Ena Koshino
出生 : 1993-11-24, Tokyo, Japan
Ena Koshino is an actress, known for Hanayoi dôchû (2014), Satorudayo (2015) and Hotori no Sakuko (2013).
There are Tomoki, Shun, Kazuya, and Aita in Oiso, the seaside town. One day, Tomoki finds their teacher, Ito, who is their teacher and Kajya’s uncle, dead.
Receptionist / Actress
Confident that he’s the next great Japanese thespian, Matsumoto Fighter and his manager roam the streets of Shibuya to promote him. When he finds out that up-andcoming indie director Matsunaga Daishi is holding auditions for his latest film, Matsumoto pulls out all the stops to get in. Director Ninomiya Ken began this project as a Borat-esque mockumentary about the desperate measures aspiring actors take to break into show business. But when Fighter and his manager push the limits of their unsuspecting prey a little too far, fiction and reality begin to overlap in disturbing and surprisingly violent ways. Will Fighter finally get his big break, or will his dreams come crumbling down?
Jun Inoue
21世紀、世界の麻雀競技人口は1億人を超え、日本でも大規模な大会が開催されるようになっていた。清澄高校1年生の宮永咲は、天才的な麻雀を打つ同級生・原村和に感化され、麻雀部に入ることを決意する。麻雀の腕を仲間たちと日々磨き、ついに全国大会予選が始まる。初出場、どこからも注目されていなかった清澄高校であったが驚異的な強さを発揮し全国大会決勝進出を決める。そこには同じくダークホース鶴賀学園、一昨年優勝の強豪風越女子、昨年悪魔的強さで他校を圧倒し優勝した竜門淵高校が待ち受ける! 決勝の卓で果たして勝つのはどの高校なのか?
Whimsical film in which students and teachers come together during a weekend for a wedding. The film flutters back and forth between the various characters and their feelings until the wedding starts. Shot in the old beach hotel where the great Ozu wrote his screenplays. © iffr.com
Akiba Miyamoto
Two sisters living on a peach farm in Koori town, Fukushima Prefecture,are opposites. Haruka Miyamoto feels less beautiful than her sister Akiba Miyamoto and hates being compared to her. She finds comfort in playing a piano in a barn. A year after the Great East Japan Earthquake, she decides she wants to be a pianist. Akiba, for her part, moved to Tokyo to attend college. When she moves back to Koori, Haruka is unsettled and memories connected to the disaster she has tried to forget resurface.
A widower and his daughter deal with the death of the man's wife.
Kyoko (Sakura Ando) works as an insurance agent. Due to a series of unfortunate events, she brings shame to her family and has to leave her hometown. Shuichi (Tasuku Emoto) killed his drunken father to save his mother. After he is released from prison, he begins to work at a small factory in Tokyo.
演劇カンパニー「アリスインプロジェクト」が手掛けた、注目の若手アイドル出演によるオムニバス映画。森田涼花主演の学園SFミリタリー『終焉少女 LAST GIRL STANDING』と、荻野可鈴主演の青春群像劇『ボクが修学旅行に行けなかった理由』を収録。
High school student Izumi Kawashima, whose daily routine is rating newspaper articles, finds a wallet containing a large sum of cash. Instead of returning the wallet to its owner, Izumi decides to lend a substantial portion of the money to a middle-aged male acquaintance. She eventually returns the wallet to its owner, a wealthy high-school boy named Koki, who notices the missing money, and as compensation, asks Izumi to do something for his friend – to create a newspaper that brings happiness to its reader.
あらすじ 高校生の斉藤卓巳(永山絢斗)は、助産院を営む母子家庭のひとり息子。友人に誘われて行ったアニメの同人誌販売イベントで、あんずと名乗るアニメ好きの主婦・岡本里美(田畑智子)にナンパされる。里美は卓巳を自宅に招き、大好きなアニメキャラクターのコスプレをさせて情事に至る。以降、里美が用意した台本通りにセリフを言いながらコスプレセックスをすることが日常的になっていた。だがある日、卓巳は同級生の松永七菜(田中美晴)に告白され、里美との関係を断つことを決心する……。里美は、元いじめられっこ同士で結婚した夫・慶一郎(山中崇)と二人暮らし。執拗に子作りを求める姑・マチコ(銀粉蝶)からは不妊治療や体外受精を強要され、マザコンの夫は頼りにならず、卓巳との関係だけが心の拠り所だった。しかし二人の関係を夫と姑に知られてしまい、里美は土下座して離婚を懇願するが受け入れられず、代理母を捜すためにアメリカに行くことが決定する……。