Yuta, a young master at the Tsukiji Fish Market, accidentally drops his meal of mixed seafood into the Sumida River. Some time afterwards a gigantic mutated squid monster arises from the depths and begins to wreak havoc upon an awe-stricken Tokyo. Attempts by the Japan Self-Defense Forces to stop the creature prove futile. As it seems things couldn’t get any worse an enormous mutant octopus monster emerges from the deep and heads into a clash of the titans with the gargantuan squid! As a last ditch effort, the government forms the “Seafood Monster Attack Team (SMAT)” and an all-new plan of attack is immediately put into action. But just as the tide appears to be turning in humanity’s favor, a colossal crab monster appears, joining in the Monster Seafood Wars and plunging the world into culinary chaos…
The story is set in a world where a tokusatsu hero TV series "Outer Man" has gained national popularity for 50 years (just like the Ultraman series). One day, a giant alien looking exactly like Outer Man appears in Japan. The truth is soon revealed that, unlike the story in the TV series, Outer Man is an evil alien who has been trying to brainwash Japanese people to invade the earth. The actors who played the hero in the TV series decide to fight against the real Outer Man by transforming into the villain alien in the series, Sylvie Seijin.
興信所勤めの中年サラリーマン荒方透留。イクラを食べると透明になる能力はとうの昔に失い仕事でも失敗ばかり、女性上司に小言を言われる日々。スーパーマンの様に透明人間になれていた昔を懐かしむ透留...。一方、透留の長女で女子大生の美智留は街でスカウトに騙され、危うく襲われそうになった所を藤堂に助けられ、以来美智留は藤堂の事が気になっていた。そんなある日、美智留はイクラ丼を食べてビックリ! 何と体が透明に...? 美智留はこの不思議なパワーを利用して思いを寄せる藤堂のプライベートを探ろうとするが、ある事件に巻き込まれ、やがてドラマは、父娘ダブル透明人間の競演という未曾有のクライマックスへ突入する―!!
興信所勤めの中年サラリーマン荒方透留。イクラを食べると透明になる能力はとうの昔に失い仕事でも失敗ばかり、女性上司に小言を言われる日々。スーパーマンの様に透明人間になれていた昔を懐かしむ透留...。一方、透留の長女で女子大生の美智留は街でスカウトに騙され、危うく襲われそうになった所を藤堂に助けられ、以来美智留は藤堂の事が気になっていた。そんなある日、美智留はイクラ丼を食べてビックリ! 何と体が透明に...? 美智留はこの不思議なパワーを利用して思いを寄せる藤堂のプライベートを探ろうとするが、ある事件に巻き込まれ、やがてドラマは、父娘ダブル透明人間の競演という未曾有のクライマックスへ突入する―!!
高校1年生の荒方透留(標 永久)は親戚の家に下宿しているが、何とこの家は全員女性のパラダイスだった!ある日、夕食に嫌いなイクラが出され、恐る恐る食べてみたところ、体が透明に。不思議な能力を身に付けた透留は、密かに思いを寄せる次女の良江(栁本絵美)のムフフな秘密を覗こうと動き出す。そんなある日、隣家の陽子(村上友梨)宅へ出掛けたまま良江が行方不明になり...。
高校1年生の荒方透留(標 永久)は親戚の家に下宿しているが、何とこの家は全員女性のパラダイスだった!ある日、夕食に嫌いなイクラが出され、恐る恐る食べてみたところ、体が透明に。不思議な能力を身に付けた透留は、密かに思いを寄せる次女の良江(栁本絵美)のムフフな秘密を覗こうと動き出す。そんなある日、隣家の陽子(村上友梨)宅へ出掛けたまま良江が行方不明になり...。
When military experiments go haywire and trigger an atomic bomb, the consequences are of epic proportions. A monster arrives in the midst of the nuclear fallout, and Japan's defenses are helpless against it. Mankind's only savior is an irradiated water goblin from Japanese folklore called the "Death Kappa." The two rival monsters must go head-to-head in the ultimate battle between good and evil!
Taishô's father is a supermodel cat, and everybody believes that Taishô will be a supermodel as well. His family has great expectations of him, because he is the eldest son, but he can't bear all the pressure and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he has no clue how to survive on his own, having always been fed and pampered as a model cat. Taishô passes from one job to another, homeless, until he finds his place in a noodle shop, where he becomes a successful cook.
A heart-full fantasy drama that is a movie adaptation of Koshi Yamamoto's short story collection "Wara no Hito" starring Mari Natsuki.
From Minoru Kawasaki, the director of "The Calamari Wrestler," "Executive Koala," "The Entire World Sinks Except Japan," and "The Rug Cop," comes the epic story of a giant crab who washes ashore, befriends a boy, finds love, and becomes a sports legend. The film has been described by Kawasaki as being 'like Forrest Gump...but with a crab.'
Miwa is informed that her time is limited due to heart disease. Submitting a letter of resignation to her workplace, she says good‐bye to her boyfriend Shinji, afraid of becoming a burden to him. Throwing off Shinji's hand, Miwa sets off on a lonely journey. The one who comforts the broken‐hearted Shinji is his colleague, Kyoko. Soon, the two fall for each other and become lovers. Learning of their relationship, Miwa goes mad with jealousy. She tries to trap Shinji with whatever means she can. Becoming a stalker, Miwa persistently corners Shinji and Kyoko. How far will she go?
Based on the Maicching Machiko-sensei Manga.
This wild comedy pokes fun at the world of pro-wrestling by placing its accomplished wrestler protagonist Koji Taguchi against a giant squid known as the Calamari Wrestler. The Calimari Wrestler not only proves to be Koji's most difficult opponent yet, but also has an effect on several people's personal lives when he becomes the unlikely object of a young girl's affection.
The second live action Miss Machiko film
The first live action Miss Machiko film