Tiffany Lyndall-Knight

Tiffany Lyndall-Knight

出生 : 1972-10-17, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Canadian-born and Australian-bred, Tiffany Lyndall Knight is at home on both stage and screen. Nominated for four Jessie Theatre Richardson awards, her theatre credits span eight seasons with Vancouver's Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival. Highlights include "Ariel" in "The Tempest", "Olivia" in "Twelfth Night", "Helena" in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Regan" in "King Lear". A graduate of Toronto's acclaimed George Brown Theatre School, Tiffany has taught and created theatre with young people throughout her career. She has developed programs for Bard on the Beach's education division, was a founder of the Gateway Academy of Performing Arts at the Gateway Theatre in Richmond BC, and has taught at the William Davis Centre for Performing Arts, the University of British Columbia, Adelaide Centre for the Arts, and Flinders University Drama Centre, South Australia. On screen, she has appeared in many lead and recurring roles, including the popular television series,Battlestar Galactica  (2004), Da Vinci's City Hall (2005), Stargate SG-1 (1997) andSupernatural (2005). She was a co-creator and actor in the feature film,Mothers&Daughters (2008), which screened at the Toronto International Film Festival and won Most Popular Canadian Film at the Vancouver International Film Festival in 2008. - IMDb Mini Biography


Tiffany Lyndall-Knight


Edward Has A Tree Inside Him
A young woman is thrust into a caretaking role after her boyfriend is diagnosed with a unique illness.
Carrie's Doing Great
An aspiring video game artist uncovers a conspiracy that the local neighborhood watch are kidnapping the town's creatives and turning them into mindless civil servants.
The Reckoning of Christian Spencer
Mary Sweeney / Marie Spencer
In this enchanting thriller, a friendly visit to an old friend turns sinister when Chris is surreptitiously propelled into an unknown past.
ババドック ~暗闇の魔物~
Supermarket Mum
キャサリン(ジュリアン・ムーア)は産婦人科医として成功し、大学教授の夫(リーアム・ニーソン)と息子(マックス・シエリオット)と平穏に暮らしていた。だが、ある日彼女は夫と教え子の浮気を疑い始め、何も手につかなくなる。彼女は偶然出会った美ぼうの娼婦(しょうふ)クロエ(アマンダ・セイフライド)に夫を誘惑してほしいともちかけ……。 『秘密のかけら』など独自の愛の世界を探求する鬼才、アトム・エゴヤン監督による官能サスペンス。何不自由ない生活を送りながら、夫の浮気疑惑によって自らを破滅へと追い込んでいく女性の悲しいさがを描き切る。孤独にさいなまれる主人公を体当たりで演じるのは、『キッズ・オールライト』のジュリアン・ムーア。魔性の娼婦(しょうふ)を、『ジュリエットからの手紙』のアマンダ・セイフライドが熱演する。2人の美女が織り成す危うい関係にゾクゾクする。
Battlestar Galactica: The Plan
When the initial Cylon attack against the Twelve Colonies fails to achieve complete extermination of human life as planned, twin Number Ones (Cavils) embedded on Galactica and Caprica must improvise to destroy the human survivors.
Mothers & Daughters
Comedy about three very different women and the complex relationship they have with their mothers.
Actor #2 in Play
Miss Mills
Timmy Robinson's best friend in the whole wide world is a six-foot tall rotting zombie named Fido. But when Fido eats the next-door neighbor, Mom and Dad hit the roof, and Timmy has to go to the ends of the earth to keep Fido a part of the family. A boy-and-his-dog movie for grown ups, "Fido" will rip your heart out.
Mob Woman
2035年のシカゴ。ロボットは人間の日常生活に欠かせない存在となっており、人間とロボットの共存は、3原則によって守られていた。 一. ロボットは、人間に危害を加えてはならない。 一. ロボットは、人間から与えられた命令に服従しなければならない。 一. ロボットは、前掲第一条及び第二条に反する恐れのない限り、自己を守らなければならない。ある日、ロボット開発の権威である科学者が謎の死を遂げる。その死にロボットの関与を疑ったスプーナー刑事は、ロボット心理学者カルヴィン博士の協力のもと、その謎を究明していく。そして、想像を絶する恐ろしくも巨大な陰謀に巻き込まれていくのであった・・・・・・。
Sally McDonald
It's millennium eve. At the stroke of midnight the Y2K computer bug kicks in, causing widespread chaos in the US.