Chin Yuet-Sang

Chin Yuet-Sang


Chin Yuet-Sang


Faces of Horror
Horror anthology with three stories. In the first, four youngsters return to the house that claimed their friend's life to confront the demon. Story 2 involves a single mother and her daughter who live with a curse. Finally, a wandering ghost searches for her still living lover.
Ghost Lover
Hong Kong ghost film.
Ghost Lover
Hong Kong ghost film.
Ghost Gambler
Obscure HK horror film centered around the world of gambling. Not to be confused with the fantasy-comedy The Gambling Ghost starring Sammo Hung and released the same year.
The Spooky Family
Hung Ping is a vampire buster in early 20th century China. He shares his home with his fortune teller wife, his dim-witted son, his beautiful daughter Fa and their ghost servant. We follow Hung on his exploits as he tries to capture the copper vampire, a bloodthirsty demon that brings misfortune to whomever controls him.
Running Mate
Action Director
Running Mate is a Hong Kong Comedy directed by Stanley Ko Moon-Kai and starring Alex Man.
霊幻道士5 ベビーキョンシー対空飛ぶドラキュラ!
Chi Lei Kan
一眉道士の弟子ホウとフォンは、道士の言いつけで骨ツボに月光が当たらないように遮ろうとするが間に合わず、月光を浴びた骨ツボの魔物やベビーキョンシーが魔性の力を表し凶暴化してしまうが、道士が駆けつけ事なきを得た。そこに村民が慌てて駆け込んできて、樹の精の虜にされた弟を助けてほしいと言う。道士の作戦でホウが樹の精を誘い出し、フォンの鏡で正体を見破って退治することに成功する。 ある日、村長の依頼で村の風水を占うと、空気ではなく水に問題があることが分かった。一行が荒れ果てた教会に着くと、マザーとシスター達が教会を再建しており、道士が内部を案内してもらうと祈祷室で悪魔と戦ったケイ神父が白骨化していた。 教会を出て道士達は新しい水源を探すために道具を設置するが、昼食中に怪しげなコウモリ達が目印の杭を動かしてしまう。その場所を掘ってみると、胸にルビーの短剣がつき刺さったミイラ化した遺体が発掘された。道士は遺体が蘇る危険があるため燃やすようにと指示するが、ルビー欲しさに警備隊長は遺体を木像とすり替えてしまう。ルビーを取るために怪我をした隊長の血が遺体に滴り落ちると、みるみる内に生気が蘇り隊長の婚約者を襲った。遺体はもう一人の神父が悪魔に敗れ、ドラキュラ(西洋の吸血鬼)と化した姿だった。 一方、ホウとフォンは娼婦の幽霊に取り憑かれて帰ってきたが、道士の術で女の亡骸を発見する。そこで偶然ドラキュラと遭遇し道術で封じようとするが、西洋の吸血鬼であるため道教のお札は効果がなく、強力な封印術も破られ一時退却する。 道士はこのことを隊長に報告に行き、吸血鬼と化した婚約者から噛まれそうになっていた隊長を間一髪で救うが、色魔と誤解され囚われてしまう。捕まった道士が隊長の婚約者からあやうく噛まれそうになった時、ベビーキョンシーが牢屋を爆破して救出する。 教会ではマザーとシスター達がコウモリの大群に襲われ隠れていた。ホウとフォンは教会に向かいマザー達を救出するが、目覚めたドラキュラに阻まれる。そこへ道士が到着し、ドラキュラと壮絶な一騎打ちを繰り広げる。
Casino Raiders
Martial Arts Choreographer
Law and Chan are gamblers and friends. Forced into a battle with the Yakuza, How far will friendship go? A high stakes card game will settle it all.
Casino Raiders
Law and Chan are gamblers and friends. Forced into a battle with the Yakuza, How far will friendship go? A high stakes card game will settle it all.
Fatal Bet
Stunt Coordinator
Sam Rogers and Crab are gamblers and friends. Forced into a battle with Japanese gangsters, how far will their friendship go? A high stakes card game will settle it all.
