Yoshio Ueno


子連れ狼 三途の川の乳母車
Costume Design
In the second film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto battles a group of female ninja in the employ of the Yagyu clan and must assassinate a traitor who plans to sell his clan's secrets to the Shogunate.
Costume Designer
The story takes place in feudal Japan, when any commerce with the rest of the world was strictly prohibited. An idealist suddenly appears in an isolated inn (the one that the title refers to), the head-quarters of a group of smugglers, with stolen money intended to ransom his loved one who is forced to work in a brothel.
Costume Design
An abandoned temple in the mountains outside of the old capital city of Kyoto is the scene of a fated meeting between a traveling priest, two women, and a vicious killer. Bloody violence erupts whenever strangers approach the temple. Can the traveling priest bring his belief in the Buddha and rid the three temple residents of the devils that hold their souls?
Costume Consultant
Costume Supervisor
While her son, Kichi, is away at war, a woman and her daughter-in-law survive by killing samurai who stray into their swamp, then selling whatever valuables they find. Both are devastated when they learn that Kichi has died, but his wife soon begins an affair with a neighbor who survived the war, Hachi. The mother disapproves and, when she can't steal Hachi for herself, tries to scare her daughter-in-law with a mysterious mask from a dead samurai.
Costume Design
三上於菟吉の同名時代小説を、伊藤大輔と衣笠貞之助が脚色、和田夏十がシナリオ化し、市川崑がメガホンをとった。1935年版に主演した長谷川一夫が、再び中村雪之丞と闇太郎の二役を演じた。その他、山本富士子や若尾文子、市川雷蔵、勝新太郎など豪華な出演者が顔をそろえた。長谷川一夫300本記念作品。  江戸で興行を張る上方歌舞伎の女形役者・中村雪之丞は、父を冤罪で陥れ自死に至らしめた土部三斎と広海屋の姿を認めた。三斎の娘の浪路は雪之丞に恋をし、雪之丞は彼女を利用して父の仇を討とうとする。江戸の飢饉に乗じて米を買い占めていた川口屋は、雪之丞にそそのかされた広海屋に邪魔され破産、広海屋に放火した。怒った広海屋は川口屋を絞め殺すが、誘拐しようとした浪路に刺されてしまう。
Costume Design
As winds of change sweep Japan, an honest man joins the Shinsenhumi out of admiration for its leader and because he wants to live and die as a samurai. However, as his involvement grows, reality and idealism come into deadly conflict.
Costume Design
A middle-aged husband of a younger woman finds her youth intimidating to the point that he cannot become aroused. His solution involves the introduction of his daughter's lover to his wife.