Riisa Naka

Riisa Naka

出生 : 1989-10-18, Nagasaki, Japan


Riisa Naka (born on October 18, 1989 in Nagasaki prefecture) is a Japanese actress. She was given a Best New Talent award at the 2009 Yokohama Film Festival. Naka became famous for appearing in Hachi One Diver.


Riisa Naka
Riisa Naka
Riisa Naka
Riisa Naka
Riisa Naka


昭和63年。銀座のキャバレーでピアノを弾いていたジャズピアニスト志望の博は、謎の男からのリクエストで“あの曲”こと「ゴッドファーザー 愛のテーマ」を演奏する。しかし“あの曲”をリクエストできるのは銀座を牛耳るヤクザの親分・熊野会長だけで、演奏を許されているのも会長お気に入りのピアニスト・南だけだった。未来に夢を見る博と、夢を見失ってしまった南の運命は絡みあい、多くの人々を巻き込みながら事態は思わぬ方向へと転がっていく。
劇場版TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~
Chiaki Takanawa
厚生労働省の威信をかけて創設された精鋭医療チーム「YOKOHAMA MER」。「TOKYO MER」をしのぐ最先端の技術と、国際的に活躍するスタッフを結集したエリート集団だ。彼らを率いるチーフドクター鴨居友は、「危険を冒しては、救えない命がある」と、どんな時も冷静沈着な救命のプロ。危険な現場にも勇敢に飛び込み「待っているだけじゃ、救えない命がある」と熱く理想を追う「TOKYO MER」のチーフドクター喜多見幸太とは、正に水と油の関係だ。そんな中、横浜・みなとみらいの美しい街並みが炎に包まれる前代未聞の緊急事態が発生。平和な海辺の街は大混乱に陥り、数千人が命の危険にさらされる中、対立する2つの医療チームは、すべての患者の命を救えるのか!?
土竜の唄 FINAL
Junna Wakaki
クレヨンしんちゃん 謎メキ!花の天カス学園
When the five visit a private academy Kazama is attacked. He is left with reduced intelligence and strange bite marks.
Mashiba Ibuki
Tokyo Dokushin Danshi
Three Japanese men in their thirties and forties are professionals working in law, dentistry and banking. The friends are trusting of one another and enjoy each others' fellowship. Aside from that they are currently single. Something inside them begins ticking and they begin to wonder about the merits or necessity for marriage.
Michiko Oba
Takashi Omura (Hiroshi Tanahashi) was once a popular professional wrestler, but he isn't popular anymore. He now wears a cockroach mask and wrestles as a villain. He is married to Shiori (Yoshino Kimura) and they have an elementary school aged son named Shota (Kokoro Terada). Takashi and Shiori have not yet told their son what Takashi does for a living. One day, Shota finds out that Takashi is a professional wrestler and a villain with a cockroach mask. Shota is shocked and tells a lie to his classmate that his dad is a popular professional wrestler.
Eri Hamano
北海道育ちの外村直樹 は、高校でピアノの調律師・板鳥宗一郎 と出会い、板鳥の調律したピアノの音色がきっかけで調律師を目指すことに。やがて板鳥のいる楽器店で調律師として働き始め、先輩に同行した仕事先で高校生の姉妹ピアニスト和音と由仁に出会う。
土竜の唄 香港狂騒曲
Junna Wakagi
Sanae Kito
In 1946, on a fictional island called Gokumon-tou, located in the Inner Sea of Seto, the famous detective Kindaichi intended to pass his convalescence after the invitation of his war buddy Kitou Chimata, the successor son of the powerful clan of the Kitou Family. But Kindaichi arrives alone, bringing the bad news of Chimata's death. However, the truth is that Kindaichi is not on the island to recover. Before Chimata died, she uttered the words: "My sisters will be killed!" Indeed, as the three sisters are murdered one by one in horrible and strange ways, Kindaichi desperately tries to find the culprit and in the process discovers the intrigues of the family, secrets, island mentality, discrimination, and eccentricities, With the backdrop of the turbulent postwar period.
Atsuko Imamura
「松本清張特別企画・共犯者」。2015年9月30日(21:00-23:03)、テレビ東京系列のスペシャルドラマとして放映。 化粧品会社「ニンファ・ミワ」の社長を務める内堀美輪(観月ありさ)は、その美貌もあって、マスコミにたびたび取り上げられていた。しかしネットに「本当の内堀美輪を知っている」との書き込みを見つけ動揺する。成功者に見える美輪には、封印した知られざる過去が…。
土竜の唄 潜入捜査官 REIJI
Junna Wakagi
After the demise of warlord Nobunaga ODA, Japan was about to be unified by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI. However, there was one man in Kanto region that was defiant to it. That man, who named himself TenmaOh (Mirai MORIYAMA) and leads the KANTO DOKURO-TO, an armed group hiding in the pitch-black DOKURO-JO (skull castle), once worked for NOBUNAGA. Sutenosuke (Shun OGURI) happens to rescue a woman who has been chased by the KANTO DOKURO-TO, which was headed by the bloodthirsty madman TenmaOh.