Crazy Spirit
Lame poltergeist ripoff, with a buddhist priest trying to exorcise suburban home.
Righting Wrongs
Jason Chan, a Hong Kong lawyer, is angry at the way the law protects criminals and decides to take the law into his own hands, dishing out vigilante justice when a key witness and his entire family are murdered. But hotshot cop Cindy Si is soon on Chan's case, and the situation unravels into a fight that only a few will survive.
New Mr. Vampire II
New Mr. Vampire 2, also known as The Funny Vampire, is a 1991 Hong Kong comedy horror film directed by Ng Kwok-Hao.
Master Wu
サモ・ハン・キンポーが監督、主演を兼任して手がけ、1980年に公開された香港映画『妖術秘伝・鬼打鬼』を元にして生まれたアクションホラー映画。 中国古来の伝承に登場する妖怪「キョンシー」を物語の主軸に据え、特殊効果とカンフーアクションを織り交ぜたコミカルなホラー映画として「キョンシーホラー」と呼ばれるジャンルを作り上げ、後に続くキョンシーシリーズの基礎を確立した。
The Isle of Fantasy
A bunch of teenyboppers are stranded on the Isle of Fantasy, where they join forces with Chappie the Gorilla and his long-haired old master to overcome the inevitable pirates.
Heroes Shed No Tears
Martial Arts Choreographer
The Thai government hires a group of Chinese mercenaries to capture a powerful drug lord from the Golden Triangle. The mercenaries manage to capture the drug lord, but soon find themselves pursued by his forces, and the forces of a bitter Thai officer. The Chinese mercenaries are vastly outnumbered, and as their numbers begin to dwindle, their desperation pulls them into a corner as their enemies close in on them.
Heroes Shed No Tears
The Thai government hires a group of Chinese mercenaries to capture a powerful drug lord from the Golden Triangle. The mercenaries manage to capture the drug lord, but soon find themselves pursued by his forces, and the forces of a bitter Thai officer. The Chinese mercenaries are vastly outnumbered, and as their numbers begin to dwindle, their desperation pulls them into a corner as their enemies close in on them.
Hocus Pocus
Wandering Ghost
This movie follows in the same spirit as Mr. Vampire, Dead and the deadly and Spooky encounters, mixing comedy and horror!
Hocus Pocus
This movie follows in the same spirit as Mr. Vampire, Dead and the deadly and Spooky encounters, mixing comedy and horror!
Shaolin Drunken Monk
When a martial arts teacher is murdered by his students, his son and heir, Lao Chung (Gordon Liu), escapes but vows to exact vengeance for his father's death. After learning drunken kung fu from an old master, Chung sets out to punish the perpetrators. Eagle Han also stars in this rousing Hong Kong actioner featuring scores of spectacular fight scenes, all choreographed by the legendary Lau brothers.
God of Gold
Jackie is a young woman determines to reverse her bad luck. She consults the God of Gold, who advises her to "nurse a ghost". She is given a small figure to worship, and the worship includes dripping three drops of her own blood every three days. At first, all goes well and she falls in love. But this new happiness causes Jackie to forget to worship the figure, and the spirit doesn't like it. With good intentions, her new boyfriend, Raymond, discovers Jackie's strange predicament and attempts an exorcism which goes horribly wrong. The spirit takes over Raymond, who starts doing nasty things.
Carry on Pickpocket
Dancing Disco Waiter
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
The Dead and the Deadly
Chin Ba-Tat
Wah Li, known as Fat Boy to his friends, lives with his great-uncle the priest (Uncle). Together with his oddball friends Lai Li and Momo, Wah Li helps Uncle to run the local funeral services. When the body Ma Lun Chio is brought back to the village by a new wife and her "brother", Wai Li is suspicious. He sets out to find out how his friend died, but things are not what they seem.
The Prodigal Son
Kungfu Teacher
A rich man's son believes himself to be the best kung fu fighter in Canton. Unfortunately, his father, anxious for his son's safety, bribes all his opponents to lose. After a humiliating defeat at the hands of an actor in a traveling theatre company, the son resolves to find a better teacher.
