After Kaji, a mutual friend and actor, passed away, the director Kinoshita (Hiroshi Yamamoto), the scriptwriter Tsuboi (Keishi Nagatsuka), and the actor Funaki (Takeshi Yamamoto) leave Tokyo to visit Kaji’s hometown. After attending the wake, the three go bar-hopping at an izakaya (tavern) and hostess bar in a town they’ve never been to, but they cannot find a way to cope with Kaji’s death. The next day, they go to Kaji’s parents’ house and receive, from his younger sister, Junko, a fan letter addressed to him. The letter is from a young Korean girl, and apparently, Kaji read it many times over before he passed away. The news of the death of Kaji, who was not a famous actor even in Japan, had no way of reaching a fan in Korea. The three are left at a loss as to how to tell her the news.
Kiyokazu's Friend
After a long and unsuccessful struggle to get pregnant, convinced by the discourse of an adoption association, Satoko and her husband decide to adopt a baby boy. A few years later, their parenthood is shaken by a threatening unknown girl, Hikari, who pretends to be the child's biological mother. Satoko decides to confront Hikari directly.
Shota Iwamatsu is a young man, who dreams of becoming an actor. He teaches stage play at a nursing home for the elderly. Due to an incident, he flees with Takara Yamashita, who also works at the same nursing home.
Based on the legenday cult Japanese comic “Stop The Bitch Campaign” by Hideo Yamamoto (“Ichi the Killer”) and Tetsuya Koshiba (“Remote”), a fierce battle between the beautiful high-school girls and the middle-aged man erupts once again.
Yukio's Colleague
Masao Adachi
1969年、原宿のセントラルアパートに"若松プロダクション"はあった。当時33歳の若松孝二が作り出すピンク映画は若者たちを熱狂させ、時代の先端を駆け抜けていた。 21歳で"若松プロダクション"の門を叩いた吉積めぐみの目を通して、若松孝二と共に映画、青春、そして恋、なにもかもが危うくきらめいていた一瞬の時を描く、青春群像劇! 2012年10月17日の若松孝二監督逝去から6年。いまや日本映画界を牽引する俊英白石和彌が、師匠若松孝二が時代と共に駆け抜けた若き日を描きだす。白石監督自ら「映画を 武器に戦ってきた若松さんの声をもう一度聞きたい」と企画した本作『止められるか、俺たちを』は、記念すべき若松プロダクション映画製作再始動第一弾となる。 主演は門脇麦、若松プロダクション助監督・吉積めぐみ役を熱演。そして若松孝二役は若松組常連・井浦新。 こんな若松プロ、こんな青春、誰も観たことない———
Akemi is unable to get over the death of his girlfriend, but a book leads to his encounter with Akane, a woman with a wonderful smile. He gradually falls for Akane, who soothes him with her positive outlook and cheerful disposition, but Akane has a boyfriend who has a limited amount of time left to live.
Ryosuke Okamoto
Twenty years have passed since the sudden disappearance of Amy, who was the femme fatale in her film studies group. Something that Naoko said triggers emotions that were frozen in time for the group's members, who see each other for the first time after a long absence: Asada Iida,Naoko,Okamoto,Miho,Goto and Kizuka.
A Taiwanese girl Yuwen comes to a village of Fukushima to study abroad. She thinks falling-in-love is a stupid thing and the land is unusually dry as Yuwen’s heart because of no rains. Yuwen struggles to speak Japanese but learns Japan culture and relationships from her host family and neighbors. As she opens her heart little by little, rain falls on the small village after a long time.
