Carmen Ibarra


Lovers: A True Story
Mujer Estanco
Set in '50s Spain, a young man leaves the army and looks for a job so he and his fiancée can get married. He rents a room from a widow, and shortly begins a torrid affair with her. The fiancée figures it out and decides to win him back by offering herself to him and taking him to meet her family. Ultimately he has to make a decision. Based on a true story.
¡Esto es un atraco!
Clienta indecisa
A group of people are recruited by the brain of a band of robbers to commit the theft of some gold bars. Each character has a particular problem why he needs the money, but all are pretty sloppy.
La cuarta dimensión
Romanza final (Gayarre)
Biography of Julian Gayarre (1844-1890), one of the best tenors of all times. At 19, a professor at the Conservatory of Music in Madrid heard him singing for the first time and offered him a scholarship to continue his studies. His artistic life runs between continued success, becoming the world's greatest tenor. But in 1890, while singing at the Teatro Real in Madrid, a failure in his voice is like a cruel reminder of what would happen a few days later: his death at a young age. The doctors gave a diagnosis, but his friends know that Julian Gayarre died because he could not sing anymore.
Adiós, querida mamá