ヤング ブラック・ジャック
On Christmas day, a bomb explodes in a shopping mall. The explosion was perpetrated by a serial bomber. A 9-year-old boy Kuro Hazama and his mother Mitsuko (Naho Toda) are seriously and transfered to a university hospital. With the elite skills of surgeon Dr. Jontaro Honma (Masachika Ichimura), Kuro survives, but is shocked to learn his mother is in a coma. Dr. Honma tells Tokio that when medical science advances, Michiko might one day awake. Tokio decides then to become a doctor. 15 years later, 24-year-old Kuro is a medical student and his mother is still in a coma. Kuro researches ways to awaken his mother whilst practising medicine without a licence.
ゼブラーマン ゼブラシティの逆襲
Yui Aihara / Zebra Queen
Zebra City 2025 – music echoing across what used to be Tokyo from Zebra Queen marks the start of Zebra Time, a 5 minute window twice a day when the city population is free to commit any crime and the Vengeful Zebra Mini-Skirt Police and masked Zebra Police can shoot civilians at will. Zebraman wakes in the street, unable to remember the last 15 years, or his superhero past. He must rely on a band Zebra Time survivors, a man who played him in a TV show version of Zebraman and a mysterious silent girl to battle this Zebra obsession that is splitting the city in to absolutes of black and white.
Akari Yoshiyama
Yumi Jinnouchi (voice)
2010年夏。健二(神木隆之介)は高校2年生の草食系男子。数学オリンピックへの出場を逃し、夏休みの予定は世界中の金融やインフラを担うシステム“OZ”の保守点検をするバイトだけ。ある日、健二は先輩の夏希(桜庭ななみ)に頼まれ、長野県上田市にある彼女の実家に行くことに。憧れの先輩との旅に胸を躍らせる健二。しかし夏希は曾祖母・栄(富司純子)の誕生祝いのために親戚一同が集合した場で、突然、健二が自分のフィアンセだと紹介!実は、夏希が健二を連れてきたのは、病気がちな栄を安心させるための苦肉の策。うろたえながらも、健二はフィアンセのふりをすることになってしまう。 個性豊かな面々が集まり賑やかな宴会がスタートするが、そこに曾祖父の隠し子・侘助(斎藤歩)が現れた。一族の異端児である侘助の登場で、楽しかった宴会の雰囲気は一変。さらに翌朝。仮想世界のOZが何者かによって荒らされ、現実社会でも各所で大混乱が勃発。しかも何故か、健二がその混乱を巻き起こした張本人だと報道されてしまい…!?
Ryoko Nakatani
This is an omnibus of six short films by six different directors, whose lead characters are unconventional women. They are "Hijoshi," females who live true to themselves and their desires.
Megumi Megyro
In this high school romance Hiro is dismayed to learn her new love Shu will be going away to college in Tokyo. She asks him not to go.
Sakiko Isobe
Akane Igarashi
A wrestling club must deal with the fact that their newest member is an amnesiac.
Chigusa and Yuuto always spent time together as children. They enter high school at the same time and happen to be put into the same class. Yuuto's mother ran off and his father is an alcoholic, so it seems as though the only time he can feel any relief from the pain of his life is when he spends time with Chii-chan and can be reminded of the happy little moments from his past.
Two love stories set in Shibuya, Tokyo.
Making of Island Times
Fifteen-year-old Masaharu (Yanagisawa Daisuke) lives on the small island of Aogashima, which has a population of 197. On the island, life is simple and facilities are spare. As there are no high schools on the island, Masaharu, in his final year of junior high, will be leaving for Tokyo after he graduates. He is the editor of Blue Island Times, the local newspaper he started with a friend, who has hit on hard times in Tokyo. One day, Yuki (Naka Riisa) transfers from the city to his island school, and Masaharu is immediately smitten. As the two grow closer, Masaharu discovers his new friend's secret...
Makoto Konno (voice)