昭和20年8月9日、一台の路面電車が焦土の街・広島を走り始めた。生き残った電鉄会社の社員が原爆投下の翌日から復旧作業を始めていたのだ。「電車が動いたら広島は復活するんじゃ!」曲がったレールに槌を振り下ろし、架線を張り直す。わずか3日後の運転再開にこぎつけた。 運転士は10代半ばの少女たち。人々は復興への希望を込めて、『一番電車』と呼んだ。
日本軍の敗戦が色濃くなった中、田村一等兵(塚本晋也)は結核を患い、部隊を追い出されて野戦病院行きを余儀なくされる。 しかし負傷兵だらけで食料も困窮している最中、少ない食料しか持ち合わせていない田村は早々に追い出され、ふたたび戻った部隊からも入隊を拒否される。そしてはてしない原野を彷徨うことになるのだった。 空腹と孤独、そして容赦なく照りつける太陽の熱さと戦いながら、田村が見たものは・・・
Akiko, a young woman, comes to Vladivostok to meet Matsunaga, a young businessman she has met in Tokyo only once. Akiko finally finds Matsunaga. However, he leaves her again, warning her not to trust strangers in a foreign country. She tries to follow him, but she is attacked by thugs and dumped on the outskirts of town.
『Mogera Wogura モゲラウォグラ』『からっぽ』の草野翔吾がメガホンを取った青春ドラマ。私立高校の芸能科に通いながらアイドルとして活動する少女たちが抱えるさまざまな思いを、夜の学校に忍び込む姿を軸にして描く。「非公認戦隊アキバレンジャー」シリーズの荻野可鈴、「シークレットガールズ」の冨田真由、増井みおらPASSPO☆のメンバーやグラドルの星名美津紀など、新進女優やアイドルが出演。実際に自分たちが置かれている境遇を重ね合わせるような彼女らの自然な演技に加え、叙情的な映像にも魅了される。
Yamanosato Masaru
Haji is an actor on the cusp of turning 40, who has gotten stuck in life. At the invitation of an old friend, he visits his hometown for the first time in ages. On the way Haji has an accident, and wakes up to find himself transported back to high school with his adult body in tact.
あらすじ 高校生の斉藤卓巳(永山絢斗)は、助産院を営む母子家庭のひとり息子。友人に誘われて行ったアニメの同人誌販売イベントで、あんずと名乗るアニメ好きの主婦・岡本里美(田畑智子)にナンパされる。里美は卓巳を自宅に招き、大好きなアニメキャラクターのコスプレをさせて情事に至る。以降、里美が用意した台本通りにセリフを言いながらコスプレセックスをすることが日常的になっていた。だがある日、卓巳は同級生の松永七菜(田中美晴)に告白され、里美との関係を断つことを決心する……。里美は、元いじめられっこ同士で結婚した夫・慶一郎(山中崇)と二人暮らし。執拗に子作りを求める姑・マチコ(銀粉蝶)からは不妊治療や体外受精を強要され、マザコンの夫は頼りにならず、卓巳との関係だけが心の拠り所だった。しかし二人の関係を夫と姑に知られてしまい、里美は土下座して離婚を懇願するが受け入れられず、代理母を捜すためにアメリカに行くことが決定する……。
Haruto Ootomo
Officer Goto
Sakuragi realizes that, when he becomes aroused, he can see how many sex partners someone has had.
5 girls and 5 guys find themselves mysteriously trapped in a room and are forced to play a psychological game of dare.
This psychological film follows for several days a very shy young adult woman, a loner with a good heart, who has the misfortune of growing up with obsessional attraction to rubber clothing, the attraction that potentially could make her a target for social rejection. She carefully conceals from her co-workers in a food factory the fact she wears such undergarments. One day an attractive male co-worker befriends her. When they get close in her apartment he indeed reacts to her rubber fetish with rejection. But they resume dating and now strive to meet each other's need for an intimate friendship.
Two filmmakers have to deal with a rogue mascot.
Jun Kanai
Jun Kanai is a lecturer at the University of Tokyo who despite being in his thirties is still a virgin. One day he reunites with an old student of his and decides that she will be the one to take his virginity but finds out that she will soon be studying abroad.
Ryoko hides herself in a closet after a patron in her restaurant becomes ill from food poisoning & she is held responsible. Her husband and co-owner Daichi attempts to lure her out of the closet. After a violent argument with Daichi, Ryoko seeks out old friend Yuka...
Asako, a comic book artist in her early forties, is devastated by the death of her precious cat, Saba, which kept her company for over 15 years, as her assistant Naomi watches on with concern. Naomi is a young woman in her early twenties, who has her set of worries about love and future. Then one day, Asako meets a new cat, Gu Gu, which brings new joy and vitality to her life. What is more, she finds potential for love in a man named Seiji. Like Asako, Naomi, too, embarks on a new life plan.