Hitman in the Hand of Buddha
Action Director
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Hitman in the Hand of Buddha
Martial Arts Choreographer
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Hitman in the Hand of Buddha
Stunt Coordinator
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Hitman in the Hand of Buddha
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Lion vs. Lion
Qian Junghe
A teacher comes across a secret list of anti-Ching rebel names and quickly becomes a target for Ching loyalists. The Five Venom's actor Lo Meng teams up with kung-fu comedic actor Wang Yu to bring some of the best lion dancing action footage ever seen on film. The amazing lion dance sequences alone gives this film major historic significance where it's the first time Northern and Southern lion dancing skills are compared.
Lion vs. Lion
A teacher comes across a secret list of anti-Ching rebel names and quickly becomes a target for Ching loyalists. The Five Venom's actor Lo Meng teams up with kung-fu comedic actor Wang Yu to bring some of the best lion dancing action footage ever seen on film. The amazing lion dance sequences alone gives this film major historic significance where it's the first time Northern and Southern lion dancing skills are compared.
The Buddha Assassinator
San Lu
A young and unworldly kung fu student is now the student of an evil teacher, the villainous Manchu Lord Tsoi. The young impressionable man soon learns that his choice has made him a villain to his own family and people.
The Thundering Mantis
Grand Dad
Ah Chi (Ka-Yan Leung) is obsessed with the martial arts and, more often than not, his kung-fu clowning gets him into trouble. Ending up facing Hsia (Eddie Ko) of the notorious Jade Brotherhood is inevitable. As a result, Hsia forces Chi's martial arts master to expel him. Masterless and working for a fish vendor, Chi meets a crafty kid (Yat Lung Wong), whose uncle Chow Tung (Chin Yuet Sang) is a master of the Insane Mantis style. The Jade Brotherhood aims for control of the small town but Chi is training with a new Master and will not accept bullies in the neighbourhood.
Last Hurrah for Chivalry
Sleeping Wizard
Kao has purchased a new wife, but an enemy has paid her more money to kill him. Kao must recruit a pair of swordsmen to help defend himself and his family from his ruthless enemy. But Kao has his dark side as well...
Dance of the Drunk Mantis
A year after training young Jackie Chan in the Drunken Fist, Sam the Seed discovers he has a son, Foggy. He tries to train Foggy but to no avail. Foggy is then trained in Drunken Fist from his uncle as he must face his father's rival, Rubber Legs, another Drunken Fist master who combines it with Mantis Fist to create a deadly style.
Dance of the Drunk Mantis
Loan Shark
A year after training young Jackie Chan in the Drunken Fist, Sam the Seed discovers he has a son, Foggy. He tries to train Foggy but to no avail. Foggy is then trained in Drunken Fist from his uncle as he must face his father's rival, Rubber Legs, another Drunken Fist master who combines it with Mantis Fist to create a deadly style.
Kung Fu vs. Yoga
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
Fury in Shaolin Temple
Action Director
When a young boy finds himself alone in the world when his adoptive father disappears after a fight, his first thought is to go to Shaolin.
The Lama Avenger
Mo Cai
When two acrobats are fired for fighting with punks in the audience, they go to live with an aunt who's being pressured to sell her house for a real estate development. The developer's nasty son, Lee Fu, decides to muscle the sale, and soon he's at war with the acrobats, plus their unlikely ally, an American named John who used to be Lee Fu's friend. The acrobats open a kung fu school, the scene of several battles with Lee Fu's thugs. A fight to the death, jail time, auntie's surprise decision, a budding acting career, a possessive girlfriend, a debilitating injury, a friendship that needs recalibrating, and Lee Fu's avenger are all in the mix before the end.
Warriors Two
Sword Twin/Leung's Student
In an attempt to save his village from being taken over by brutes, Wah is beaten to a pulp and his mother brutally murdered. Determined to take revenge, Wah learns the art of Wing Chun and enters into a showdown with the nasty villains.
