Andrew Warren


ジョニー・イングリッシュ アナログの逆襲
ウディ・ハレルソン ロスト・イン・ロンドン
Within the course of a night, Woody Harrelson finds himself in a misadventure in London that winds him up in prison.
シェイクスピアの同名戯曲を「SHAME -シェイム-」「スティーブ・ジョブズ」のマイケル・ファスベンダーと「エディット・ピアフ~愛の讃歌~」「サンドラの週末」のマリオン・コティヤール主演で映画化した歴史ドラマ。監督はオーストラリア出身で、デビュー作「スノータウン」に続いてこれが長編2作目の新鋭、ジャスティン・カーゼル。  激しい内戦で荒廃したスコットランド。ダンカン王に忠誠を誓うグラミスの領主マクベスは獅子奮迅の活躍で反乱軍を撃退、戦友バンクォーとともに戦場を後にしようとした時、彼の前に3人の魔女が現われ、マクベスがスコットランド王になると予言する。やがてマクベスは、夫の王位獲得に執着する夫人からダンカン王暗殺の計画を吹き込まれる。一度は覚悟を決めるも、やはり罪悪感から決行をためらってしまうマクベスだったが…。
オン・ザ・ハイウェイ その夜、86分
Welcome to the Punch
When notorious criminal Jacob Sternwood is forced to return to London, it gives detective Max Lewinsky one last chance to take down the man he's always been after.
Line Producer
In Tranzit
Nazi POWs suspected of heinous acts are locked up in a Soviet women's prison run by vengeful female guards. To weed out the guilty, the innocent must pay. Can supposed enemies turn into great loves? Based on a true post-World War II story, this drama stars Thomas Kretschmann, John Malkovich and Vera Farmiga in a bitter game of cat and mouse and a battle between hate and humanity, mercy and revenge.
Line Producer
Long ago in the Iron Age, a shadow loomed over a lonely village. For generations, the village youths are stolen from their families and delivered as sacrifice to a mythical beast - the Minotaur, that dwells beneath a great palace. Theo, haunted by the loss of his love in an earlier sacrifice is convinced that the beast isn't real and that his girl still lives as a slave within the palace.
The Best Man
Line Producer
When writer's block derails the literary dreams of Olly Pickering, he has to move in with his friend Murray after losing all his money. Things start to look up when Olly's college pal James asks him to be the best man at his wedding. Prior to the nuptials, Olly is drawn to a woman whom he thinks is the bride's sister -- only she turns out to be the bride, Sarah. Can Murray, who dislikes James, help get Sarah and Olly together?
St. Andrew's Girls
A small town is struck by scandal when Jennifer Walsh, a troubled teenager takes her own life. But things aren't always what they seem. In the weeks before her death, Jennifer is thrown into detention with a twisted trio of "bad girls," the moral rejects of an oppressive educational system at St. Andrew's Catholic High School. These outcasts quickly form a strange bond, but the delicate balance of their friendship is threatened after Jennifer uncovers one of the girl's criminal activities. When the girl learns that Jennifer has a secret of her own, all Hell breaks loose.
High court judge Holly McPhee devises blueprints for criminal operations and offers them for sale to the crime world. Her scrupulous operation falls apart when she takes part in a multi-million dollar bank robbery and becomes an accessory to murder.
Second Assistant Director
田舎の山荘で遊んでいたサムと息子トニー。だが突然謎の光が現れ、サムは姿を消してしまった。以来、トニーはサムが光に連れて行かれる悪夢を見続けていた。 3年後、山中に墜落したUFOから謎の生命体が現れ、近くに住む女性を襲い、腹部から触手を出して女性の体内に何かを産みつける。やがて女性は苦しみもがき、腹部が膨れ上がって体内から一人の成人男性が誕生する。それは紛れもなく3年前行方不明になったサムだった…