(segment "Shaking Tokyo")
オリジナリティ溢れる作風で世界的にファンの多いクリエイター、ミシェル・ゴンドリー、レオス・カラックス、ポン・ジュノが東京を舞台に競作した豪華なオムニバス・ムービー。 ミシェル・ゴンドリー監督「インテリア・デザイン」──映画監督の恋人と上京したばかりのヒロインに降りかかる不思議な出来事を綴るファンタジー・ストーリー。主演は藤谷文子と加瀬亮。映画監督の恋人アキラと一緒に上京してきたヒロコ。高校時代の同級生アケミの部屋に居候しながらバイト探しを始める2人だったが、アキラとは対照的に都会の水になかなか馴染めないヒロコは、次第に疎外感を感じ始める。 レオス・カラックス監督「メルド」──監督の盟友ドニ・ラヴァンが東京中を震撼させる謎の怪人に扮する不条理劇。マンホールの中から突然現われては、街中で奇行を繰り返し、道行く人々に危害を加える神出鬼没の謎の男メルド。メディアでも大きく取り上げられ、いつしか“下水道の怪人”と呼ばれ、東京の人々を恐怖に陥れるメルドだったが…。 ポン・ジュノ監督「シェイキング東京」──香川照之と蒼井優を主演に迎え、引きこもり男とピザの宅配少女との奇妙な心の交流を描くファンタジー・ラブストーリー。10年間引きこもりの生活を送る一人の男。土曜日には必ずピザを頼むその男の家に、その日、配達に来たのは美しい少女だった。思いがけず、少女と見つめ合ってしまう男。その瞬間、突然大地が揺れ、少女は気絶してしまうのだが…。
In this direct continuation of the earlier special, Godai tries to figure out what to do with his life after college while competing with Kyoko's impossibly perfect tennis coach for her affection.
Masaru, a 23-year-old who has a passive attitude toward life in general, professes himself as a “genius odd-job-man” but is screwing up all of the time. He is freeloading off his girlfriend Kiriko, who works as a tattoo artist. One day, he is offered to do a rather eccentric job from an otaku-looking public employee named Nirasawa, who claims that Masaru’s voice is necessary in activating a giant robot named Land Zeppelin. He goes on straight-faced that the Earth is about to be attacked by Saturnians, and the robot is necessary in the fight against them. At first, Masaru ignores this far-fetched story, but one day he is framed in a dangerous job he takes on together with his friend Kou, and is driven into a tight squeeze. What will happen to Masaru? Does this robot Land Zeppelin really exist?
Four different worlds are connected through the "Baumkuchen Seeds of Happiness." The World of the Kawanobe's - Three brothers, Taro (Mame Yamada), Jiro (Hiroshi Yamamoto), and Hiroto (Shoichi Honda) who is a so-called NEET (short for "Not in Employment, Education, or Training) make up the Kawanobe household. The World of a Bar - Two men (Mame Yamada and Hiroshi Yamamoto) sits in a bar and discusses the Kawanobe brothers' love story. The World of Yumi - Yumi is reading a novel about the characters in the bar. The World of a Novelist - Novelist Masatoshi (Shoichi Honda) is writing a novel about Yumi. In their own worlds, in their own way, each character will find a way to arrive at their happiness.
Katsumi (voice)
ヒカリのポケモンコンテスト挑戦のため、断崖の町・アラモスタウンを訪れたサトシたち。しかし町では、100年前の天才建築家・ゴーディにより設計された庭園が何者かに荒らされる事件が起きるなど、町全体で異変が続いていた。 犯人として疑われるポケモン・"ダークライ"。その頃、町の象徴である「時空の塔」で町の異変を調査していたトニオは、ゴーディの日記に記された予言を読み、「神」と呼ばれしポケモン・"ディアルガ"と"パルキア"にまつわる悪夢が町に近づいていることに気づく。
Traumatic incidents, conflicts, and bloody quarrels awaiting the Wago family members who return home to bury their parents.