The 7 Grandmasters
Monkey Liu, 3rd Grandmaster
An aged Kung Fu practitioner travels across China, challenging the best Grandmaster from each province to prove his mastery of martial arts. Meanwhile is a plot developing behind his back.
Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog
Multi-Hand Chick asks Crazy Frog for protection after stealing someone's wallet at the casino. Foolishly he accepts, and even more foolishly he follows her home and removes his Invincible Armor when she pretends to be willing to sleep with him. Of course she steals it, and when he tries to follow her, he's stopped by Dirty Tiger who is on a mission to bring Crazy Frog back to his wife. However, Dirty Tiger would really like to have that armor himself...
The Proud Youth
Four Friends of Plum Garden
Sun Chung had made a name for himself directing satirical comedies and modern day crime thrillers when he started exploring the kung-fu genre with this fascinating tale which mixes music and martial arts. Revered choreographer Tang Chia leads a great action cast in a tale of conflicting clans and a mysterious song called "The Proud One" which leads to slowly blossoming love as well as sudden death.
Flying Guillotine II
Imperial guard with shield
The emperor's reign of terror expands. Heroic outlaw Ma Teng joins a squad of female rebels, whose leader is torn between family loyalties.
The Golden Key
Cheng's thug
Various distinguished members of Hong Kong high society were being blackmailed by mysterious and attractive lady Chang Siu Juen, who seems to know the secrets of their past and present illegal activities. Millionaire Cheng Yung Seng knew that it would be his turn next. He thus planned to eliminate Chang first but the plan did not work out and Chang was saved by private detective Fang Dai Kuen...
He Has Nothing But Kung Fu
Man on the street
He's lost his memory, but not his skill: After a fierce battle with a local tong, Hoi is thrown over an embankment and left for dead. He survives the ordeal but has lost all of his memory, but not his kung-fu. His fateful meeting with a beggar leads to their teaming up for cleaning up that tong.
The Iron-Fisted Monk
Husker is a student of the Shaolin monks, learning kung fu so that he can avenge his uncle who was murdered by the Manchus who control the province. He leaves his training early, desperate to teach the killers a lesson, and teams up with a martial artist monk who is teaching a group of factory workers how to defend themselves. When the Manchus strike again, Husker and his Buddhist pal decide it's time to even the score.
Fist of Dragon
Did you ever find yourself wondering just how wild a ride it would be if Oliver Twist or the "Little Rascals" movies featured an array of flipping and kicking kung fu kids? Director Yen Yung-tsu obviously had the same thoughts and endowed Alfafa and the rest of the gang with kung fu skills to match their attitudes in. "Crazy Knife", "Bad News" and the rest of the gang take on crooks, extortionists and high kicking killers before they face their ultimate nemesis; the infamous Eddie Ko star of "Duel To The Death", "Lethal Weaapon 4", and the man who put the fear into Hwang Jan-lee in "Hitman In The Hand Of Buddha", when he laid a furious vengeance upon all who crossed his path.
Executioners from Shaolin
Governor's fighter
A couple unite - she is fluent in the crane style of kung fu, he in tiger style. They have a son, but the boy's father is killed by the evil eunuch Pai Mei. Disguised as a girl, his mom trains him in crane style while he secretly learns tiger style from his father's training manual.
The super human Beast from the East takes on all comers!
Bruce Lee and I
Thug in Bar
A movie on the life of the renowned Bruce Lee, especially his relationship with his mistress.
The Girl with the Dexterous Touch
romantic comedy
The Valiant Ones
Japanese pirate
A righteous husband-and-wife swordfighting duo struggle to protect China from the machinations of Japanese pirates and corrupt officials.
Slaughter in San Francisco
Chinese gang member
A Chinese-American cop, skilled in martial arts, battles the most powerful criminal gang in San Francisco that is responsible for the death of his partner.
