France Arbour

France Arbour

出生 : 1937-01-21,

死亡 : 2020-12-01


France Arbour


Hunt for Justice
Croatian Grandmother
The heroic struggle of Canadian Louise Arbour, Chief War Crimes Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, as she battles world politics and fierce opposition to indict Slobodan Milosevic for crimes against humanity.
Mambo Italiano
Italian Psychiatrist #5
When an Italian man comes out of the closet, it affects both his life and his crazy family.
Spassky's Mother
第四次中東戦争の最中、イスラエル空軍に所属する1機のA-4が戦術核爆弾を搭載して基地を離陸するが、飛行中にアラブ連合軍の2K12地対空ミサイルによって撃墜される。パイロットは死亡し、機体も空中で大破するが、搭載されていた戦術核は原形を留めたまま砂漠の砂中に埋もれてゆく。 それから月日は流れ、ロシアで前大統領が急死しチェチェン紛争に関して強硬姿勢も辞さない新大統領ネメロフが就任し、米ロ両国の緊迫した関係を改善するため米国はCIAの長官キャボットとその補佐のジャック・ライアンをロシアに派遣する。しかし、両国の間で生じた相互の不信はぬぐえず、これを利用したネオナチやKKKを中心とした勢力が戦争を起こそうと策動を始めた。
The Three Madeleines
Three women who share a familial bond but little more come to know each other better in this beautifully-photographed drama. Marie-Madeleine (Sylvie Drapeau) is a photographer in her mid-30s who, for the first time, has come into contact with Mado (France Arbour), her biological mother, who put her up for adoption shortly after she was born. Marie-Madeleine is to take a long road trip for a magazine assignment, and she invites Mado along. Joining the two women is Marie-Madeleine's daughter (Isadora Galwey), who has yet to meet her German father. The three women share their thoughts and ideas as they travel through an idyllic setting to photograph birds. Les Fantomes des Trois Madeleine was shown at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival as part of the Directors Fortnight series.
Mrs. Boulez
ブルース・ウィリス主演のサスペンスコメディ。殺し屋が隣に引っ越してきて巻き起こる騒動をブラックユーモアを交えて描く。 閑静な住宅街に殺し屋が引っ越してきたことから巻き起こる騒動を、ブラックユーモアを交えて描いたサスペンスコメディ。マフィアに命を狙われている伝説のヒットマンをブルース・ウィリスが独特な佇まいで好演。隣人を演じたマシュー・ペリーは、公開当時テレビドラマ『フレンズ』に出演中の人気絶頂期。2人の息の合った掛け合いや、彼らを取り巻く女性陣の魅力、大金の行方が絡んだ二転三転するスリリングな展開も見どころ。
Pudding chômeur
Deliberately Felliniesque, this surreal and uneven Canadian satire from iconoclastic French Canadian director Gilles Carle offers an episodic look into an anarchistic, metaphorical world filled with a bizarre assortment of weirdos, wackos and misanthropes. The story roughly centers on the adventures of Yo-Yo, a young woman who is first seen acting as a high priestess for a ceremony involving the miraculous healing powers of the little boy Alphonse.
L'homme perché
Requiem for a Handsome Bastard
Mme Savoie
Despite the fact that he is completely unrepentant about his crimes, when Regis Savoie's son asks to visit him, prison authorities grant permission for the boy to come. The thief and murderer (Gildor Roy) takes advantage of the moment of his son's arrival to steal a gun and take flight. He settles some old scores, gets together with his girlfriend, and heads for the hills, pursued by a detective who is not to be swayed in his efforts to follow and recapture him.
Bach and Broccoli
A young girl is orphaned when her nurturing grandmother enters a nursing. She is sent to live with her Bach-obsessed uncle, an organist preparing for an important recital.
When a dead newborn is found, wrapped in bloody sheets, in the bedroom wastebasket of a young novice, psychiatrist Martha Livingston is called in to determine if the seemingly innocent novice, who knows nothing of sex or birth, is competent enough to stand trial for the murder of the baby.