Nikolay Ivakin

Nikolay Ivakin


Nikolay Ivakin


One night, the crew of the Derbent tanker receives a signal about oil ignition on the Agamali tanker. Despite the fire threatening to spill onto the ship, Derbent is in a hurry to help ...
Seaman's daughter
Together with other graduates of the Maritime Institute, Irina Zakharova returns to her native Odessa. At the distribution commission, she seeks the appointment of the first assistant to the captain on the infamous Pobeda vessel, with the most loosened crew. Carrying a personal example of sailors, Irina successfully fights for a turning point in the mood of sailors, and when the ship gets into a storm, she shows the outstanding qualities of a real sailor. Against the background of these events, the theme of lyrical relationships between Irina and the navigator of the red-flagged ship "Abkhazia" Vasily in love with her is unfolding.
Morskoy Post
Matveyev - Sergeant major
О буднях морской пограничной заставы в середине 30-х годов. На маленьком тихоокеанском острове несет службу гарнизон пограничной охраны НКВД. Небольшой отряд бойцов мужественно защищает родную землю от нападения японских диверсантов и гонит прочь непрошенных гостей. Однажды японский эсминец высаживает десант на один из советских островов. Захватчикам помогают завербованные ими предатели. Но пограничники дают достойный отпор агрессору.
We Are from Kronstadt
A Red Army Soldier
In 1919, during the post-revolution Russian Civil War, a naval detachment (made up of communist Reds) defends the strategic city of Petrograd from the White Russian counterrevolutionary forces