The Young Dragons
Kin's man
The powerful mobster Leung, who is protected by the dangerous and wicked Huan Fai, sells two hundred Japanese weapons and ammunition to a Chinese gang. He uses the smuggler Luy Fu to bring the weapons but the smalltime thief Kim and his gang heist the shipment on the road and dump the cargo into the sea. However, he lures Luy Fu and asks a large amount to return the weapons with the intention of traveling abroad with his brother. Meanwhile Kim befriends Fan Ming, an undercover police office from Shanghai that is investigating the illegal activities of Leung. When the mobster finds that Fan Ming is a policeman, Leung ambushes him and Huan Fai and his men stab the officer that falls from a cliff into the sea. Kim brings Fan Ming's fiancée Ipi Feng to the house of his lover, the prostitute Hung, and tells Ipi Feng that her fiancé was murdered by Leung. She decides to revenge the death of her beloved Fan Ming with tragic consequences.
The Shaolin Boxer
Tournament fighter
Chuan Tai, master of the Shaolin School, hopes that if he can win the annual martial-arts tournament, he can help the villagers, who are under the tyranny of an evil security squad controlled by Ho Yung
The Crazy Instructor
A bumbling martial arts teacher has the skills but lacks the confidence to use them. Run out of town by some ne'er-do-wells, he sets out on some comic adventures as he travels the countryside. Taking up some companions that are as bumbling as he is, the group seems to stumble into one misadventure after another. Will our hearty band eventually prove their worth with their skills and bring their enemies to justice?
Chinatown Capers
Ever the pair of do-gooding drifters, Embroidered Pillow and Chili Boy always come to the aid of Hong Kong's downtrodden and oppressed - even if it means traveling all the way to America! This time the two friends are off to San Francisco's Chinatown in search of a millionaire's missing daughter (Sylvia Chang, who also appears in Slaughter in San Francisco), who has vanished under shady circumstances. Typical Backalley Princess shtick ensues, including the duo's disastrous stint waiting tables in a Chinese restaurant and run-ins with the local street gangs. But just when things are looking hopeless, Sam and Polly find the lead they need, and the chase is on!
When Taekwondo Strikes
The story is about the Japanese occupation of Korea during World War II. A Korean patriot played by Carter Wong gets into a fight with some Japanese people and is chased into a church. The priest there is captured and tortured. Trying to secure his release, the leader of the resistance, Jhoon Rhee is himself captured and tortured by the Japanese. Carter Wong, Angela Mao and Anne Winton have to now try and rescue him. This leads to an explosive climax with the heroes having to fight the likes of Wong In Sik (Hwang In-Shik), Sammo Hung and Kenji Kazama.
None But the Brave
Story is about how a revolutionist, played by Cheng Pei Pei, taking on the identity of a Captain's (Ou Wei) long lost sister who is actually dead. Cheng manages to fool the Captain for a while, but little by little, the Captain catches on to her and the revolutionist's plan to stop Chinese-Japanese relations.
Seaman No. 7
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.
The Cub Tiger from Kwang Tung
Chow's Thug
Hsiao Hu has been secretly training in martial arts, as his father (Tien Feng) has forbidden him. Later, some local store owners ask Ah to help protect them from a greedy Chinese extortion ring. Ah discovers that the crime lord behind the extortion had killed his father years before and is determined for revenge.
Lady Whirlwind
Wen Tien
A young woman determines to help a man who is being pursued by gangsters, so that she would have the pleasure of killing him herself as revenge for causing the death of her sister.
The Crimson Charm
Crimson Charm messenger/Thug
A noble swordsman and a one-armed swordswoman go up against the vicious Crimson Charm gang of thieves and cutthroats. The lovely and lethal Ivy Ling Po teams with the amazing Chang I for a classic tale of good versus evil in which the best man and one-armed woman wins.
The Midnight Murder
Bald Brothel Servant
Moonlight Serenade
Big Head
A sweet inn-keeper's daughter falls in love with a woodcutter, but witnesses the woodcutter's brother raping her sister. Tragically, the sister commits suicide in shame, and the rapists turn his attentions to the witness, leading to more danger than most romantic dramas can handle.