The film begins in the present, with its heroine, Kaoru, a grown-up woman working as a real-estate agent, while helping out the folksy proprietor of a neighborhood fishing pond. There she meets a shy girl who needs her help baiting a hook and reminds her of herself in the fourth grade.
Chiamaki Kashiwaya
The movie revolves around Mitsuba, who studies traditional art of rakugo. Rakugo is a form of comical story telling, sometimes referred to as sit-down comedy. Even though Mitsuba is mediocre at best, he ends up teaching three students.
The movie is centered around five friends as they end up spending the summer of 1962 shackled up together in a tiny studio apartment in Tokyo. The five friends are Eisuke - the manga artist, Shoichi - the singer, Ryuzo - the novelist, Kei - the painter and Yuji – the 5th wheel (?). The friends spend the summer in pursuit of their own ideals of personal freedom - being able to do what they want. In the process of pursuing their dream they learn firsthand that however ideal it may seem, its not as easy as they think.
During a suicide attack on an airport, the hand grenade of 'M', one of three terrorists, malfunctions, leaving him captured. Exposed to maltreatment in prison, he slowly loses his grip on reality as he is forced to confront his ideological convictions.
Based on renowned Japanese writer Natsume Soseki's same-titled short story collection, Ten Nights of Dreams brings ten fantastical dream sequences to film with great visual and psychological panache. Representing the combined efforts of eleven directors, this outstanding anthology delves into the surreal subconscious with ten madly imaginative, reality-subverting visions that range from wonderfully wacky to nightmarishly unsettling.
Okawa Family’s yakuza, Junji, is released from prison, and is told to take over a local radio station by his boss. Junji tries to explain that it is not a yakuza’s job to talk on the radio, but no one listens to him. He reluctantly goes to the radio building, and is met by a young, upbeat girl broadcasting a talk show and playing pop music. Will this seasoned gangster really fit in on such a show?
Satoshi Kitao
Shimizu's teacher
Some high school girls receive an mail in they are told about a girl who was raped, became pregnant, and murdered by a group of men. Mail asks them to resend the mail to 9 other people in next 12 hours or they will be killed and treated as one of the wrongdoers to the murdered girl, some girls delete the mail and thus have to face gruesome truth
Two Japanese friends accidentally kill their boss and dump his remains in Black Fuji, a mountain/landfill hybrid. This leads to poor results when the chemicals of the landfill mix with the corpse (and many other corpses) to give rise to a zombie infestation in Tokyo.
Tetsuo Kato
Following a tip, Manabu Yazaki loses his last money betting on the older "banba" horse "Unryu" (jockied by Makie, a legendary jockey's daughter) in a draft-horse race held in his childhood home of Obihiro on the island of Hokkaido.
A Japanese remake of the South Korean film of the same name.
Studio Employee
高校を舞台にガールズバンドの奮闘をさわやかに描いた青春人間ドラマ。出演は『ほえる犬は噛まない』『TUBE』のべ・ドゥナ、『バトル・ロワイアル』シリーズの前田亜季、『ローレライ』の香椎由宇、そしてロックバンドBase Ball Bearのベーシスト・関根史織。監督は『リアリズムの宿』の山下敦弘。ハイティーンの女の子たちの心の微妙な心の揺れや高揚を繊細に描き出す。
Three curvaceous go-go dancers (Kei Mizutani, Nao Eguchi and Yukari Nunokawa) on a rampage, looking for a big bag of cash that might be hidden in the kitchen of wheelchair-bound gangster. Director Ryuichi Honda keeps it flush with 60s flavors, mood-indigo music, paisley-print fashions in dayglo colors, outrageous zooms and dizzying pans, and best of all, it looks like it was made on a budget of 10 dollars - and when the money ran out the film ended.
A train station worker just recently released on charges of kidnapping and confinement repeats his crime and attempts to gain the trust of a young girl. Living together in the back room of a train station, they eventually come face to face with their own evils.
Daisuke and his girlfriend have failed at selling a smelly health drink named Akajiru in Tokyo, amassing five million yen in debts. In order to recover financially, they retreat to Daisuke's island hometown.
Tsutomu meets Kee outside a Pachinko hall. The two strike up an unlikely friendship.