「太一が大人になると、ボクたち一緒にいられないの?」「俺たちは、ずっと一緒だ」 <太一とアグモンたちが出会い、デジタルワールドを冒険した夏から十年以上が経過した2010年。 世界中の“選ばれし子どもたち"は徐々にその存在が認知され、現実世界にデジモンがいる風景も珍しくなくなっていた。 太一は大学生となり、ヤマトたちもそれぞれ歩むべき道を見定め、自身の進路を進み始めていた。 そんな中、世界中の“選ばれし子どもたち"の周囲で、ある事件が起こり始める。 太一たちの前に現れたデジモンを専門に研究する学者・メノアと井村は、"エオスモン"と呼ばれるデジモンが原因だと語り、助力を求めてくる。 事件解決に向けて、太一たち選ばれし子どもたちが再び集結。 しかし、エオスモンとの戦いの中でアグモンたちの“進化"に異変が起こる。 その様子を見たメノアは、太一たちに衝撃の事実を語る。 選ばれし子どもが大人になった時、パートナーデジモンはその姿を消してしまう――。 エオスモンの脅威は、次第に太一の仲間たちにも及んでいく。 戦わなければ仲間を救えない、しかし無理な戦闘はパートナーとの別れを早めていく事に。 ずっと一緒にいると思っていた。 一番大切な存在と別れてでも戦うのか?“選ばれし子ども"が大人になるということ―。 変えられぬ宿命を前に、太一とアグモンの"絆"が導き出す、自分たちだけの答えとは?>
Original Concept
暴走したメイクーモンが変異した「ラグエルモン」と、八神ヒカリのパートナーデジモンであるテイルモンが暗黒進化した「オファニモン フォール ダウンモード」が合体した「オルディネモン」によって、世界の崩壊が始まった。その危機に立ち向かう選ばれし子どもたちとパートナーのデジモンたちは、力を合わせることを決意するが……
Original Concept
The Digital World is becoming so overpopulated that the super computer Yggdrasill who governs the Digital World can no longer handle it. Its solution is Project Ark: to wipe out most of inhabitants with the X Program. Yggdrasill chooses a very small percentage to be moved to a new Digital World and then proceeds to destroy the old one. Some Digimon who were not chosen survive anyway, and they move to the new world with a rare gift known as the X Antibody; this antibody changes their appearance and makes them more powerful, while at the same time making them immune to the X Program. No longer in control, Yggdrasill uses the Royal Knights to destroy these X-Digimon, who are outcasts in the new Digital World.
Original Concept
The first story focused on Tai and Kari Kamiya four years before their adventure in the Digital World. It shows their first encounter with Digimon and what happened to them (as well as the other children). Tai and Kari wake one morning to find a Digi-Egg that came out of their computer the night before and the egg soon hatches, revealing a Botamon. The Digimon then evolves into Koromon and then Agumon (not the same one that became friends with Tai in the series, and yet, somehow, both Koromon and Kari remember each other), who then goes out and unintentionally destroys a good part of the neighborhood with Kari riding on his back. A second Digi-Egg appears in the sky to reveal an evil digimon, Parrotmon. Agumon then Digivolves to Greymon but isn't strong enough to beat Parrotmon and is knocked out. Tai grabs Kari's whistle and wakes up Greymon, who defeats Parrotmon and disappears with him.
The first story focused on Tai and Kari Kamiya four years before their adventure in the Digital World. It shows their first encounter with Digimon and what happened to them (as well as the other children). Tai and Kari wake one morning to find a Digi-Egg that came out of their computer the night before and the egg soon hatches, revealing a Botamon. The Digimon then evolves into Koromon and then Agumon (not the same one that became friends with Tai in the series, and yet, somehow, both Koromon and Kari remember each other), who then goes out and unintentionally destroys a good part of the neighborhood with Kari riding on his back. A second Digi-Egg appears in the sky to reveal an evil digimon, Parrotmon. Agumon then Digivolves to Greymon but isn't strong enough to beat Parrotmon and is knocked out. Tai grabs Kari's whistle and wakes up Greymon, who defeats Parrotmon and disappears with him.