Rikako Murakami
出生 : 1966-03-30, Yokohama, Japan
Emi Tachibana
A love story between a timid woman and frustrated ballet dancer.
The thug is now back in Shaba as a legendary hitman!
The detective with the highest arrest rate. In fact, he was a vicious detective who communicated with the gangsters!
Koichi Iwaki plays a cool hitman!
第1話「こんな混んでどうするの」家族と車で帰省中の秀樹は、渋滞の中でトイレに行きたくなる。第2話「過ぎた甘えは許さない」離婚して実家に戻った姉が好き放題にふるまい、しわよせはすべて妹のもとに。第3話「会社をナメるな」相次ぐ部下の退職に悩む課長が部下に気に入られようと温泉旅行を企画するが? 第4話「クリスマスなんか大嫌い」さびれた商店街を盛り上げようとする薬店の息子だが、仲間たちに相手にされない。
Zazie, one time rock star on the move, has retired at a young age to Shibaura, the semiderelict "waterfront" area of Tokyo. Now he spends his time recording his own life on video. But he can't shake his "fans": members of his former band want a reunion concert, his ex-girlfriend Megumi won't let go, office girls and snack-bar waitresses continue to idolize him. Most disturbing, the taciturn and vaguely threatening Sunada watches him day and night. But Zazie yields to no one, commits to nothing. On the one side, mounting expectation and burgeoning fantasy; on the other, indecision, introspection and silence. Something's gotta give…
A stylish light comedy about the “Banana boys”— two boys who were born and raised in Roppongi who are still growing up.
The love that occurs 24 hours after a man and woman in their 20s meet against the backdrop of the bubble period.
Kaoru Nakamura
昭和28年、NHKでは日本で初めてのテレビジョン放送を始めるにあたり専属俳優の募集をしておりトットこと柴柳徹子は、音楽学校の卒業を目前に受験する。何とか試験に合格したトットの仲間には、西里涼子、黒沢圭一郎、中村かおる、 横井美保、今泉光二たちがいた。タップダンス、歌など楽しい授業、退屈な講義などが連夜続けられる。テレビスタジオ見学では、カメラのケーブルを踏んだら、ブラウン管に映っている人の顔がつぶれて映ってしまうと本気で心配したりと、毎日が驚きの連続だった。
Three conspirators steal a secret android. In their warehouse hideout, the android secretes a reality-altering substance, which casts them into a frightening nether-world of interconnected subjectivity.
Bar Hostess
Stuck doing show-biz schlock, an investigative reporter stumbles on a scheme to swindle pensions through an attractive gold futures scam, a potential news-story.
Junko Kashima
At a Japanese school, a desperate student council struggles with a recurring problem. The aggressive and relentless members of the Yagyu biker gang stop by the school each semester to beat up the kids, steal their lunch money and vandalize their belongings. The kids want to fight back but realize they're too weak and undermanned against the bikers, and so they hire a handful of tough gals to train and defend them.