Transfer student Biito “Beat” Mizorogi, talented in fashion design, bring classmates together to stage a fashion show for the school's annual festival.
Zazie, one time rock star on the move, has retired at a young age to Shibaura, the semiderelict "waterfront" area of Tokyo. Now he spends his time recording his own life on video. But he can't shake his "fans": members of his former band want a reunion concert, his ex-girlfriend Megumi won't let go, office girls and snack-bar waitresses continue to idolize him. Most disturbing, the taciturn and vaguely threatening Sunada watches him day and night. But Zazie yields to no one, commits to nothing. On the one side, mounting expectation and burgeoning fantasy; on the other, indecision, introspection and silence. Something's gotta give…
Three conspirators steal a secret android. In their warehouse hideout, the android secretes a reality-altering substance, which casts them into a frightening nether-world of interconnected subjectivity.
Stuck doing show-biz schlock, an investigative reporter stumbles on a scheme to swindle pensions through an attractive gold futures scam, a potential news-story.
At a Japanese school, a desperate student council struggles with a recurring problem. The aggressive and relentless members of the Yagyu biker gang stop by the school each semester to beat up the kids, steal their lunch money and vandalize their belongings. The kids want to fight back but realize they're too weak and undermanned against the bikers, and so they hire a handful of tough gals to train and defend them.