Yoshiko Yura

Yoshiko Yura

出生 : , Japan


Yoshiko Yura (由良宜子 Yura Yoshiko) is a Japanese actress, known for her starring role in the 1991 film "March Comes In Like a Lion". She also had smaller parts in more famous films such as Ringu 2 and Tomie: Replay.


Yoshiko Yura


Etsuko Mamiya
A mother is accused of murdering her daughter but when she tells her tale, things don't seem to make sense. Her husband says they have no daughter, there's a psychic that can trace phone calls, a blonde who sings the US anthem, a house with no bathroom, some Lynchian dream sequences, aliens, breeding experiments, very quirky FBI agents, and some other random events.
Etsuko Mamiya
After her brother is accused of murdering four people, his sister, desperate to prove his innocence, goes to a psychic for help. The price they ask, however, is far more than she expected, and the answers they give her are nothing she could ever have imagined. And what is the FBI doing investgating a murder in Japan?
富江 replay
Sayuri's Mother
リング 2
・事件・から一週間、井戸の中から発見された貞子の死体が解剖された。ところが、30年前に殺された筈の彼女の遺体は、解剖の結果、少なくとも死後1年ないし2年しか経っていないことが判明する。すると、貞子は30年近く井戸の中で生きていたことになる! 遺体の身元確認にやってきた貞子の母・志津子の従弟・山村敬は、思わず貞子の怨念のすさまじさに戦慄を覚えるのだった。
Matsuda's Wife
インフェルノ 蹂躙
復讐 THE REVENGE 運命の訪問者
Tokie Miyaji
Woman A
Miyako is a frustrated insurance saleswoman stuck in a major dry spell. She tries every trick in the book, including aggressive flirting, which gets her plenty of gropers but no buyers. One day while venturing down a narrow stairwell, she injures her ankle and happens upon Mitsuru who works for some mysterious foreign company. Decked out in high goth style -- complete with long inky black hair and mascaraed eyes -- Mitsuru cuts quite an odd figure, yet his seductive though menacing ways make him difficult for Miyako to resist. Escorting her to his office to treat her ankle, Miyako notices that his all-female staff seem more glassy-eyed and soul-deadened than the average office workers. In fact, they seem almost like zombies. Later, weird things start happening. Mitsuko finds vomit on her doorstep, she seems to be tailed by a shadowy woman in a red dress, and most strikingly, she finds herself utterly powerless against Mitsuru's advances.
Yukie Sakata
Ryo Masuda is a washed up adult video director without a leading actress. Now, he has to find someone to re-place her quick, so he can produce his latest low budget S&M video. When the young Yukie appears to turn the production into an unexpected hit, Ryo becomes drawn to the world of sadomasochism and his newfound star.
欲望だけが愛を殺す Vol.3‾ゲームの規則
893 Taxi
The Yakuza clan Inoshika decides to help a small family business, Taxi Tanaka, lured by the clan Jinryûkaï and deeply in debt.
Hanabe Takada
Ice / Natsuko
The film begins with some Polaroids of a young boy and a young girl. A female voice over tells us who these people are...they are brother and sister, she is seven and he is eight. She goes on to say that when she was seven and he was eight, she told her brother that she would marry him.