You
Detective Yu
A girl who lost her father to a serial killer, a detective and a killer are intertwined in a chaotic relationship and are met with an unprecedented series of events.
The Throne
Blind Shaman
Ancient Korea, July 4, 1762. The Crown Prince Hyojang, posthumously named Sado, son of King Yeongjo of Joseon, is accused of treason. Thus, the king asks him to commit suicide, but his closest vassals prevent it, so the king orders the prince to get inside a wooden rice chest, where he suffers deprivation of food and water.
My Dictator
actor (uncredited)
Sung-geun is an untalented actor who makes a living playing minor roles. He happens to land on the role as Kim Il-sung, the former leader of North Korea, for the rehearsal of the South-North Korea Summit. Sung-geun becomes passionately immersed in his role, motivated by his son who looks up to him. However, the summit is not realized, and Sung-geun ends up lost in the delusion that he really is Kim Il-sung.
プロの囲碁棋士テソクは、サルスのチームの陰謀により兄を亡くし、さらには殺人の寃罪をかけられてしまう。 数年後、サルスチームへの復讐を誓ったテソクは全国の有名な選手たちを集め、負ければ生きて帰ることは許されない悪名高きサルスチームに勝負を挑む。
Detective Choi
A woman's child is kidnapped and killed after paying the ransom. 15 years later, a mysterious figure is seen visiting the site of killing and another kidnapping occurs using the same methods. The woman teams up with a detective to catch the killer once and for all.
10人もの女性が殺害された連谷(ヨンゴク)殺人事件。刑事のチェ・ヒョングは、殺人犯をギリギリまで追い詰めるも、顔を深く切り付けられて犯人を取り逃がしてしまう。17年の後、イ・ドゥソクという男が自分が事件の犯人だと名乗りを上げた。 時効が成立して法に裁かれることはなくなったドゥソクは、事件の全容を克明に記した本「私が殺人犯だ」を出版する。衝撃的な内容と、その美しいルックスが相まって告白本は瞬く間に300万部のベストセラーになり、彼は一躍スターとなった。 ヒョングはドゥソクに怒りを募らせる一方、彼が告白本には書かれていない未解決の失踪事件の真犯人ではないかと確信する。 ドゥソクは因縁の相手ヒョングへの卑劣な挑発によってメディアの注目を集めようと企む。そして事件の被害者遺族がドゥソクの殺害を画策する事件までもが発生。メディアの報道はますます過熱する。 そんな中、連谷事件の凶器を証拠品として真犯人を名乗るJという人物が現れる。
Dangerously Excited
HAN Dae-huei, a public official in charge of residential pollution of Mapo district. No one can disturb his composure: a man who never loses his temper: a man of tranquility; the apotheosis of snobbery. He is a typically unenthusiastic public official up to his bone. Never expect him to try a new thing or change anything.
The World of Silence
Min-hee's home room teacher (voice)
A famous photographer with the ability to mind read returns after leaving due to his lover's suicide as she became aware of his ability. He becomes a guardian for a young girl, in midst of a serial killer's hunt.
Shin Suk-ki Blues
Suk-ki is perfect in a everyway but cold-hearted lawyer. He meets accidentally a man who has a same name with himself but both get involved in an accident and severely hurt. When he wakes up, he finds himself in the ugly body of the other guy. He has to live friend’s life from now on.
The Last Wolf
A detective tired of bloody and cruel crimes in Seoul negotiates a transfer to a crime-free town in the country, where he lives a life of peace and bliss. But then his new police station is listed for closure due to the town's complete absence of crime in the last 20 years.
Once Upon a Time in a Battlefield
cipher officer
Set in the 7th century AD during the Korean peninsula's division into three perpetually warring kingdoms, Once Upon A Time In A Battlefield focuses on the Shilla's king Kim Choon-chu efforts to conquer his rivals: Koguryo and Baekche. To achieve this goal, he allies with mainland China's Tang empire, the superpower of the era, and together the two polities plan to attack first the weakest Baekche at its main fortress of Hwangsanbul, guarding the only easy access to the mountainous interior. But the fortress commander General Kye Baek (Park Joong-hoon) will be resisting to the end...This comedy relays on clash between ancient time and modern language combined with irony and distance to the war.
Terror Taxi
Gilnam, a diligent taxi driver plans to propose to his girlfriend, Yu-jeong. However, when Gilnam takes off to meet Yu-jeong with armful roses, he gets in a hit-and-run accident and dies on the spot. One night, forty-nine days later, in a graveyard, a set of headlights emerges. A mysterious taxi drives off into the city. The driver of this taxi is none other than Gilnam, but he is no longer a part of the living and he races through the city streets in search of his beloved.
Dirty Money
Two detectives in need; Myung-deuk looks after gang and takes bribes for his sick daughter; Dong-hyeok helps Myung-deuk to settle his gambling debts. One day they hear an information that Chinese gang is shipping a big amount of cash abroad and decide to steal it for themselves. But things go wrong and they're now chased both by police and Chinese gang.